Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fwd: Weekly Email

Dear Family,
Well this week was an opposite to the previous. Tuesday, we did a
whole day of service. Started out in the morning hanging drywall it
was hard work but the nonmember we were working with (a contractor)
said we did a better job than he would have done. That was pretty
cool. Than we sped over to help landscape a members yard. (It has been
an ongoing project for about a month and I have been a part of it from
the beginning.) I just love helping people do stuff and getting my
hands dirty. Wednesday was... interesting... So we helped again a
little with the landscaping in the morning and then they took us to
lunch. (at Chipotle! Woot!) The register was failing and we all got
free lunch! Blessing before the storm... After we came home I was
lubing up my bike while my comp was in the shower. He bought some
super psycho lube and it worked WAY to well. So I lubed up and tested
my bike and it shifted great! But when I tried to stop, I couldn't. I
think I may have got some on the disc brakes... ugh. So I took them
apart cleaned them and found that when I put them back together that
the cable clamps were so worn down that they couldn't grip the cables.
(no stopping power....) So I was pretty annoyed as you can imagine
especially because last week I just dropped a bunch to fix the back
 As I was stressing out about it the next day. We had Zone
Conference, which was great because i always get a lot out of it.
However I HATE sitting there that long and it kills the whole days
worth of work. I have learned by now to never schedule appointments
that day because it ALWAYS runs like 2 hours later than they say it
will. Quite Literally every time. So i was a little annoyed, but oh
well. I didn't have to worry because i didn't plan ahead, so no schedule
 Friday, my companion tried to pull a fast one on me, he was going
to surprise me by having the ZL's steal my bike while we were at an
appt, and fix it. But i stopped it because we were running late and
  decided to ride it without brakes. Haha. Plan Foiled. So they didn't
take my bike. I had no idea about this, but when I found out i was
mad, because being me, and prideful, I don't like to ask for help...
But he argued with me and pulled the card of denying him a blessing
for helping me out like Jesus would and totally guilt tripped me into
submission. <sigh...> So, we finally made it to the bike shop on
Saturday and ordered new calipers because they are totally fried. And
I begrudgingly let my companion pay. Grr...
 So now i realize that blessings are all around i am just to stubborn
to receive them because i try to take on the world myself. I think
that God is trying to humble me and make me pray more sincerely.
Because i am not very good at that still. Even as a missionary I
forget to pray.
  Elder Hyatt my comp keeps thinking i am going senior companion
next transfer, because i guess i am good at just getting stuff done
and leading and stuff, but i certainly hope not. Added responsibility
isnt really my style as you already know... So yeah its been a rough
week without my bike and i will get it back in working order on
Thursday. It is a lot harder to be effective without it. Sorry I couldn't email yesterday.

Oh and Ken is doing better he got a job and we are going to meet with
him this week. And we have another appointment with our investigator
Doug tomorrow!
Finally Teaching!!!!


*- Elder Tyler Scott*

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