Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Re: October 22,2012

Dear Family,
 Well its good to be back in the old stomping ground. I am in the Silver Creek Ward this time around, on the other side of the zone. My companion is Elder Crapo, from Sandy, Utah. He is the youngest of 5 and goes home in 4 months. Crazy. Hes a pretty cool guy, and we are the same height. He reminds me a lot of Elder Thomson. I think it will be a really good transfer. I did not know him beforehand, well i kinda did he served in the area i just came from just before i got there.
Head is spinning in the new area just getting my bearings. Still on bike and all is well. My address is 8303 Laborough Apt. B. Bakersfield, CA 93311
We taught a few less actives this week and contacted a potential investigator and have an appointment with her this week. Just getting to know the members. Its funny Because i already have connections. Having served in the zone, also This was Elder Tingey's last area, and Elder Nielsen served here as well. We had stake conference yesterday with Elder Packers Son. He talked about football. And Youth and the gospel and stuff, it was good. Got to see some people from my old ward.
All is good in the hood.

Got my meds ordered today.
YOU SENT IT TO SIMI! Dangit, an Elder Scott replaced me there! Gah! now i got to get that figured out!
I do want cookies! Idk i think i am all good. It would be cool if the frame could play video files as well as pictures. :)

Sounds like your vacation was good. Hope to see some pictures. Ttyl love yah

- Elder Tyler Scott

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