Monday, March 5, 2012

Fwd: March 5, 2012

Dear Family.
This week was another interesting one. The work is about the same but we had a couple miracles happen. On Friday we had a "car fast" in which we gave up the car for a day to save miles. The whole mission did this because we will be having a mission conference in Ventura on Thursday in which L. Tom Perry will be speaking. Pretty Neat. Anyway, because of our obedience a guy in a taxi pulled up to us when we were walking. He told us to get in because he wanted to talk, a little unnerved Ii was hesitant,  but we got in. We taught him and he gave us a free ride to the church. (his name is K..., from Africa, about 24ish, and has been in the states for about 5 years) He is really faithful and we gave him a tour of the church. Taught him a little more about the restoration. Then he generously gave us another ride to this old lady's house where we were going to do some service. When we told him about it he asked if he could come help, so we said sure. Then after that he took us to his house,gave us a drink and we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. Talk about tender mercies!
We also talked to a guy who's name is Fire-Penguin Disco-Panda. Legitimately.
As far as my attitude goes, I am working on it. It is difficult to be positive when you have no support from your senior companion and he is constantly tearing you down. THAT is why I am depressed and in a bad mood. I was fine with Thomson. I am mostly obedient. I am getting up and exercising and studying. Learning stuff. But when push comes to shove, sometimes i just want to get away. I can handle it, and i understand why the rules are important. But under stress, i naturally default to pessimism. I'm sorry.

Got the Package, cookies are rock solid. Thanks for the shirts. and stuff. I'm trying to avoid sugar though so i will take it easy on the candy. I have completely cut soda out of my diet this transfer.  And not to brag but i have 15.5 inch biceps. (going around) HAHA!
Anyway, i have got mail from anyone (besides you guys) since the new year. Did you ever contact Casey?
Also, can you send me my priesthood line of authority? Thanks!
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning!

Hope this email finds you doing better!  I am sitting in the waiting room while Mason is having his MRI.  Dr Foulk said he ruptured his ACL and damaged his MCL.  We are thinking he will be having surgery Friday.  He is a bit bummed to say the least.  He has a long road of therapy ahead to get the leg and knee healed and strong again.

Weston is getting ready to get approval for his eagle project.  This is the fourth attempt.  Pray it goes through!  He also will be having an MRI of his shoulder.  They both took the first ACT and realized they need to study!

Otherwise life is the same here.  I still have a sore throat and little energy.  I hope to get some oatmeal mix made this week and get it sent to you.  We received an email from "Uncle Bob" that the package was found.  The cookies will be hard and gross but everything else should be fine.

How are things going?  Did you get Dad's email with his advice and letter.  Take it to heart son. Know that we are not lecturing, we just want you to succeed. I hope things are improving.

So tell me about what you are doing?  Who are you teaching?  How long has your companion been out?  Where is he from again?  Are you enjoying Santa Barbara?  I hear it is beautiful!

We really enjoyed all the pictures.  Some of the videos were pretty funny too.  Make sure to follow all the mission rules with cameras.  But we love getting pictures, do keep them coming.  Are you doing better on your journal writing?

Well son, I need to close for now. I pray for you daily and so do many. My only advice this week is to pray. Talk with your Heavenly Father daily.  Be grateful, express gratitude and then ask those things you are in need of. You can do all things with prayer.  Remember how many times the prophets in the Book of Mormon had struggles and trials.   What did they do to overcome? They were obedient, repented and prayed!  There are the answers-- always.

I love you,

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