Monday, December 31, 2012

Fwd: Happy 2013

Hey family. Dont have a lot of time so i will make it short.
This week was fast with all the holiday stuff going down. Got a new investigator finally! he randomly showed up to church and we taught him the POS. It was great, hopefully we can teach him later this week. Other than that things are going good! Working hard and trying ti stay on top of things. Gtg


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, December 24, 2012

Fwd: Merry Christmas Eve 2012!

Dear Family, 
Due to the fact that i will talk to you tommorow afternoon im not gonna say much, i still dont know what time though. Havent got the package yet but hopefully they get it to me today.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fwd: December 17, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this was a busy week. Tuesday we worked on that service project again. We dropped them because they still haven't come to church, and are ditching rides... :( so that's that, but we are trying to find more people all the time. Wednesday we had zone conference, and it was the only one i have been in that has been so short and actually ended on time. It was great! I hate sitting there for so long. President ended early because some of the missionaries needed to travel, and there was a storm coming. That night we biked in like a freezing tsunami rain... IT SUCKED! but extra blessings. Then on Thursday i had a really good exchange with my zone leader good old Elder Gigena, he came out with me. We did YSA work and found 3 new investigators and taught with serious power and authority all day declaring in the ghetto. We taught a gangster the restoration and he defended us calling us his Mormon hommees! haha that was cool. Gave out 4 Boms and committed 2 people to baptism. Then we had a meeting with the stake, so i got to play zone leader haha what a joke. Pretty stellar day though and it has renewed my commitment to serve.  Then on Friday we taught Lyndell about authority and FINALLY committed her to pray with us and develop her relationship with our heavenly father, maybe now she will progress!  Yay! bore powerful testimony of My own conversion and cold feet at the beginning of my mission.  That night we had the ward Christmas party and it was great. good turnout. Even Brother Laffoon a less active came! YES! We apparently have dinner with them this coming Saturday, on a side note they haven't fed missionaries for a LONG TIME!  Saturday we were coming home at the end of the night and we saw this lady passed out on the side walk. so we had the member driving turn around and went back to See if she was OK. She had an evil overprotective dog that tryed to kill us!  but she was unresponsive. So we called an ambulance and she was totally hammered as she was talking to us. Saved her life that night, it was like 40 degrees outside...
Pretty intense week. Sunglasses are fine, I dont know if i would want to get them at walmart though.... I dont know when we are calling... its gonna be a chaotic day, just be ready. Ive got something in mind for that white elephant, muhahaha

- Elder Tyler Scott

Re: December 17, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this was a busy week. Tuesday we worked on that service project again. We dropped them because they still haven't come to church, and are ditching rides... :( so that's that, but we are trying to find more people all the time. Wednesday we had zone conference, and it was the only one i have been in that has been so short and actually ended on time. It was great! I hate sitting there for so long. President ended early because some of the missionaries needed to travel, and there was a storm coming. That night we biked in like a freezing tsunami rain... IT SUCKED! but extra blessings. Then on Thursday i had a really good exchange with my zone leader good old Elder Gigena, he came out with me. We did YSA work and found 3 new investigators and taught with serious power and authority all day declaring in the ghetto. We taught a gangster the restoration and he defended us calling us his Mormon hommees! haha that was cool. Gave out 4 Boms and committed 2 people to baptism. Then we had a meeting with the stake, so i got to play zone leader haha what a joke. Pretty stellar day though and it has renewed my commitment to serve.  Then on Friday we taught Lyndell about authority and FINALLY committed her to pray with us and develop her relationship with our heavenly father, maybe now she will progress!  Yay! bore powerful testimony of My own conversion and cold feet at the beginning of my mission.  That night we had the ward Christmas party and it was great. good turnout. Even Brother Laffoon a less active came! YES! We apparently have dinner with them this coming Saturday, on a side note they haven't fed missionaries for a LONG TIME!  Saturday we were coming home at the end of the night and we saw this lady passed out on the side walk. so we had the member driving turn around and went back to See if she was OK. She had an evil overprotective dog that tryed to kill us!  but she was unresponsive. So we called an ambulance and she was totally hammered as she was talking to us. Saved her life that night, it was like 40 degrees outside...
Pretty intense week. Sunglasses are fine, I dont know if i would want to get them at walmart though.... I dont know when we are calling... its gonna be a chaotic day, just be ready. Ive got something in mind for that white elephant, muhahaha

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fwd: December 10, 2012

Dear Family,
This week has been a tiring one. We did service literally all week. Tuesday through Friday, we volunteered to help a less active member remove popcorn, sand, plaster, and prime a house that she has been working on. BIG PROJECT were hoping that we can teach the people we were doing it for, were known in the neighborhood as the 'Good guys' now and there are many who could use are help.  We did this hoping that she would come to church and make that a priority. Hopefully she will come back, shes only been a member for a few years, with a rockin testimony, she just gets super busy i guess on Sundays  Her husband has to work 2 jobs.
Friday we tried to cram in a lot of visiting, and got a short lesson in with our only investigator, Lyndell, about the necessity of prayer, We convinced her to let us help her with setting up for Christmas  (she has a lot of health problems, tendinitis in her hands and stuff, she is in her 70s) after which she gave us like a hundred ties she had been collecting over the years! It was like Christmas morning jackpot! we were like little boys going through therm! She is awesome, i love her a lot, She doesn't act her age, more like she is in her 40s haha, she is like a best friend/Grandma figure to us, at least in her eyes. Were hoping she can get better and keep progressing, She just needs to pray! 
Saturday we had a service project with the Ward for the Christmas party this coming week, we went around delivering cookies and planted flowers in a part-members yard (the Hankins Family) without them knowing! also raked up there leaves and cleaned the yard up for a nice surprise. (On a side note: while we were doing that we witnessed a TON of cops in armor, pack-in',  swarm this house down the street, we heard lots of yelling and stuff. Probably was a Drug bust. Haha.) Then that afternoon we spent moving a member with our very small elders quorum. By the end of that we were spent, and it was already 5pm.
Studying in the BoM just got to the part where Amalikiah is chased out of Zarahemla, it is interesting to compare the differences of leadership traits between him and Moroni. He is kind of a tool.
Anyway, Love you all, [], Cant wait to talk to you all at christmas!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Fwd: December 3, 2012

Hey Family,
Nothing going on still. :( Having a hard time finding people to teach. I am in the war chapters, and just started reading about Moroni.
I dont know what i want for christmas, i dont really need anything,
Meds, no i havent got them i have been out since tuesday...  I tried to get a ten day supply from a cvs around here, but they dont have any. Except for the one out of my zone... Yay. but i am trying to be patient in my afflictions as Alma.  
Didnt get a chance to watch the christmas Devo... We had dinner at that time. :(
Apartment is nice and large, 2bed 2 bath, with a waaher and dyer, SUPER GRATEFUL for that.
Everything else seems to be just fine,  I am continuing to be obedient to the best of my ability. Just trudging along.
Holy cow thats a lot of changes. im blown away
Anyway i cant really think of anything to say... Sorry, 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 26, 2012

Fwd: November 26, 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: November 26, 2012, 1:45:36 PM MST
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: November 26, 2012

Hey Family!
This Week, Was fun, not a whole lot of Missionary work unfortunately during the holidays. Thanksgiving was the bomb, i weighed about 230 at the end of the night. We have helped 3 members now set up their Christmas lights and one family in particular, the Durrants, are like home away from home, we freaking love them! They had me be their photographer for their family photos so I took a whole bunch of pictures for them. Then, after we finished the lights and stuff, i had them download Gimp (free photoshop) and i worked on their picture sprucing it up. (they were complaining about a little weight gain, so i took some off ;] )  Just basics though, i have kinda forgot how to use it... So yeah did a lot of service and taught 2 less actives this week about missionary work. Were basically gonna drop some people and try to restart the pool ya know? we have really only one real investigator and shes a little flaky. I am really hoping we can help one of the family's who we did lights for, the father has been less active for a long time, And his family wants him to come to church so bad, i am trying to befriend him so he is a little less stiff around us, So far so good. Even if he doesn't make it back, i still think being his friend and establishing good footing with the missionaries will be good for him in the long run. 
We survived transfers and were sticking together for another, good thing to because my medication should be here tommorow, phew. Gonna keep working hard and try and get some stuff going in this area.
Go Grandma! Good to hear ill write soon, gotta make my christmas cards here soon.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 19, 2012

Fwd: November 19, 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: November 19, 2012
Cc: Tracie Scott <>

Hey Family,
This week was not much new. we just cant seem to get any new investigators. But were trying. Still trying to contact the few potentials. Did service. Its gonna be a good week thought we have dinner with the tydyrsveskis. Say that five times fast, on thanksgiving. they are way cool. Young couple with a year old daughter. Sister t is an amazing cook. Also got service helping people with Christmas lights. As far as things are going for me all is good. I love the people in this area, i seem to make friends everywhere. Crapo and i are still doing well. Were getting old in the mission. I just finished Alma 26 yesterday.
About the election. We have heard scary stuff. a little concerning but i am trying to put it out of my mind. Hope i can find a job when i get home. Whats all the stuff about secession? No More Twinkies! NOOOOOOO haha. Boundaries of silver creek, Old river to Ashe. And White Lane to Panama. We live off Gosford and White Lane. Suggestions about Self reliance. try to not bum off the government. Idk Food storage. Dont spend more than you have.
THe bike light i thought was cool. Hope you give it a whirl.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fwd: November 12, 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: November 12, 2012, 12:41:41 PM MST
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: November 12, 2012

Dear Family,
Another Week, that was fast. This week we had exchanges, Went on a hike up in frazier park. which was fun i will send pictures home soon. 
Teaching wise, nada. Were really looking and we have been teaching some Less actives and part member families. that's about it.  um. We have done tracting and service. Trying to stay busy, pray that we will find somebody. We got some investigators handed over to us from YSA this week and we are going to try and start teaching them this week. So that's exciting. Its getting kinda cold here humidity sucks. especially on a bike. Shopping and eating, all we got is a Walmart. Lame. but oh well better than nothing, i guess. How bout that election... Bummer. Hopefully i can find a job when i get home... :-/ 
Christmas, i don't know. I'm gonna need new threads when i get home, but as for now.... idk I want snow for Christmas, but i cant control that, at least with the faith i have now, maybe someday. ;-)
Thats about it... Sorry I don't have a whole lot to say.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fwd: November 4, 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: November 5, 2012, 11:36:06 AM MST
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: November 4, 2012

Dear Family,
Pretty Boring week. Elder Crapo got real sick and so most of it was spent in the apartment. So not a whole lot for my birthday went on. But the missionaries in my district made it special. Thanks for the package. I am working on sorting out all the pictures and stuff having a member convert all my videos to AVI format. Halloween was pretty fun.  Friday we had interviews. It was good, not much news. Pres Castro seems to have some anxiety about the new influx of missionaries here soon, But he thinks that our mission is ready. Theres gonna be a lot of trainers i bet. Big responsibility.
So i sent a package home to you guys, should get it on Thursday. Happy Birthday Mom i love you!
We are up in Frazier Park today gonna have a pretty fun Pday. It kinda reminds me of Evergreen, CO. Just a lot less.. green. haha. We are going on a hike today so i will make sure to take pictures.  
Just keeping on, im in Alma again with my studies, The Book of Mormon is awesome, As you know. just the war chapters themselves would make a pretty sick video game or something. haha. I sent home that mission library. Jesus the Christ - too hard. And all the others i havent even used, aside from true to the faith, which i have cracked open once. Also sent home that trench coat. Havent needed it so far, probably wont. Sorry Dad. 
I cant believe it is the Holidays already... Woah.  Pretty soon it will be the end of the year. double woah. Its going by so fast. Both Crapo and I are the old farts in our district. and were always tired it seems.  We have exchanges this week which should be pretty fun. Looking forward to that. (for once) Just working hard and trying to find someone to teach. We have this potential family, which would be SO AWESOME if we can help them get baptized. But we will see. 
Love you all bummed i missed Halloween again, i wish i could have been there. But i have more important priorities and responsibilities right now, so yah know, i couldnt. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fwd: Happy birthday!!! 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: October 29, 2012, 1:42:29 PM MDT
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: Happy birthday!!! 2012

Dear family,
Another week gone by, and i feel really old. Coming up on the final quarter of my mission, and i am going to be 21 tommorow. Jeez. 
Things are going well. We went to the temple on thursday which was fun. Rode down in a 2011 Camaro SS convertible. Uncomfortable but worth it! haha. Still looking for people to teach. Got my ballot turned in, pretty much randomly voted. Elder Crapo doesnt know the Deleeuws. Kinda close, but not really, on the other edge of the zone. Jeez that is ridiculous about the influx of missionaries.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and encouragement. Since when did weston get an Iphone? hes notorious for breaking phones i thought? haha. 
Btw mom i hear your losing weight, keep up the good work, in the words of a favorite british man, "Yah, baby, yah!.." Love yah!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Re: October 22,2012

Dear Family,
 Well its good to be back in the old stomping ground. I am in the Silver Creek Ward this time around, on the other side of the zone. My companion is Elder Crapo, from Sandy, Utah. He is the youngest of 5 and goes home in 4 months. Crazy. Hes a pretty cool guy, and we are the same height. He reminds me a lot of Elder Thomson. I think it will be a really good transfer. I did not know him beforehand, well i kinda did he served in the area i just came from just before i got there.
Head is spinning in the new area just getting my bearings. Still on bike and all is well. My address is 8303 Laborough Apt. B. Bakersfield, CA 93311
We taught a few less actives this week and contacted a potential investigator and have an appointment with her this week. Just getting to know the members. Its funny Because i already have connections. Having served in the zone, also This was Elder Tingey's last area, and Elder Nielsen served here as well. We had stake conference yesterday with Elder Packers Son. He talked about football. And Youth and the gospel and stuff, it was good. Got to see some people from my old ward.
All is good in the hood.

Got my meds ordered today.
YOU SENT IT TO SIMI! Dangit, an Elder Scott replaced me there! Gah! now i got to get that figured out!
I do want cookies! Idk i think i am all good. It would be cool if the frame could play video files as well as pictures. :)

Sounds like your vacation was good. Hope to see some pictures. Ttyl love yah

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fwd: Sushi with you boys!


Thank you for raising such wonderful young men. We love spending time
with them. The Dungan Family

Elder Scott's Sushi Adventure

Fwd: Re: October 15, 2012

Dear Family,
So, Both Elder Hyatt and I are being transferred away. I am going back to south Bakersfield with Elder Crapo, he is a pretty cool guy and I think we are going to get along well. Still on a bike, so i get to keep my girlish figure ;P So thats cool. Not really a change of scenery i guess. We had a good week, taught some good people on the street and Declare the Gospel, with zeal. Thanks for the letter, I regretted sending that last weeek. I kinda expected you to send an attitude check, but its cool i was just having a bad morning. I really am obedient, i just complain about it sometimes i guess, and you caught me on a bad stressful day while i was venting. So Sorry about that, i wiil try to do better.
White washing the area i think is a good idea. It will allow a restart of endurance to an area that had nothing going on when i got here, and litterally nothing, at all, was in the area book. So i think that overall we havwe really helped set this place up to ignite. But anyway i imagine that is how ammon felt in Alma 26:12. So i am grateful to have been able to labor in this part of his vineyard, And to haver been able to learn so much from Elder Hyatt and the Members in this area. I have been touched and look forward to coming back to visit after i am done.
Sounds like you all had a good vacation! Good luck with the tournament Weston. Yes, the Dungans are a great family and i love them dearly, and Sushi is good. But WAY overpriced. Ha! you went to a haunted house! No Way! Way to go Mom! I love adrenaline rushes, i miss that.
So i will talk to you all later I guess! Peace out boy scout!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fwd: Re: October 1, 2012

Dear Family
just another normal week, we taught 2 member present lessons to our newly found investigators who randomly showed up last week. They are both special needs and stuff so its pretty slow process. But were doing our best. Andrew, the one who i guess used to be a member came to both wards yesterday. He had a Seizure in the second sacrament meeting and that was quite scary. I didn't know what to do so i just got down and protected his head in the hallway, wasn't super violent. Hes okay now. But anyway, Elder Hyatt had no idea how to handle it. It reminded me of that time i think in 6th grade when that girl fell on me and was having a seizure. SO yah, that was on my plate. Along with just being super busy in general. Woohoo. I guess stress is the best way to measure growth.
We had a good week though and were doing better and stuff. So yah. Been trying to study better and follow the mission schedule better so that's whats going on. Yes i am healing. things are going just fine, Transfers are coming up here soon and i am feeling super old. To put it into perspective. I have been in Simi for 5 transfers. I have 5 left... Woah. 
So yah, love you all talk to you later.
I got the license thing.
A bear in the Ranch? must have been pretty hungry to come that far. Sheesh. But i am sure Weston and Mason could have taken him.
Mail from the family is fine, Just from everyone else i get no mail. so yah
I got my pants fixed were all good. A lot has happened in the area, but i have been handling it fine i think. Life gives you lemons, make applejuice.
Speaking of voting, how do i get an absentee ballet?
Missionaries out per ward seems to be a silly form of competing if you ask me. How bout you compete in:
 How many people we can refer to the missionaries? - seems a bit more productive..  ;D
Bystrom family. Yes we see them alot, Not just for the cookies. They are one of our favorites, But most of the families in the wards are my favorites. Cause i have been here a long time. :)

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fwd: September 17, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was an interesting one. We started out Monday night going to dinner with the Dungan family, (the ones who took us to the musem) at Famous Daves BBQ . It was good, and then afterwards we went to their home for FHE and Rocketfizz (novelty flavors soda shop) and tried a whole bunch of gross flavors like bacon soda and Buffalo wing and Jalepeno apple (i liked that one.) Peanut butter and jelly (tasted like Maalox) , and Corn flavor. That was fun. then we tried a whole bunch of the berty bots jelly beans, eww... Haha.
 Tuesday we started the day with service at another members home, the Guidos, and i was working on some outlets for them. Turns out we didnt have the power all the way off and i got electrocuted. It was scary and funny. I couldnt let go of it! and it arced from my finger and lit up the whole room! Woah. Ouch. What i think happened was that the ground was disconetted or broke (poorly wired house.) and it was made of alluminum, yah.... i told them that they need to have an electrician check it out. Its a fire hazard.
Wednesday was same old, but we found a new potential investigator tracting! Woohoo we hoping we can go back and see him later this week. His name is Bret. We handed Doug over to some other missionaries to see if they can contact him. No luck yet.
Thursday. nada.
Friday Weekly Planning.
Saturday we taught a Less active lady about the Plan of Salvation.
Sunday, nada.
So that was the week, I got a letter from Sis Guthrie! that was nice, first mail i have recieved in a LONG time. (besides you guys)

I did get the Garments Thanks a TON!

Camera, Wasnt allowed to use flash in the museum, and i had to work with what i got, sorry.

17.5 fitted, please!

I wash my sheets every week and try to keep the Apartment as clean as possible.

Doing everytyhing i can to fight acne. Heat + Sweat + hormones = ugly scott. But i talked to Sis Guido (used to be a model and she told me ways to take care of it.) So i am doing What i can

So Sis Pierson sent you pictures. She is pretty cool, i like her a lot. :)

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fwd: August 26, 2012

Dear Family
This week sucked. I have been down all week with nausea and fevers and stuff. So not much at all happened. But i got to study a bit more than usual. But i think i am getting over it now. Sunday marks the 4th day of church in my mission i have missed due to illness. yay i feel like a less active missionary! haha jk. Doug has hit a rough patch this week. I haven't been able to communicate with him well. He and his fellowship had a falling out, and apparently he has been involved with the wrong people in the pharmaceutical companies. Could be in big trouble with the law. ugh. Oh and he went missing on Wednesday and his brother contacted me to see if i knew where he was. (he left his phone) that was scary. Luckily they found him though safe and sound, he says he just needed to clear his head. i need to talk to him and get the story straight. So yah the Baptism was rescheduled for next weekend. but it is now indefinite. <sigh> I almost feel like it is my fault sometimes. I should have tried harder to stay in contact with him, and i should have pushed harder to set up appointments so we could teach him the articles of faith. Then he would know to obey and honor the law. So yah i am a little stressed out.  Got a lot on my plate right now. 

Transfers are next week. so that's another thing that could change a lot of stuff. ugh...
Im doing ok physically i lost a little weight from being sick but i am all good now. i think

Energy level is better. Just need to make sure i am getting to bed on time.
I think it will all be gone soon. I switched which pillow i was using and it seems to be helping. I was using one of those tempur pedic things that i got in my first apartment. I found that less support under my head was more comfortable. Hmm who would have thunk? also practicing having better posture and trying not to pop it. as well as some of thos excercises and seeing a Myopractor when occasion permits.
Well, as far as meds go i am waiting on a shipment here hopefully in the next couple days. i run out on wednesday... Hopefully it gets here. but i think i can handle it if it doesnt.
Eh, Maybe garments and socks? Care package would be cool. They dont sell Blue gatorade powder mix anymore.... NO!!!!  

Congratz Bros! Well done on the Eagles, wish i could have been there to help you do them and see the fruits of you efforts. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Nonnie and Papa! Glad to hear from you! Love you!

I added an attachment. See if you can find me! Wheres waldo?
- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fwd: August 5, 2012

Dear Family
I think this has been the best week hat i have had here with Elder Hyatt. Monday, we played basketball woot! finally some exercise.  We talked to  lot of people this week, we decided we don't care how awkward it is, and just talked to a bunch of random people, and slipped in the gospel of course. Its sometimes really hilarious the way we phrase things. Especially when talking to people our age, or women. Anyway. We taught Doug again on Saturday about the law of chastity and answered a bunch of his questions about the temple missionary, work and life, and other stuff. now we just need to get him wet! We are planning to meet with Scott this week and begin teaching him. We taught a lot this week. A lot of people had nonmembers visiting that we taught either the Tree of Life, or the Restoration. It went really well. Probably never see them again though, so i hope they check out like i told them to. Did some service this week to and rigged up this sun shade for the side of this lady's house with a bunch of knots rope and tarps. Thank you taught line! The wall has bad insulation so it heats up so we covered it. Also we had an Exchange this week and i went with Elder Gates our new Zone Leader, Hes pretty chill and a total goober. He is bigger than me and he has a huge noggin. which he is comfortable joking about. He was riding elder Hyatt's bike which was way  to small for him. What a trooper! Friggin hilarious to watch though. We had a good day though and helped some of the priests in our ward we bumped into paint a car! That was a first. The paint makes you high as a kite though haha. There were some points where i felt homesick but i think i am over it. Elder Tingey is getting Married this week on Thursday. In case you didn't already know... Anyway, good week all around. I found a funny Scripture i can relate my back to. 1 Nephi 19:20 haha
Love yall. i cant go to the wedding for Zach unfortunately. i couldnt get permission. :( oh well. Peace.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, July 30, 2012

Fwd: July 29, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this was the first week of the transfer again, and Elder Hyatt and i have made some goals to basically make sure we are perfectly unified. For a while now I have kinda just been running the show (because I have been here longer,) But now I am going to make sure it is us and not just me. It should be a good transfer. This week we have started really trying to spend more time seeking refferals from members and talking to people outside as a better means of finding. Tracting is just not my thing, i don't enjoy it as much anymore, so were gonna try this out for a while. Doug is doing great, he has been kinda busy with fighting fires again but he still comes to church and is working towards baptism. Hopefully this month we can work it all out!
I am starting to really feel old, not just physically, but mentally in the mission and stuff. Especially sinc i have been having my back readjusted a couple times to help the muscles strengthen to hold my spine in the right place. Its really been helping a lot. But I walk like an old man whenever I have it done. (soreness)
Scott (coma guy) has been coming to church and we should be able to meet with him this week! 
So dad, your the new YM president haha, i remember that boat trip and brother bright was 'flossing' our faces while swimming upstream away from us haha. Now you get to be that guy! haha I think you will do a great job. I think the most important thing though is to have a personal and individual relationship with each of the young men. Be there best friend, and they will follow you to the end. (that was one thing that i think Bro Bright did well.) I think you will be able to do that as well just because i know you and you like getting to know people. Be fun and energetic but respectable and dignified. Don't make everything into all business, and if the activity starts to head a different route, Seize the day and let it happen. If it seems harmless let em do it! But judge wisely haha. Love you dad, You will do a great job. Like when you were the scoutmaster, You already know how to magnify you calling. You can do it! 

Fwd: July 29, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this was the first week of the transfer again, and Elder Hyatt and i have made some goals to basically make sure we are perfectly unified. For a while now i have kinda just been running the show (because i have been here longer,) But now i am going to make sure it is us and not just me. It should be a good transfer. This week we have started really trying to spend more time seeking referrals from members and talking to people outside as a better means of finding. Tracting is just not my thing, i don't enjoy it as much anymore, so were gonna try this out for a while. Doug is doing great, he has been kinda busy with fighting fires again but he still comes to church and is working towards baptism. Hopefully this month we can work it all out!
I am starting to really feel old, not just physically, but mentally in the mission and stuff. Especially sinc i have been having my back readjusted a couple times to help the muscles strengthen to hold my spine in the right place. Its really been helping a lot. But i walk like an old man whenever  i have it done. (soreness)
Scott (coma guy) has been coming to church and we should be able to meet with him this week! 
So dad, your the new YM president haha, i remember that boat trip and brother bright was 'flossing' our faces while swimming upstream away from us haha. Now you get to be that guy! haha I think you will do a great job. I think the most important thing though is to have a personal and individual relationship with each of the young men. Be there best friend, and they will follow you to the end. (that was one thing that i think Bro Bright did well.) I think you will be able to do that as well just because i know you and you like getting to know people. Be fun and energetic but respectable and dignified. Don't make everything into all business, and if the activity starts to head a different route, Seize the day and let it happen. If it seems harmless let em do it! But judge wisely haha. Love you dad, You will do a great job. Like when you were the scoutmaster, You already know how to magnify you calling. You can do it!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Fwd: July 22, 2012

Well Family Guess What.
Im staying in Simi with Elder Hyatt! For a 3rd transfer. That makes 4 here in Simi, 6 months! Woah. Doug is doing Alright we have been taking it a little slow because a complication with ward boundaries came up but he is still on track to get baptized here in the next 6 weeks. Also. Elder Hyatts birthday is in August. Which means we can go to the temple in August. Which means i may get to see Zach get sealed. Hows that for awesome! Whens his wedding?
I will have to do some arranging obviously. 
I am excited for the next transfer hopefully all goes well. A member n the ward here is a Myopractor and has been helping me with my back and so far so good! I need to start my order for welbuterin here soon though. We will figure all that out though

Fwd: July 22, 2012

Well Family Guess What.
Im staying in Simi with Elder Hyatt! For a 3rd transfer. That makes 4 here in Simi, 6 months! Woah. Doug is doing Alright we have been taking it a little slow because a complication with ward boundaries came up but he is still on track to get baptized here in the next 6 weeks. Also. Elder Hyatts birthday is in August. Which means we can go to the temple in August. Which means i may get to see Zach get sealed. Hows that for awesome! Whens his wedding?
I will have to do some arranging obviously. 
I am excited for the next transfer hopefully all goes well. A member n the ward here is a Myopractor and has been helping me with my back and so far so good! I need to start my order for welbuterin here soon though. We will figure all that out though

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fwd: Re: July 16, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was HOT. ugh it was terrible on a bike. Blessings i suppose. I have got my ear infection under control now i think. This week we spent a lot of time trying to sort things out for the baptism. Which unfortunately will have to be postponed. :( Doug had emergency surgery on his jaw and has been down for the count. We helped a member move on thursday which took a lot of our day. But it was worth it. Did some tracting and contacting potentials and met a really solid one last night. Her name is Jennifer. Hope we can teach there.
We went to the ronald regan library last monday with some members and it had a disney exhibit as well. That was cool. I didnt know that Disney owns Marvel now! lots of Avenger stuff. I cant wait to see the movie now.
Transfers next week. Yay.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Re: July 8, 2012

Dear Family
Its been a good week. the fourth of july was a blast and we pretty much party hopped all over the place. (invitiation from members of course) I even got to play some Frisbee. Last year i started this tradition of drinking novelty sodas from rocketfizz, since we have to come in early. So we had a (root) beer-fest! ;D it was fun.We also got a couple of referrals we have been trying to contact. Doug is so ridiculously solid its amazing to me! I am so glad I get to teach him! still on track for the 21st. He wants to take us for a ride in his helicopter! but I told him that it would probably have to wait till after the mission. He is such a good guy and I could totally see him being an elders quorum president or something. He wants to even start meeting twice a week even though he has a crazy work schedule with all the fires. It is amazing to see his growth and i am so glad to have been able to be a part of it. He has a super strong testimony of church attendance and he is literally the most golden 'elect' person i have ever taught on my mission. It really strengthens my testimony that god put me here to teach him. I know that because of how well we get along. we have like the same sense of humor and i just love being around him. It really shows that members are the key, if Brother Hoyle had not brought him to church, none of this would have been possible.
Anyway, I love the area and I am trying my best to serve. The Missionary Bucket is taking off finally and we are starting to see results! Its great to see the youth get jazzed about missionary work!
I got an ear infection which slowed us down a little this week and not to mention my companion snapped his bottom bracket in half. So his bike was in the shop most of the week. But it was still a good week in my opinion! 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fwd: July 1, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was alright. A lot of self realization. I have been kind of worried recently about things like teaching and recognizing the spirit and stuff, but i had an exchange this week with Elder Mecham again... About the same as usual. It started out with me getting absolutely no sleep. Grr... Then i found out that I was doing something wrong  and got stressed about that. Then I hit my head on a tree. Which was ironic because i studied 2 Samuel 18 that morning. I was a bit cranky.but the day went good. I realized that I am just as proficient a missionary as the rest of these guys. Which was comforting. (not being prideful) I woke up to the fact that I have grown a lot in my mission. I actually ask the lord for help now. I didn't really ever do that beforehand. I try to keep my thoughts clear. I try my best to serve. Even though sometimes it is discouraging. I lead my companion when he needs help and and dependable and stronger than i thought i would ever be. (patriarchal blessings teach you a ton.) i Know the BoM. and i know the old testament better than most and can find meaning in it. Its kinda fun sometimes telling stories and sounding smart. i have a testimony of the scriptures and preach my gospel. Even though i get annoyed with the useless details of leadership. I know where i am at is where i am supposed to be, and that there are things i still need to work on to change but that when i am ready i will get there. 
I was mad because they wouldn't let me move the exchange to another day, because I wanted to go to a dinner with a part member and correlation with the ward missionaries. But i learned that it needed to happen that day because on Wednesday (the day we wanted to switch to) we taught Doug the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he bore his testimony of the power of prayer and church attendance to us while we taught. Such an awesome guy. And on Thursday during the exchange I was called upon by Elder Mecham, he didn't know what we should teach and i recommended Enos. (the hunter guy who prayed) and it was exactly what the investigator needed. it was like, whoa. Meanwhile, Elder Hyatt and Brodie in my area got a lot of work done, Brodie needed to be there an i needed to be in the YSA area to fulfill the lords work. Pretty crazy call to repentance. Anyway. i am doing a lot better, my back is still jacked. I am going to talk to a physical therapist in our ward this week. Maybe he can help. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fwd: This week

Dear Family,
This week was another good one. I finally can say that i am becoming an old fart in the mission... i dont know anyone anymore, and its just coming fast... We had a pretty slow week and i was not the mosty motivated when it comes to tracting, but we did teach more lessons than any other week thus far. We taught Doug the plan of Salvation finally yesterday. We havent been able to meet with him for a while because he is a pilot firefighter and has been called in a TON recently. But we understand and he always has cool stories, this week he saved people and landed on a freeway! Pretty neat. He and Scott were both at church this week! Hopefully we can start teaching him too.OH i almost forgot! we had interviews this week with President Castro. They went very well. I was nervous for no reason haha.
The Missionary Bucket is still barely taking off, but we are starting to see some success! Woohoo!
I can honestly say that i have been here long enough to really know most of everybody in both wards. Its neat and i love how awesome everyone is here. Looking forward to the 4th of july! I now have all the ingredients to make all the pancakes i want! And i am kinda renowned for it now because i have made them with a few members. Fun to make, a hassle to clean up. I know how you feel now mom, its sucks when you get done cooking a bunch because you almost lose the desire to eat them...
I found a distant cousin here this week when we were visiting this partmember family. The mother inlaw is related. Her name is Vicki Haymore Everts. (805) 404 8794 if you want to call. She actually lives in arizona now, she used to live here and is just visiting. We found out because i mentioned Andrew Hunter Scott.
Speaking of Bikes Dad, IM SUPER JEALOUS, all the intense guys around here seem to ride the Trek Superfly elite 100. Super Sick bike. I got mine tuned up this week and its running great, it sucks because the pros still can do it better than me... No fair, Jk. I hope that i can keep up with you when i get home, i am looking forward to it.
My goal weight is actually 200. i havent been diligent lately and have kinda stopped losing, kind of stuck at 213. But i will hopefully get there sometime. I think i am going to try and tone out and then work on losing more...
Well i love you all and Hope all stays well. Good luck Mason with your Knee and Weston with your work. Hope you finish that Eagle! then you can drive! 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: Re: June 18, 2012

Dear Family.
Today was the first week of the transfer, and like most first weeks its a little slow getting things off the ground after the stress of transfers.  But it has been good. Doug is still progressing and has been coming to church every week for 6 weeks now! He has a baptismal date for July 21st. Remember Scott the guy who was in the hospital? Well he is out of his rehab and came to church as well and we are going to start meeting with him soon! Really getting down to business now that i have been here for over 3 months. Things are doing great, and its starting to get hot.
HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD! Sorry i didnt get anything sent off yet it should be there later this week!
Good luck Wes!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fwd: June 10, 2012

Dear Fambam.
  Transfers! Well i get to stay in Simi Valley for another transfer with Elder Hyatt. Yay! I don't have to pack! It is going to be good! We taught Doug the restoration yesterday and set him with a baptismal date for the 21st of July! It was a really neat experience because Bro Hoyle (a member friend of his) came up to us right after sacrament meeting and told us that Doug had questions about Joseph Smith. After sacrament meeting the ward was having some sort of presentation so we ditched and went to a classroom with brother Hoyle and taught him. It was awesome to see how ready he was. We were also Super stoked when we asked he was like "absolutely". So things are really looking up and changing in the area. Ken we haven't really been able to get a hold of unfortunately. But we will keep trying. 
  I am gonna have to fix the crank on the bike probably this week because it keeps coming loose even with lock tite. So thats unfortunate. i have learned that i am good at fixing stuff, but a whole lot better at breaking stuff... <sigh> oh well.
  The Missionary bucket thing is going well. still in the blossoming phases though.
Well i love you all and will talk to you next week! i will try to get a hold of brother Hansen today.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fwd: Transfers June 2012

Dear FamBam.
This week was better than last week. We had teaching appointments! YAY! We taught Doug about the BoM and Prayer and testified how it can change his life. It was nice to finally get to know him and begin teaching someone. I got my bike fixed finally with the new disk brakes. SO MUCH BETTER! i wish I had done it way sooner because I have been fighting those brakes since I got the bike, oh well lesson learned. We saw Pam a couple times this week and taught her some new member stuff. And we finally got my youth program idea off the ground and presented it to the ward. So by next week it should be in full effect. Referrals! I stole the idea from E Nielsen in Santa Barbara but we call it the Missionary Bucket. Each week a youth of each side (young man and woman) take it home. There is a bunch of proselyting materials in it and they are to take something out, give it away, and report back on Sunday. The idea is to generate more missionary work and get them familiar with the kind of stuff we have as Missionaries, what we do, and how to answer more questions. More jazzed up they are the better it will work. And they took it well! SO I am excited about that. Transfers are coming up soon. We will see what happens. I had a nightmare last night that I was tri-pan training... again... AHH! Kinda scared me. But anyways. All is good in the hood.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fwd: Weekly Email

Dear Family,
Well this week was an opposite to the previous. Tuesday, we did a
whole day of service. Started out in the morning hanging drywall it
was hard work but the nonmember we were working with (a contractor)
said we did a better job than he would have done. That was pretty
cool. Than we sped over to help landscape a members yard. (It has been
an ongoing project for about a month and I have been a part of it from
the beginning.) I just love helping people do stuff and getting my
hands dirty. Wednesday was... interesting... So we helped again a
little with the landscaping in the morning and then they took us to
lunch. (at Chipotle! Woot!) The register was failing and we all got
free lunch! Blessing before the storm... After we came home I was
lubing up my bike while my comp was in the shower. He bought some
super psycho lube and it worked WAY to well. So I lubed up and tested
my bike and it shifted great! But when I tried to stop, I couldn't. I
think I may have got some on the disc brakes... ugh. So I took them
apart cleaned them and found that when I put them back together that
the cable clamps were so worn down that they couldn't grip the cables.
(no stopping power....) So I was pretty annoyed as you can imagine
especially because last week I just dropped a bunch to fix the back
 As I was stressing out about it the next day. We had Zone
Conference, which was great because i always get a lot out of it.
However I HATE sitting there that long and it kills the whole days
worth of work. I have learned by now to never schedule appointments
that day because it ALWAYS runs like 2 hours later than they say it
will. Quite Literally every time. So i was a little annoyed, but oh
well. I didn't have to worry because i didn't plan ahead, so no schedule
 Friday, my companion tried to pull a fast one on me, he was going
to surprise me by having the ZL's steal my bike while we were at an
appt, and fix it. But i stopped it because we were running late and
  decided to ride it without brakes. Haha. Plan Foiled. So they didn't
take my bike. I had no idea about this, but when I found out i was
mad, because being me, and prideful, I don't like to ask for help...
But he argued with me and pulled the card of denying him a blessing
for helping me out like Jesus would and totally guilt tripped me into
submission. <sigh...> So, we finally made it to the bike shop on
Saturday and ordered new calipers because they are totally fried. And
I begrudgingly let my companion pay. Grr...
 So now i realize that blessings are all around i am just to stubborn
to receive them because i try to take on the world myself. I think
that God is trying to humble me and make me pray more sincerely.
Because i am not very good at that still. Even as a missionary I
forget to pray.
  Elder Hyatt my comp keeps thinking i am going senior companion
next transfer, because i guess i am good at just getting stuff done
and leading and stuff, but i certainly hope not. Added responsibility
isnt really my style as you already know... So yeah its been a rough
week without my bike and i will get it back in working order on
Thursday. It is a lot harder to be effective without it. Sorry I couldn't email yesterday.

Oh and Ken is doing better he got a job and we are going to meet with
him this week. And we have another appointment with our investigator
Doug tomorrow!
Finally Teaching!!!!


*- Elder Tyler Scott*

Monday, May 21, 2012

RE: May 21, 2012

Dear Family,
   Well this has been quite a week. Tuesday I had an exchange with Elder Mecham, (my oh so wonderful Zone Leader) and turned out not to be too bad. We had some minor disagreements but nothing out of the ordinary. We got along and I showed him that I work hard and am a leader. He seemed impressed with the fact that I have my act together, especially since he knew me when I was in bakes.
   Wednesday we had District Meeting, during which we talked about Christlike attributes a little bit. I got into a deep study and didn't pay attention the rest of the meeting, But I learned a lot. I was reading about humility and got a slap in the face, Let me explain why... I have adopted the mentality that EVERYTHING in life is a competition. But I figured competition is healthy right? Wrong. As I was reading about humility in Preach my gospel I read that "Pride is Competitive." and pride is condemned in the scriptures. crap. Pride has been something I have struggled with and was under the impression I had gotten over it. Boy was I deceived. It all makes sense why I have issues with people and leadership and stuff... 
   Anyway it kinda put me into a shock like state and I felt like poop. I imagine kinda like Alma felt. So in order to help me out after lunch my companion let me take an additional study time to get my ducks in a row... and overcome my depressed feeling. I know I need to change, but I liked the current version of myself. ugh... So I ended up reading the bible for like 3 hrs... I felt a little better but it wasn't until I prayed that I actually overcame it. Weird, it actually works. 
   Thursday was the kicker. We started out the morning doing service to help out a potential investigator. Then we came home and cleaned up to go out to work.  As we were about to leave I stopped and thought to myself, "I need to call Ken," (another potential investigator) So I called him. He was overjoyed that we called because he was having a bad day and we set up an appointment to come over right then.
   When we got there we learned that he had been having a rough day and had been in the house for only 5 minutes before we called, (spirit impeccable timing). As we began talking I was prompted to tell him about the Addiction recovery program, he was so ready and willing. This was before he even told us he was having problems with alcohol abuse. We chatted, listened, and testified of the truth of the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ our savior and it was crazy how it felt. I cant explain it. He told us about the crap he had been dealing with. Recently out of prison, Drinking, Girlfriend stole all his stuff and some of his parents, Divorced, and his family hates him right now so he cant talk to them about it. So he is utterly alone... (Side note: as we were talking the whole time he had this familiar feel, almost like I had known him for a long time, like an old friend, it was really weird)  He and I really connected and I could feel God's love for him radiate inside and through me. He just kept going on about   how I specifically meant to him. (I had only talked to him twice, and on the phone once) And how I was his brother. It was like I was sent here for him. I also learned that he and his family are highly involved with a background in computer science. I was just thinking to myself. "WHOA! I was meant to find you!" It was absolutely crazy.
   We then offered him a blessing of comfort and I gave it. I was nervous, like always, and about halfway through it he whispered to me, "don't worry about it brother don't be nervous." As soon as he said that the feeling instantly changed. I felt a flood of power just 'channel' through me. I don't even remember what I said, but I KNOW how I felt. We made a difference in his life.
   Riding home from that I was just in awe and dumbfounded, because there was like a series of events that clearly led up to that. God was basically saying, "You idiot, you do feel the spirit, stop whining!" Because I have been worried my whole mission that I don't recognize the influence of the spirit. And usually I don't until afterward. The phone call, the prayer my companion uttered, the scripture Ken shared with us (which I had read in my studies 2 days earlier) (Romans 15:13), My companions brief message, and the whole thing was directly led by the spirit. And I didn't have a clue!
   SO yeah its been a crazy week, my bike tire broke on Friday and I had to drop $75 to fix it. Ugh... And now I have finally realized how much I have changed in my mission. Sometimes a mission wears you down and other times it enlivens you. It has its ups and downs of teaching and business, and leadership is always annoying. but when it comes right down to it, it is about the people and experiences. That is Ultimately why we are here. To learn how to love like God would. To comfort those that stand in need of it. To physically serve selflessly, beyond our body's capacity, and then continue spiritually. To be an example for future missionaries. And to show others that we care, enough to adapt and change to their needs. Always. Obedience and Fun are possible, you just have to find a middle ground. And; A Mission Strips Away What Your Not, And Amplifies What You ARE...

Garments, Lg Tall shirts
Bottoms...I forget... um, I will let you know next week.

We have about 5 people in our pending teaching pool and were working hard to get that all situated, 2 solid investigators though.

This email was one of my journal entries

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fwd: Weekly Email.

Well, I don't know what to write because I kinda told you all about it yesterday...

Dear Warren E Hardy Family Foundation.
 I am sincerely grateful for the support you have given me as a missionary. I am so glad for the opportunity that I have to be here serving the Lord. It would have been a lot harder to stay out if i didn't have funds supporting me each month. Thank you for that, This mission has changed my life. and I couldn't have done it without you. 

- Elder Tyler N Scott 
California Ventura Mission

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fwd: May 7, 2012

Dear Fambam.
Well, It turns out that it is not so bad afterall with my new companion. his Name is Elder Hyatt and he is from texas. He has changed alot from when i knew him back in bako. So thats a blessing. And it is interesting because i am playing the role of the senior companion again because i have been in the area longer and the mission. He is only 9 months. So things are going well and he seems to really look up to me.
We have had 3 HUGE service projects this week. We have been relandscaping a members backyard, We helped with a move (in which the ward really saw me shine because of my experience = added member trust), and we helped lay a bunch of sod and i was put in charge of rolling over it. BIG WORKOUT.
Our wards really are starting light on fire for missionary work because of our example. I got kinda emotional when our Ward Mission Leader Brother Walter (convert) bore his testimony that we are the right guys for the job. He was pretty mnuch bragging about us. We went mountain biking with him today and he kicked our butts. Sheesh i have low endurance climbing. but at least i can catch coming down like a madman! Haha. I love it. I cant wait to get more into it when i get home with Dad. And i am kinda becoming an expert on bikes for the other missionaries. Pretty Cool Huh? I Can fix stuff!
I have lost about 20 pounds now! i am 219 roughly (cuz you fluctuate throughout the day) and i am feeling GREAT!
We went mountain biking today as


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 30, 2012

Fwd: April 29, 2012

Dear Family,
Well, its transfers again and i am losing one of my best friends, Elder Jeff Hardy. :(
I am also super sad because i am getting a missionary that i am not on good terms with. So this is going to be a rough transfer... Hopefully i can make it work.. Our Ward has a lot of trust in us right now and  hope i can keep that going now that Hardy is leaving. Its sad, because we did all this work and tracting our butts off and he gets transferred. I am so sad because i feel that president is punishing me, because i am pretty sure he knows we dont get along... ugh...
Anyway, thats the scoop, transfers are hectic and we have a lot we need to get done, talk to you next week.


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fwd: April 23, 2012

Good morning Elder Scott!
Hope this week was awesome in the mission field.  We are all doing better. Dad is feeling better with his back. Mason is in physical therapy and moving along with his recovery.  Weston still has neck and shoulder pain. So he is next for.physical therapy.
Weston completed his eagle project!!!! A BIG wohoo!  Finally!  So now to.plan a court of honor.
Chad Hamilton just got his mission call.  He is going to London England.  He leaves in August.  Wow!  He and Trenton won't see each other for four years. 
Can't believe you are coming up on a year! I am excited to talk to you on Mother's day.  Maybe I can get more details from you in an actual conversation. 
Well, not much else going on.  Hope you are working hard.  Your mission is a lot like life. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it.  Take care son.
I love you,

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fwd: Re: April 16, 2012

Dear Family.
Its been another good week here in Simi Valley. And guess what?..... I'VE LOST 8 POUNDS on this diet! I'm now 229 and feeling fine! Wow, i cant believe Zach is coming home already. Sheesh. Pretty soon that will be me. Yikes. Looking forward to hearing from you all on Mothers Day! We are still looking for people to teach and are trying to show our ward that they can trust us. So fart so good, the members keep tell the ward to give us people to teach because, We are supposedly the ones they can count on. Makes you feel good. Hopefully they act on it. We will just have to keep trucking away and working.
I love being Elder Hardy's companion. We have learned a lot from each other and i hope he sticks around for another six weeks. Hes really get me in shape with all the service and how fast he bikes! Miss you all, Talk to you later!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fwd: Happy Easter

Hello Family!
   This week has been great. We have working hard, and doing a lot of service. Still looking for people to fill our teaching pool. We had a baptism this week of a Lady named Pam. Her son converted when he was 18 around 16 years ago. Then he went on a mission.  Pam was super against the church for taking her son, and even formed a group called Moms against Mormons. Now her son Drew lives in London, and for the last 16years has been bugging her every time he visited saying " I'm bringing my whites." Offering to baptize her. And now he entered the same font he was baptized in and baptized his mom. AWESOME! It was so great to see her do that, because 2 weeks ago she was still having word of wisdom issues. But with some encouragement from us she was able t prepare to get baptized when her son came to town to visit. How cool is that for an Easter! My companion and i got too help confirm her yesterday too! Oh and i found out that their inlaws are some of my favorite members from T.O., The Sain's. Such a great surprise to see them again. :)
   Also i am on a diet avoiding Carbs and sugar and it seems to be working. All thanks to a member in the ward who wants to help my companion get six months to sexy before he goes home to get married! Things are good and i am getting my biking legs back. Woot!
I got your package and the card THANKS SO MUCH!
I didn't activate the card from grandma because i didn't know what it was. Good to know now.
   Say Hi to the ward for me and Bishop. Tell them thanks for the Valentine's Card and Easter stuff. It feels good to know that i have support while i am out here. Even thought the work isn't super harsh, its monotonous, and spiritually taxing sometimes. Love you all, and stay happy and Healthy!

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey Family, im comin home! April Fools! This week has been pretty fun.Elder Hardy and i are really working hard to turn this area around. We done a lot of tracting to show that we arent wasting any of the lords time. Even though we both hate how ineffective it is we are trying to have a positive attitude. I loved Uchtdorfs "stop it" talk this weekend. Its kinda given me new perpective. Conference was great! And obviously we are doing better as a whole because there was no smackdown in priesthood sesssion Woot! Still Doing a lot of biking and service. My body is tired but my mind is enthralled. Im glad ive got a companion that supports me and wants to help others so much. We helping eachother and growing stronger as Servants of the lord. We each have our own strengths and its cool to see our differences mesh. We went to thre Ronald Regan library museum on Monday. That was a riot. AND WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON THE 7TH! ON SATURDAY WOOHOOO!  I might actually get to see this one go through! So there you go! 


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 18,2012

Dear FamBam.
Im getting transferred to Simi Valley. My new companion is Elder Hardy
(hes the senior). Im excited. We will be on bikes so i can finally
lose this gut. The  guy that picked us up in the taxi has been way
busy havent been able to contact him. We had Nothing this week. :( We
only taught this Less Active guy how to overcome his addictions and
adversity. Elder Humphrey, our greenie, was taken from us yesterday to
ventura. He got his Visa, and he flies out today. 17hr flight to
argerntina, then a 22hr bus ride from Buenos Aires to Salta! Bummer.
We spent the last couple days getting him ready to go and gearing up
for transfers. Not much else to report. havent got my clarinex yet, i
will get that figured out when i can. MOM can you call Sis castro and
find out which doc i should contact? and then have her call me? It
would be nice to stick with one guy.
Thats SO cool that mason gets to practice with those guys! Good Luck!
DOnt know my new address, standby for next week please!

*Love, Elder Tyler Scott*

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fwd: March 12, 2012

Dear Fam.
This week has been better for me. I am finally starting to get along with my companions. [ Can we get an Halellujah! ] Were still struggling to find people to teach but were doing ok. We had a mission conference in Ventura with the Apostle L. Tom Perry. He is really funny and taller than me! He taught us about how the church is leading the example for religious freedom. Its all comes down to that authority called the priesthood! It was cool to be able to shake his hand. It was also cool that that morning in my studies I had read D&C 84, not knowing that he would talk a lot about it. It made me feel good. :) Still in a Tripan. 10months already! Sheesh.
We had some fun doing shenanigans on Wednesday. There was a freshly dead raccoon (it was huge like 10-12 lbs no joke!) in the street in our area, and we decided to take it and prank the other elders nearby. So we got that Pork chunks box you sent me, stuffed it in that, closed it up and wrote "caution, Dead Raccoon! on it." and left it on their doorstep. they freaked, we got a call about a half hour later haha!

Other than that things are good. I'm really studying up on how to feel the spirit. It says in my patriarchal blessing that i have that gift. but i suck at recognizing it. I have a testimony of the gospel and the Book of Mormon  that has carried me thus far, now I'm stepping it up and strengthening other areas of it.
Tell the boys that I am praying for them. Bummer about the knee mason, you'll pull through. My MTC companion blew out both of his acls and an lcl? I think, but he's here and he's doing great. Weston, keep up the good work on the eagle, and keep working on your stroke.
Love you long time!
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:

Good morning Elder Scott!

How are you doing this week?  Are you still in a tri?  Are things getting better?  Wow are you teaching?

I am finally getting better. I went to the doctor on Friday, I have swelling in my throat near my vocal cords.  She put me on an antibiotic for two weeks.  I am already improving!  Finally!  Mason didn't have surgery yet.  He damaged his MCL also and pretty good!! So he is in a brace and needs to let it scar down before they can go in and repair the ACL.  So he is probably going to have surgery in two weeks.  He is pretty bummed!  His leg keeps swelling, so he comes home from school and sits with ice.  Weston is trying to change his stroke in swimming, but he still needs an MRI of his shoulder.  He got his eagle project approved last night!!!! Yippee!

Not much else is new.

I KNOW YOU WANT THE OATMEAL PANCAKE MIX!  I have been sick, give me a break.  I will mix it up and send it to you.  You go and get you some p day clothes and more navy blue pants.  We will put the money back in the account.  It is easier and cheaper than shipping it all.  You can ship the torn pants to us and we can see if we can send them to Mr. Mac .


Well son, I hope this week finds you in better spirits.  I know it has been a challenge for you.  But think about what the Lord is wanting you to learn from the experiences you are having.  There is always something to learn.  Remember the words of Alma to his son Helaman.  In chapter 36, verse 3.  "And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."

I love you son. You are doing a great job!  I am so proud of you.  I know you love the Lord.


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fwd: March 5, 2012

Dear Family.
This week was another interesting one. The work is about the same but we had a couple miracles happen. On Friday we had a "car fast" in which we gave up the car for a day to save miles. The whole mission did this because we will be having a mission conference in Ventura on Thursday in which L. Tom Perry will be speaking. Pretty Neat. Anyway, because of our obedience a guy in a taxi pulled up to us when we were walking. He told us to get in because he wanted to talk, a little unnerved Ii was hesitant,  but we got in. We taught him and he gave us a free ride to the church. (his name is K..., from Africa, about 24ish, and has been in the states for about 5 years) He is really faithful and we gave him a tour of the church. Taught him a little more about the restoration. Then he generously gave us another ride to this old lady's house where we were going to do some service. When we told him about it he asked if he could come help, so we said sure. Then after that he took us to his house,gave us a drink and we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. Talk about tender mercies!
We also talked to a guy who's name is Fire-Penguin Disco-Panda. Legitimately.
As far as my attitude goes, I am working on it. It is difficult to be positive when you have no support from your senior companion and he is constantly tearing you down. THAT is why I am depressed and in a bad mood. I was fine with Thomson. I am mostly obedient. I am getting up and exercising and studying. Learning stuff. But when push comes to shove, sometimes i just want to get away. I can handle it, and i understand why the rules are important. But under stress, i naturally default to pessimism. I'm sorry.

Got the Package, cookies are rock solid. Thanks for the shirts. and stuff. I'm trying to avoid sugar though so i will take it easy on the candy. I have completely cut soda out of my diet this transfer.  And not to brag but i have 15.5 inch biceps. (going around) HAHA!
Anyway, i have got mail from anyone (besides you guys) since the new year. Did you ever contact Casey?
Also, can you send me my priesthood line of authority? Thanks!
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning!

Hope this email finds you doing better!  I am sitting in the waiting room while Mason is having his MRI.  Dr Foulk said he ruptured his ACL and damaged his MCL.  We are thinking he will be having surgery Friday.  He is a bit bummed to say the least.  He has a long road of therapy ahead to get the leg and knee healed and strong again.

Weston is getting ready to get approval for his eagle project.  This is the fourth attempt.  Pray it goes through!  He also will be having an MRI of his shoulder.  They both took the first ACT and realized they need to study!

Otherwise life is the same here.  I still have a sore throat and little energy.  I hope to get some oatmeal mix made this week and get it sent to you.  We received an email from "Uncle Bob" that the package was found.  The cookies will be hard and gross but everything else should be fine.

How are things going?  Did you get Dad's email with his advice and letter.  Take it to heart son. Know that we are not lecturing, we just want you to succeed. I hope things are improving.

So tell me about what you are doing?  Who are you teaching?  How long has your companion been out?  Where is he from again?  Are you enjoying Santa Barbara?  I hear it is beautiful!

We really enjoyed all the pictures.  Some of the videos were pretty funny too.  Make sure to follow all the mission rules with cameras.  But we love getting pictures, do keep them coming.  Are you doing better on your journal writing?

Well son, I need to close for now. I pray for you daily and so do many. My only advice this week is to pray. Talk with your Heavenly Father daily.  Be grateful, express gratitude and then ask those things you are in need of. You can do all things with prayer.  Remember how many times the prophets in the Book of Mormon had struggles and trials.   What did they do to overcome? They were obedient, repented and prayed!  There are the answers-- always.

I love you,