Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey Family, im comin home! April Fools! This week has been pretty fun.Elder Hardy and i are really working hard to turn this area around. We done a lot of tracting to show that we arent wasting any of the lords time. Even though we both hate how ineffective it is we are trying to have a positive attitude. I loved Uchtdorfs "stop it" talk this weekend. Its kinda given me new perpective. Conference was great! And obviously we are doing better as a whole because there was no smackdown in priesthood sesssion Woot! Still Doing a lot of biking and service. My body is tired but my mind is enthralled. Im glad ive got a companion that supports me and wants to help others so much. We helping eachother and growing stronger as Servants of the lord. We each have our own strengths and its cool to see our differences mesh. We went to thre Ronald Regan library museum on Monday. That was a riot. AND WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON THE 7TH! ON SATURDAY WOOHOOO!  I might actually get to see this one go through! So there you go! 


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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