Monday, July 23, 2012

Fwd: July 22, 2012

Well Family Guess What.
Im staying in Simi with Elder Hyatt! For a 3rd transfer. That makes 4 here in Simi, 6 months! Woah. Doug is doing Alright we have been taking it a little slow because a complication with ward boundaries came up but he is still on track to get baptized here in the next 6 weeks. Also. Elder Hyatts birthday is in August. Which means we can go to the temple in August. Which means i may get to see Zach get sealed. Hows that for awesome! Whens his wedding?
I will have to do some arranging obviously. 
I am excited for the next transfer hopefully all goes well. A member n the ward here is a Myopractor and has been helping me with my back and so far so good! I need to start my order for welbuterin here soon though. We will figure all that out though

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