Monday, March 12, 2012

Fwd: March 12, 2012

Dear Fam.
This week has been better for me. I am finally starting to get along with my companions. [ Can we get an Halellujah! ] Were still struggling to find people to teach but were doing ok. We had a mission conference in Ventura with the Apostle L. Tom Perry. He is really funny and taller than me! He taught us about how the church is leading the example for religious freedom. Its all comes down to that authority called the priesthood! It was cool to be able to shake his hand. It was also cool that that morning in my studies I had read D&C 84, not knowing that he would talk a lot about it. It made me feel good. :) Still in a Tripan. 10months already! Sheesh.
We had some fun doing shenanigans on Wednesday. There was a freshly dead raccoon (it was huge like 10-12 lbs no joke!) in the street in our area, and we decided to take it and prank the other elders nearby. So we got that Pork chunks box you sent me, stuffed it in that, closed it up and wrote "caution, Dead Raccoon! on it." and left it on their doorstep. they freaked, we got a call about a half hour later haha!

Other than that things are good. I'm really studying up on how to feel the spirit. It says in my patriarchal blessing that i have that gift. but i suck at recognizing it. I have a testimony of the gospel and the Book of Mormon  that has carried me thus far, now I'm stepping it up and strengthening other areas of it.
Tell the boys that I am praying for them. Bummer about the knee mason, you'll pull through. My MTC companion blew out both of his acls and an lcl? I think, but he's here and he's doing great. Weston, keep up the good work on the eagle, and keep working on your stroke.
Love you long time!
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:

Good morning Elder Scott!

How are you doing this week?  Are you still in a tri?  Are things getting better?  Wow are you teaching?

I am finally getting better. I went to the doctor on Friday, I have swelling in my throat near my vocal cords.  She put me on an antibiotic for two weeks.  I am already improving!  Finally!  Mason didn't have surgery yet.  He damaged his MCL also and pretty good!! So he is in a brace and needs to let it scar down before they can go in and repair the ACL.  So he is probably going to have surgery in two weeks.  He is pretty bummed!  His leg keeps swelling, so he comes home from school and sits with ice.  Weston is trying to change his stroke in swimming, but he still needs an MRI of his shoulder.  He got his eagle project approved last night!!!! Yippee!

Not much else is new.

I KNOW YOU WANT THE OATMEAL PANCAKE MIX!  I have been sick, give me a break.  I will mix it up and send it to you.  You go and get you some p day clothes and more navy blue pants.  We will put the money back in the account.  It is easier and cheaper than shipping it all.  You can ship the torn pants to us and we can see if we can send them to Mr. Mac .


Well son, I hope this week finds you in better spirits.  I know it has been a challenge for you.  But think about what the Lord is wanting you to learn from the experiences you are having.  There is always something to learn.  Remember the words of Alma to his son Helaman.  In chapter 36, verse 3.  "And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."

I love you son. You are doing a great job!  I am so proud of you.  I know you love the Lord.


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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