Monday, October 15, 2012

Fwd: Re: October 15, 2012

Dear Family,
So, Both Elder Hyatt and I are being transferred away. I am going back to south Bakersfield with Elder Crapo, he is a pretty cool guy and I think we are going to get along well. Still on a bike, so i get to keep my girlish figure ;P So thats cool. Not really a change of scenery i guess. We had a good week, taught some good people on the street and Declare the Gospel, with zeal. Thanks for the letter, I regretted sending that last weeek. I kinda expected you to send an attitude check, but its cool i was just having a bad morning. I really am obedient, i just complain about it sometimes i guess, and you caught me on a bad stressful day while i was venting. So Sorry about that, i wiil try to do better.
White washing the area i think is a good idea. It will allow a restart of endurance to an area that had nothing going on when i got here, and litterally nothing, at all, was in the area book. So i think that overall we havwe really helped set this place up to ignite. But anyway i imagine that is how ammon felt in Alma 26:12. So i am grateful to have been able to labor in this part of his vineyard, And to haver been able to learn so much from Elder Hyatt and the Members in this area. I have been touched and look forward to coming back to visit after i am done.
Sounds like you all had a good vacation! Good luck with the tournament Weston. Yes, the Dungans are a great family and i love them dearly, and Sushi is good. But WAY overpriced. Ha! you went to a haunted house! No Way! Way to go Mom! I love adrenaline rushes, i miss that.
So i will talk to you all later I guess! Peace out boy scout!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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