Monday, May 7, 2012

Fwd: May 7, 2012

Dear Fambam.
Well, It turns out that it is not so bad afterall with my new companion. his Name is Elder Hyatt and he is from texas. He has changed alot from when i knew him back in bako. So thats a blessing. And it is interesting because i am playing the role of the senior companion again because i have been in the area longer and the mission. He is only 9 months. So things are going well and he seems to really look up to me.
We have had 3 HUGE service projects this week. We have been relandscaping a members backyard, We helped with a move (in which the ward really saw me shine because of my experience = added member trust), and we helped lay a bunch of sod and i was put in charge of rolling over it. BIG WORKOUT.
Our wards really are starting light on fire for missionary work because of our example. I got kinda emotional when our Ward Mission Leader Brother Walter (convert) bore his testimony that we are the right guys for the job. He was pretty mnuch bragging about us. We went mountain biking with him today and he kicked our butts. Sheesh i have low endurance climbing. but at least i can catch coming down like a madman! Haha. I love it. I cant wait to get more into it when i get home with Dad. And i am kinda becoming an expert on bikes for the other missionaries. Pretty Cool Huh? I Can fix stuff!
I have lost about 20 pounds now! i am 219 roughly (cuz you fluctuate throughout the day) and i am feeling GREAT!
We went mountain biking today as


- Elder Tyler Scott

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