Monday, October 1, 2012

Fwd: Re: October 1, 2012

Dear Family
just another normal week, we taught 2 member present lessons to our newly found investigators who randomly showed up last week. They are both special needs and stuff so its pretty slow process. But were doing our best. Andrew, the one who i guess used to be a member came to both wards yesterday. He had a Seizure in the second sacrament meeting and that was quite scary. I didn't know what to do so i just got down and protected his head in the hallway, wasn't super violent. Hes okay now. But anyway, Elder Hyatt had no idea how to handle it. It reminded me of that time i think in 6th grade when that girl fell on me and was having a seizure. SO yah, that was on my plate. Along with just being super busy in general. Woohoo. I guess stress is the best way to measure growth.
We had a good week though and were doing better and stuff. So yah. Been trying to study better and follow the mission schedule better so that's whats going on. Yes i am healing. things are going just fine, Transfers are coming up here soon and i am feeling super old. To put it into perspective. I have been in Simi for 5 transfers. I have 5 left... Woah. 
So yah, love you all talk to you later.
I got the license thing.
A bear in the Ranch? must have been pretty hungry to come that far. Sheesh. But i am sure Weston and Mason could have taken him.
Mail from the family is fine, Just from everyone else i get no mail. so yah
I got my pants fixed were all good. A lot has happened in the area, but i have been handling it fine i think. Life gives you lemons, make applejuice.
Speaking of voting, how do i get an absentee ballet?
Missionaries out per ward seems to be a silly form of competing if you ask me. How bout you compete in:
 How many people we can refer to the missionaries? - seems a bit more productive..  ;D
Bystrom family. Yes we see them alot, Not just for the cookies. They are one of our favorites, But most of the families in the wards are my favorites. Cause i have been here a long time. :)

- Elder Tyler Scott

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