Monday, June 4, 2012

Fwd: Transfers June 2012

Dear FamBam.
This week was better than last week. We had teaching appointments! YAY! We taught Doug about the BoM and Prayer and testified how it can change his life. It was nice to finally get to know him and begin teaching someone. I got my bike fixed finally with the new disk brakes. SO MUCH BETTER! i wish I had done it way sooner because I have been fighting those brakes since I got the bike, oh well lesson learned. We saw Pam a couple times this week and taught her some new member stuff. And we finally got my youth program idea off the ground and presented it to the ward. So by next week it should be in full effect. Referrals! I stole the idea from E Nielsen in Santa Barbara but we call it the Missionary Bucket. Each week a youth of each side (young man and woman) take it home. There is a bunch of proselyting materials in it and they are to take something out, give it away, and report back on Sunday. The idea is to generate more missionary work and get them familiar with the kind of stuff we have as Missionaries, what we do, and how to answer more questions. More jazzed up they are the better it will work. And they took it well! SO I am excited about that. Transfers are coming up soon. We will see what happens. I had a nightmare last night that I was tri-pan training... again... AHH! Kinda scared me. But anyways. All is good in the hood.

- Elder Tyler Scott

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