Monday, October 29, 2012

Fwd: Happy birthday!!! 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: October 29, 2012, 1:42:29 PM MDT
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: Happy birthday!!! 2012

Dear family,
Another week gone by, and i feel really old. Coming up on the final quarter of my mission, and i am going to be 21 tommorow. Jeez. 
Things are going well. We went to the temple on thursday which was fun. Rode down in a 2011 Camaro SS convertible. Uncomfortable but worth it! haha. Still looking for people to teach. Got my ballot turned in, pretty much randomly voted. Elder Crapo doesnt know the Deleeuws. Kinda close, but not really, on the other edge of the zone. Jeez that is ridiculous about the influx of missionaries.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and encouragement. Since when did weston get an Iphone? hes notorious for breaking phones i thought? haha. 
Btw mom i hear your losing weight, keep up the good work, in the words of a favorite british man, "Yah, baby, yah!.." Love yah!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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