Monday, April 16, 2012

Fwd: Re: April 16, 2012

Dear Family.
Its been another good week here in Simi Valley. And guess what?..... I'VE LOST 8 POUNDS on this diet! I'm now 229 and feeling fine! Wow, i cant believe Zach is coming home already. Sheesh. Pretty soon that will be me. Yikes. Looking forward to hearing from you all on Mothers Day! We are still looking for people to teach and are trying to show our ward that they can trust us. So fart so good, the members keep tell the ward to give us people to teach because, We are supposedly the ones they can count on. Makes you feel good. Hopefully they act on it. We will just have to keep trucking away and working.
I love being Elder Hardy's companion. We have learned a lot from each other and i hope he sticks around for another six weeks. Hes really get me in shape with all the service and how fast he bikes! Miss you all, Talk to you later!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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