Monday, December 17, 2012

Re: December 17, 2012

Dear Family,
Well this was a busy week. Tuesday we worked on that service project again. We dropped them because they still haven't come to church, and are ditching rides... :( so that's that, but we are trying to find more people all the time. Wednesday we had zone conference, and it was the only one i have been in that has been so short and actually ended on time. It was great! I hate sitting there for so long. President ended early because some of the missionaries needed to travel, and there was a storm coming. That night we biked in like a freezing tsunami rain... IT SUCKED! but extra blessings. Then on Thursday i had a really good exchange with my zone leader good old Elder Gigena, he came out with me. We did YSA work and found 3 new investigators and taught with serious power and authority all day declaring in the ghetto. We taught a gangster the restoration and he defended us calling us his Mormon hommees! haha that was cool. Gave out 4 Boms and committed 2 people to baptism. Then we had a meeting with the stake, so i got to play zone leader haha what a joke. Pretty stellar day though and it has renewed my commitment to serve.  Then on Friday we taught Lyndell about authority and FINALLY committed her to pray with us and develop her relationship with our heavenly father, maybe now she will progress!  Yay! bore powerful testimony of My own conversion and cold feet at the beginning of my mission.  That night we had the ward Christmas party and it was great. good turnout. Even Brother Laffoon a less active came! YES! We apparently have dinner with them this coming Saturday, on a side note they haven't fed missionaries for a LONG TIME!  Saturday we were coming home at the end of the night and we saw this lady passed out on the side walk. so we had the member driving turn around and went back to See if she was OK. She had an evil overprotective dog that tryed to kill us!  but she was unresponsive. So we called an ambulance and she was totally hammered as she was talking to us. Saved her life that night, it was like 40 degrees outside...
Pretty intense week. Sunglasses are fine, I dont know if i would want to get them at walmart though.... I dont know when we are calling... its gonna be a chaotic day, just be ready. Ive got something in mind for that white elephant, muhahaha

- Elder Tyler Scott

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