Monday, September 17, 2012

Fwd: September 17, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was an interesting one. We started out Monday night going to dinner with the Dungan family, (the ones who took us to the musem) at Famous Daves BBQ . It was good, and then afterwards we went to their home for FHE and Rocketfizz (novelty flavors soda shop) and tried a whole bunch of gross flavors like bacon soda and Buffalo wing and Jalepeno apple (i liked that one.) Peanut butter and jelly (tasted like Maalox) , and Corn flavor. That was fun. then we tried a whole bunch of the berty bots jelly beans, eww... Haha.
 Tuesday we started the day with service at another members home, the Guidos, and i was working on some outlets for them. Turns out we didnt have the power all the way off and i got electrocuted. It was scary and funny. I couldnt let go of it! and it arced from my finger and lit up the whole room! Woah. Ouch. What i think happened was that the ground was disconetted or broke (poorly wired house.) and it was made of alluminum, yah.... i told them that they need to have an electrician check it out. Its a fire hazard.
Wednesday was same old, but we found a new potential investigator tracting! Woohoo we hoping we can go back and see him later this week. His name is Bret. We handed Doug over to some other missionaries to see if they can contact him. No luck yet.
Thursday. nada.
Friday Weekly Planning.
Saturday we taught a Less active lady about the Plan of Salvation.
Sunday, nada.
So that was the week, I got a letter from Sis Guthrie! that was nice, first mail i have recieved in a LONG time. (besides you guys)

I did get the Garments Thanks a TON!

Camera, Wasnt allowed to use flash in the museum, and i had to work with what i got, sorry.

17.5 fitted, please!

I wash my sheets every week and try to keep the Apartment as clean as possible.

Doing everytyhing i can to fight acne. Heat + Sweat + hormones = ugly scott. But i talked to Sis Guido (used to be a model and she told me ways to take care of it.) So i am doing What i can

So Sis Pierson sent you pictures. She is pretty cool, i like her a lot. :)

- Elder Tyler Scott

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