Monday, July 9, 2012

Re: July 8, 2012

Dear Family
Its been a good week. the fourth of july was a blast and we pretty much party hopped all over the place. (invitiation from members of course) I even got to play some Frisbee. Last year i started this tradition of drinking novelty sodas from rocketfizz, since we have to come in early. So we had a (root) beer-fest! ;D it was fun.We also got a couple of referrals we have been trying to contact. Doug is so ridiculously solid its amazing to me! I am so glad I get to teach him! still on track for the 21st. He wants to take us for a ride in his helicopter! but I told him that it would probably have to wait till after the mission. He is such a good guy and I could totally see him being an elders quorum president or something. He wants to even start meeting twice a week even though he has a crazy work schedule with all the fires. It is amazing to see his growth and i am so glad to have been able to be a part of it. He has a super strong testimony of church attendance and he is literally the most golden 'elect' person i have ever taught on my mission. It really strengthens my testimony that god put me here to teach him. I know that because of how well we get along. we have like the same sense of humor and i just love being around him. It really shows that members are the key, if Brother Hoyle had not brought him to church, none of this would have been possible.
Anyway, I love the area and I am trying my best to serve. The Missionary Bucket is taking off finally and we are starting to see results! Its great to see the youth get jazzed about missionary work!
I got an ear infection which slowed us down a little this week and not to mention my companion snapped his bottom bracket in half. So his bike was in the shop most of the week. But it was still a good week in my opinion! 

- Elder Tyler Scott

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