Monday, February 20, 2012

Fwd: Happy presidents day

***He sent us new Pictures today**  -->

Dear Fambam,
So a lot of crazy things happened this week. Wednesday night we received a call from the APs informing us that we were getting another companion. We were way stressed about that because first our apartment is barely the size of a studio apartment. And i haven't been here very long to really help with the area. So on Friday we got Elder Humphrey from the Mtc. He is with us until he gets his visa to Argentina. He is Argentina Salta Mission. He is a pretty cool guy from St George Utah. He is ripped, because he is a swimmer. Its Ironic because we have started this workout program with brother Shipley (a member who owns a gym.) He told us to do 100 pullups everyday, even if you can only do them assisted. Apparently people will think we are on steroids. I will have done 450 by the end of today and i am SORE! But results are beginning to show up.

The work here is not to spectacular. We have had a lot of Greenie luck in the last couple of days but we don't have any solid investigators. :(
Its hard being in a tripan. [ Tri-panionship, 3 elders together instead of 2 ]

Sorry you have been sick. My health is SO much better, the air ALWAYS smells like flowers it is pretty cool. (my letter probably sounds choppy because i am under a lot of stress so i am sorry about that)
My New address is:


Yah the mission office stinks. I will call and find out where that package is if I can. I have no idea whats going on in Bakersfield, I feel like I abandoned them, and it was a very abrupt change. Grr...
My original companion (Nielsen) and I have had a couple feuds, nothing to serious, but i hope it doesn't blow up in my face. Its starting to wear on me...  I am doing better with the rules now. I am on my best behavior to be a good example,  I a actually studying and getting something out of it. YAy!  Anyway, that's the report...
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Elder Scott,

Santa Barbara sounds nice.  Never been there.  This week has been no
fun at all here at home.  Mom and I gave both had the flu and have
been rather worthless all week.  I was in New York sick as a dog
trying not to infect the whole population.  The flight home on Friday
was definitely one of the worst experiences of my life.

So here we sit on presidents day wishing we were in the mountains but
struggling to keep our heads from exploding during the cough attacks.

So on to the details, what is your new address?

Did you get your package we sent over a month ago?  At this point the
cookies will be a science experiment.  We wont send them to the
mission home anymore, it takes too long for you to actually get them.

Oh, mom reminded me, Jeffery Smith got his mission call to San
Bernadino, CA Spanish speaking.  He leaves in May.

How are you feeling health-wise?  Better now that you are back near the coast?

What happened to the families you were teaching in Bakersfield?  Did
the end up being baptized?

Who are you teaching now?  What is the ward like there?

He long has your companion been out?  Are you 2 a good match?

How are you doing personally with the mission rules? Are you finding
them easier now?

So I have to tell you about the mini-MTC that bro. Bright and the
young men's leaders put together for the boys last weekend.  I was
able to attend their mock zone meeting during which ex-president and
ex-sister Ludwig spoke to the "zone".  Sister Ludwig shared some songs
that she wrote while they were presiding over the Denver South
mission.  They were pretty clever.  Here is the first one sang to the
tune of "great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts"

Work will win when wishy-washy wishing won't,
Wishy-washy wishing wont,
Wishy-washy wishing won't,
Work will win when washy-washy wishing won't,
So work hard and if you don't....

You'll become a lazy bum who sits around,
Doesn't help the work abound,
Never know where joy is found,
If you work you won't be sad and need to fret,
You'll live life with no regrets.

Another one was to the tune of popcorn popping:

I looked at my behavior and what did I see?
A need to change to be the person I should be.
I know inside that I must change my heart
The lord will help if I do my part.

I must stop bad habits so they will cease,
Do everything I should so my faith will increase,
I know it will be hard...
But watch me you will see...
I'll become the person I was meant to be.

President Ludwig cited president Benson when he said (paraphrasing)
"when obedience ceases to be a irritation, rather our quest, in that
moment we are endowed with great power"

The mini-MTC was a great experience even though it was a mock up, I
think they learned a lot.

Well Elder, we love you and are rooting for your success.  Remember to
work hard and leave nothing undone that you could have done.

Talk to you soon,

Mom &Dad


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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