Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fwd: July 1, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was alright. A lot of self realization. I have been kind of worried recently about things like teaching and recognizing the spirit and stuff, but i had an exchange this week with Elder Mecham again... About the same as usual. It started out with me getting absolutely no sleep. Grr... Then i found out that I was doing something wrong  and got stressed about that. Then I hit my head on a tree. Which was ironic because i studied 2 Samuel 18 that morning. I was a bit cranky.but the day went good. I realized that I am just as proficient a missionary as the rest of these guys. Which was comforting. (not being prideful) I woke up to the fact that I have grown a lot in my mission. I actually ask the lord for help now. I didn't really ever do that beforehand. I try to keep my thoughts clear. I try my best to serve. Even though sometimes it is discouraging. I lead my companion when he needs help and and dependable and stronger than i thought i would ever be. (patriarchal blessings teach you a ton.) i Know the BoM. and i know the old testament better than most and can find meaning in it. Its kinda fun sometimes telling stories and sounding smart. i have a testimony of the scriptures and preach my gospel. Even though i get annoyed with the useless details of leadership. I know where i am at is where i am supposed to be, and that there are things i still need to work on to change but that when i am ready i will get there. 
I was mad because they wouldn't let me move the exchange to another day, because I wanted to go to a dinner with a part member and correlation with the ward missionaries. But i learned that it needed to happen that day because on Wednesday (the day we wanted to switch to) we taught Doug the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he bore his testimony of the power of prayer and church attendance to us while we taught. Such an awesome guy. And on Thursday during the exchange I was called upon by Elder Mecham, he didn't know what we should teach and i recommended Enos. (the hunter guy who prayed) and it was exactly what the investigator needed. it was like, whoa. Meanwhile, Elder Hyatt and Brodie in my area got a lot of work done, Brodie needed to be there an i needed to be in the YSA area to fulfill the lords work. Pretty crazy call to repentance. Anyway. i am doing a lot better, my back is still jacked. I am going to talk to a physical therapist in our ward this week. Maybe he can help. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

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