Monday, November 5, 2012

Fwd: November 4, 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: November 5, 2012, 11:36:06 AM MST
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: November 4, 2012

Dear Family,
Pretty Boring week. Elder Crapo got real sick and so most of it was spent in the apartment. So not a whole lot for my birthday went on. But the missionaries in my district made it special. Thanks for the package. I am working on sorting out all the pictures and stuff having a member convert all my videos to AVI format. Halloween was pretty fun.  Friday we had interviews. It was good, not much news. Pres Castro seems to have some anxiety about the new influx of missionaries here soon, But he thinks that our mission is ready. Theres gonna be a lot of trainers i bet. Big responsibility.
So i sent a package home to you guys, should get it on Thursday. Happy Birthday Mom i love you!
We are up in Frazier Park today gonna have a pretty fun Pday. It kinda reminds me of Evergreen, CO. Just a lot less.. green. haha. We are going on a hike today so i will make sure to take pictures.  
Just keeping on, im in Alma again with my studies, The Book of Mormon is awesome, As you know. just the war chapters themselves would make a pretty sick video game or something. haha. I sent home that mission library. Jesus the Christ - too hard. And all the others i havent even used, aside from true to the faith, which i have cracked open once. Also sent home that trench coat. Havent needed it so far, probably wont. Sorry Dad. 
I cant believe it is the Holidays already... Woah.  Pretty soon it will be the end of the year. double woah. Its going by so fast. Both Crapo and I are the old farts in our district. and were always tired it seems.  We have exchanges this week which should be pretty fun. Looking forward to that. (for once) Just working hard and trying to find someone to teach. We have this potential family, which would be SO AWESOME if we can help them get baptized. But we will see. 
Love you all bummed i missed Halloween again, i wish i could have been there. But i have more important priorities and responsibilities right now, so yah know, i couldnt. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

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