Monday, August 27, 2012

Fwd: August 26, 2012

Dear Family
This week sucked. I have been down all week with nausea and fevers and stuff. So not much at all happened. But i got to study a bit more than usual. But i think i am getting over it now. Sunday marks the 4th day of church in my mission i have missed due to illness. yay i feel like a less active missionary! haha jk. Doug has hit a rough patch this week. I haven't been able to communicate with him well. He and his fellowship had a falling out, and apparently he has been involved with the wrong people in the pharmaceutical companies. Could be in big trouble with the law. ugh. Oh and he went missing on Wednesday and his brother contacted me to see if i knew where he was. (he left his phone) that was scary. Luckily they found him though safe and sound, he says he just needed to clear his head. i need to talk to him and get the story straight. So yah the Baptism was rescheduled for next weekend. but it is now indefinite. <sigh> I almost feel like it is my fault sometimes. I should have tried harder to stay in contact with him, and i should have pushed harder to set up appointments so we could teach him the articles of faith. Then he would know to obey and honor the law. So yah i am a little stressed out.  Got a lot on my plate right now. 

Transfers are next week. so that's another thing that could change a lot of stuff. ugh...
Im doing ok physically i lost a little weight from being sick but i am all good now. i think

Energy level is better. Just need to make sure i am getting to bed on time.
I think it will all be gone soon. I switched which pillow i was using and it seems to be helping. I was using one of those tempur pedic things that i got in my first apartment. I found that less support under my head was more comfortable. Hmm who would have thunk? also practicing having better posture and trying not to pop it. as well as some of thos excercises and seeing a Myopractor when occasion permits.
Well, as far as meds go i am waiting on a shipment here hopefully in the next couple days. i run out on wednesday... Hopefully it gets here. but i think i can handle it if it doesnt.
Eh, Maybe garments and socks? Care package would be cool. They dont sell Blue gatorade powder mix anymore.... NO!!!!  

Congratz Bros! Well done on the Eagles, wish i could have been there to help you do them and see the fruits of you efforts. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Nonnie and Papa! Glad to hear from you! Love you!

I added an attachment. See if you can find me! Wheres waldo?
- Elder Tyler Scott

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