Monday, August 6, 2012

Fwd: August 5, 2012

Dear Family
I think this has been the best week hat i have had here with Elder Hyatt. Monday, we played basketball woot! finally some exercise.  We talked to  lot of people this week, we decided we don't care how awkward it is, and just talked to a bunch of random people, and slipped in the gospel of course. Its sometimes really hilarious the way we phrase things. Especially when talking to people our age, or women. Anyway. We taught Doug again on Saturday about the law of chastity and answered a bunch of his questions about the temple missionary, work and life, and other stuff. now we just need to get him wet! We are planning to meet with Scott this week and begin teaching him. We taught a lot this week. A lot of people had nonmembers visiting that we taught either the Tree of Life, or the Restoration. It went really well. Probably never see them again though, so i hope they check out like i told them to. Did some service this week to and rigged up this sun shade for the side of this lady's house with a bunch of knots rope and tarps. Thank you taught line! The wall has bad insulation so it heats up so we covered it. Also we had an Exchange this week and i went with Elder Gates our new Zone Leader, Hes pretty chill and a total goober. He is bigger than me and he has a huge noggin. which he is comfortable joking about. He was riding elder Hyatt's bike which was way  to small for him. What a trooper! Friggin hilarious to watch though. We had a good day though and helped some of the priests in our ward we bumped into paint a car! That was a first. The paint makes you high as a kite though haha. There were some points where i felt homesick but i think i am over it. Elder Tingey is getting Married this week on Thursday. In case you didn't already know... Anyway, good week all around. I found a funny Scripture i can relate my back to. 1 Nephi 19:20 haha
Love yall. i cant go to the wedding for Zach unfortunately. i couldnt get permission. :( oh well. Peace.

- Elder Tyler Scott

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