Monday, April 29, 2013

Fwd: April 28, 2013

Dear family
Well this was another fast week. I dont have a whole lot to say. We taught our investigators Lyndell (GoJC),  Kim (WofW) and Cynthia (temples). Lyndell has a baptismal date for June 1. Kim is getting baptized this saturday. We are getting excited for that. Taught some Less actives and tried to get some people to church. Unfortunately not many came this week, so we will try again this week. We fixed a sprinkler system this week for a member in our ward who really nedded help. Cutting pipe (PVC) and setting stuff up. Playing in the mud. You know. IT WAS HOT this week. and its only going to get hotter. Yay Bakersfield.. haha Helped with the Mormon helping hands project on saturday. We played a lot of Basketball this week. My companion is a baller. I am really going to miss being a missionary, its going to be hard to give it up i think.  THis week should be good, we are prepping for this baptism and trying to stick it out in the heat all the way to the end. (Its hard...)

Wow I cant believe they are going to be Elders... I remember them as Teachers, so wierd...
Hope you feel better mom. 
I am throwing away a bunch of worn out Garments, shirts and pants, as well as leaving my sheets, hope that is alright..

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fwd: April 22, 2013

Well another week has gone by, much too fast. We played basketball again on Monday which was a blast. I suck still haha. but its all good, i can jump much higher than i used to be able to do. Ill hit the gym when i get home and lose those extra pounds that are holding me back from jumping like a black man. haha. Tuesday, We met with Kim and reviewed the Restoration, and saw Lyndell and did the same. Hopefully
Lyndell starts coming tro church soon. Baptism for Kim is still scheduled for the 4th of May. Wednesday we started the day off helping Sister Nancett with a bunch of Yard work, Shes having a hard time
right now in her marriage so we have been helping her take care of some stuff. Thursday i went on an Exchange with Elder Gates in the Ysa wards. A nice break from the bike and the heat. (its getting really
hot, i think it was in the low 90s last week.)  We had a lot of fun ad worked really well together. We have both grown a lot since our last exchange and can both see it. so that was kinda cool. Friday morning
we helped a Liz (YSA recent convert) who was struggling with her testimony of the gospel. Then we weekly planned, and went tracting again. Contacted a couple refferals this week. Not too bad. Not very
solid though oh well, but we have more tyo contact next week. All is going good. I am working my way through Mark in the New Testament. Ending the mission strong.

I was actually relieved to hear about the change of plans for the trip. California is all good with me. But i do want to come back THIS summer, Hopefully in July. If possible.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fwd: Pics.

Fwd: Pics.


Fwd: Pics.

Fwd: April 14, 2013

Dear Family
Well this was a super week, Monday was great we played basketball till we couldn't walk. Tuesday, we saw our investigator Lyndell, and brought the Murchison's who she bonded with extremely well and had a great lesson about conference and conversion tho the church. Wednesday we started with service and turned a huge palm tree into a pineapple with only a clipper. and a pencil sized hand saw. Then we had a baptismal interview for Julius! Thursday was our interviews with president Castro and it was the best one i have ever had. he really touched me and made me feel like he cared about me. It was great. 
Friday we helped a member with her lawn and then we scrambled to make sure the baptism was all set. and Then the highlight of the week Saturday morning at 11 am Julius Poggio was baptized, and Sunday was confirmed it was fanfreakingtastic! Im so proud of him. And at church we had Cynthia, Kim and her daughter, and Briana. 3 investigators there! 4 nonmembers. Kim's baptism was announced for May 4th and now we are working towards that! And soon Cynthia will follow. Woot! haha life is good. finisfhed the BoM and the Old testament this week, and am working through the New Testament. 


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fwd: April 8, 2013

   So this was a pretty good week. They are going by so fast... On Tuesday we went over to see our investigator Lyndell, (with the intent on dropping her) and ended up doing service for her for a couple hours. Her TV entertainment center was all jacked up and a mess of cords so Elder Lifungula and i organized/reconnected/setup all of her stuff again and made it all work way better than it was. (the guys she paid to do it before were idiots... it was really bad.) While we were doing that she softened and openly asked us questions, one of them was about the apostasy. So we answered briefly and set up to come back on Friday. On Friday when we went back we had an awesome lesson with her about the apostasy and restoration in depth and bore testimony of it. She committed to reading more of the Book of Mormon and to watch conference. (i even set her TV up for it to automatically tune to it when it came on.) She loved it and we will see her tonight. Wednesday we went and saw some less active members. Invited them to watch conference and stuff. Thursday we did some tracting.
As for Cynthia and Julius. Yes the baptism is still scheduled. However we are getting a little worried because we haven't been able to contact her, and we have tried everyday multiple times this week. Left her a voice-mail  No luck. I am praying everything works out.
Kim also has a baptismal date for May 4th now. And we went over last night with our Ward Mission Leader and had the opportunity to teach about the Plan of Salvation and bear testimony powerfully. It was awesome. One of the best lessons i have had in awhile. She watched conference and is stoked about her Baptism.
Conference was way good. I'm not sure what my favorite was, but i did like Hollands talk a lot. As well as President Monsons talk when he set the field on fire. He cracks me up!
Im In Ether now, almost done. 

As for housing, I don't really have a preference. I would like to have something with a kitchen and a Living space (not just a bedroom). And not be super crammed with tons of people. But i don't know much about it. I'm relying on you. Good job to Weston and Mason on their tournaments and stuff, cant wait to see them play. Sweet, Snow in April, I will get to Snowboard soon after coming home! Yay!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fwd: April 1, 2013

Dear Family,
This week was a really good week. We talked to a lot of people and miracles are happening. Investigators coming out of the woodwork. We met with julius and Cynthia this week, Read 3 Nephi 11 to keep them jazzed about the Book of Mormon, and it went well. (we also saw them last sunday and shared an easter Mormon Message) We gave them the Testaments to watch for next time. Julius is doing fine still set for the 13th of april. But we just cant seem to get cynthia to come to church! But they are reading the book of Mormon diligently, shes already in Mosiah. So we are super happy for them. Even her nephew Daniella is interested and has been sitting in on the lessons from the begginning. You could send a letter if you want. Just send it to me and i will give it to them, Pray about first though. Kim Hankins told us this week that she wants to be baptized now before we go home, and i was like, "so in five weeks?" and she sincerely wants to. So she has a baptismal date for the 27th. That was a miracle, weve been working hard trying to find new people, and peoples hearts are turning. We were informed by Sis Johnson that her husband is a nonmember and that he wants to be baptized, while we were in church yesterday. And another nonmember Brother Little came to church and apparently wants to start coming more often. Crazy! We did a lot of service this week as well which was really nice. I love doing service. We moved and did yard work.  And have more set up for this week i am stoked! Were about to drop Lyndell for awhile though, shes a little frustrating. We also had a ward Easter party, that was fun. I am so grateful for our Saviors ministry and sacrifice. As i have learned more about it i continue to feel a greater love and appreciation for the wonderful gift he has given me. Like it says in John 3:16-17
Im reading in Mormon now. Almost finished with the BoM again.
Pants size, don't worry about it. I will figure it out when i get home. I have some shorts and pants and stuff. I can manage. Hmm brisket sounds good... 2 Nephi 25-29 is about the creation and Atonement right? Good set of chapters!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 25, 2013


This is me and my comp. He is the DARK one

- Elder Tyler Scott

Fwd: March 25, 2013

Well transfers again for the last time. I am staying here and going to finish with Elder Lifungula. YAY! Julius is now set for the 13th with his baptism. And they are still doing great.
We did a lot of service this week. I wish i had more to say but i dont. Sorry. My mind is blown and needs to refocus.
BTW do you have my travel arrangements?

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fwd: March 18, 2013

Dear Family,
  This week has flown by super fast. Unfortunately a lot of things have fallen through but we have been finding a lot of potential investigators and getting to know the ward better. Julius and Cynthia are doing great still. Cynthia still hasn't made it out to church and has had some serious trials this week, but she has expressed her greater desire to focus on church. And she has such a super strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. The baptism is going to have to be pushed to the 13th of April, our entire ward leadership is going to be gone next weekend.... SO that sucks but we are looking forward to working things out. and who knows maybe the lord is preparing them so both can be baptized on the same day.  We had Zone Conference this week, my last one! Woah, there was a huge emphasis on stewardship and the blessings of being faithful, so that was kinda neat because it is something i have always felt strongly about. The lord definitely know the thoughts of our hearts. We got a new annoucement: WE CAN EMAIL WHOEVER WE WANT NOW! It is a church-wide policy change. POST MY EMAIL ON FACEBOOK PLEASE AND GIVE TO OTHERS!  [ scott.tyler@myldsmail.netI have been studying in 3 Nephi about when Christ comes to the Americas, and it really impresses me how tender he is. I don't remember where the scripture is but it says will ye not come unto me, that i may heal you? it really stuck out to me, im not sure why. But  I know he is always there with outstretched arms and i am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice. We also had exchanges on Friday that went well, We ran into this basher though, he wouldn't let us leave even when i tried to walk away, so i basically agreed that i was going to outer darkness, (haha kinda funny) I just gave up. It makes me sad when people do that and feel like because they have some knowledge of our beliefs, that they can tell us were wrong. He even told me that I need to go and read the bible and gain a REAL testimony of it, and it was sad because i have done so. Not ALL of it (i got stuck at isaiah,) but the majority of the old and new testament. I feel bad for those people and pray that they see Christ for who he really is. But anyway we still had a lot of fun that day. Saturday we spent the bulk of the day doing service which i loved. Helped tear out a jungle of super weeds. haha. Sunday we got the opportunity to teach  a girlfriend of a member in our ward (Briana) who has been coming for many weeks, She is awesome and has a lot of faith. She even went to seminary this Morning!  Elder Lifungula and I are doing great, he is an awesome missionary and he is helping me get into better shape so i am stoked. For once in my life i look forward to working out!
So thats the wrap. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: The Week

Well. Another week has flown by. I cannot even believe it... This week we spent the bulk of our time trying to work with the ward. Monday night we cut our pday short, (big sacrifice...)  to get to know the Bywater family in our ward. (semi Active) Have you ever heard of the company Bolthouse Farms? Well anyway they make all fruit juices and he gave us a ton of it! IT was awesome, tender mercy in my eyes. I love juice! haha Tuesday We had or district meeting and nothing super special. Set up appointments and tracked and went through the ward list. Wednesday we went over the Baptismal interview questions with Julius and Cynthia and taught about following the prophet. They both have a good testimony, especially of the Book of Mormon. Julius is freaking smart for an 8 year old, a little shy but he seems to retain everything we say, even when i think hes not listening! We have also come up with a new attack plan to work with everyone and to revitalize our effort with those we are teaching. In my experience it has helped me not get burned out of areas. We have a new ward Missionary, Brother Murchison who is an absolute stud. He is like a freakin walking library. He knows so much stuff. It was kinda funny though because we had him for dinner on Friday and when we offered our service (like always) he mentioned he needed help fixing his couched and asked if  we were mechanically inclined, because he apparently wasn't. So Saturday morning we got to help him out with that. 
SO yah, pretty good week. Trying to stay focused calm happy and hard working. 

Got a hold of Thomson, No go, he ended up at a different university. Weber state.

I think the best thing to do for mason is to have him pray about it. I don't think i can convince him either way. Maybe if they come with me back to California he will see the blessings of a mission, but i am not a man of strong words i have found. 
- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fwd: March 3, 2013

Dear Family,
Well this week was lame, i got a cold and have been trying to fight through it and still get work done. I love my companion Elder Lifungula hes awesome and fun to be around. We taught Julius and Cynthia about the Commandments this week and so Julius should be all set! Cynthia still hasnt come to church! NO! but at least they are reading and praying. So they are progressing Were stoked. We didnt get a chance to see Lyndell or Kim Hankins. Almost finished with the BoM again I am in 3 Nephi. Still studying PMG and all that jazz. It just hit me yesterday how close i am, I had a dream the other night of being released and it made me really sad. I really love being a missionary and having the time available to dedicate to serving god and his children. Learning and growing physically and spiritually and helping others change their lives. I am going to miss it. A lot more than i thought i would. And even though it has been a struggle and i have been angry at some stuff, I have definitely seen the blessings i have reaped. And the friendships i have made. I just am going to keep on doing what i do and try to continue to appreciate what i have taken for granted.

Yes i do want to stay in an apartment. I might want to stay with Nathan Thomson, a past missionary companion of mine. But that will all hinge on if i have a car, I really want to have one when i go back up there. I will get started on those essays.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fwd: February 24, 2013

Dear Family,
Well this week went by pretty quick, basically we visited ward members and tried to set up appointments for next week. We will see how it goes.
We taught Julius and Cynthia the Law of Chastity this week. Which is the most awkward lesson to 1st time teach together but it went well. My new Companion, Elder Jeanna Lifungula is from Oregon. But he grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has a crazy story, and is a refugee. He was adopted and joined the church when he was 18. So he has been a member for a grand total of 3 years. He is Awesome.
He is 1 transfer younger than me in the Mission, (20 months).
Man it is crazy to find out we are becoming a mission. Prolly wont affect me. I will be home before any major changes happen it sounds like. Which is coming way to fast. Its really weird  I dont know how i feel about it. I love being a missionary, and I don't know if i want to let it go.
Mason is ... Buff! Holy [cow]! 


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fwd: February 17, 2013

Dear Family,
Well, Its transfers again... That was a fast transfer... Elder Volk is done and heading back home to Maryland, on Wednesday and he will be sorely missed not just by me, but by all those whom he has served, and those hes served around. I am truly going to miss him, he has taught me alot and i wish i could hang with him for a while longer. I freakin love this guy. 
This week was another good one. Wrapping things up and what not. We got a couple chances to teach Julius and his Mom Cynthia the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of Wisdom this week. They even attended a baptism last saturday (9th) and are stoked to be baptized themselves. Julius is set for the 23 of March, and we will continue to work with Cynthia who will soon Follow! Yay! Lyndell we didnt get a chance to meet with. but we will next week.

As for me I am doing good. I am staying in the Area, and getting Elder Lifungula, one of 2 black elders in the mission.  I am excited but nervous, and once again, Junior Companion. One more transfer and i break a record.
Found out (officially, i didnt want to spread rumors) that I will be coming home May 8th... 3 days before my year mark. No phone call too, Happy Mothers Day! Im comin home. So theres the update.

Got my medication. That was WAY easier.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fwd: February 11, 2013

Dear Family.
This week was a great week.
It started out with some service on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then all the sudden we taught three lessons in one Day! finally got those investigators (kim, Julius and his mom Cynthia) Rolling along! Kim is the wife of Brother Hankins a recent convert. We have all been waiting for this moment so i am excited to be part of it! Julius is the Nephew of the Brandon's (members) who refferred us to them. He is 8 or 9 and is really grasping the Gospel! They are all progressing and want to get baptized so if everything continues at this rate they will have a baptismal date by the end of the week! So we taught all of them the Restoration and taught a 2nd lesson to Julius and Cynthia about the Plan of Salvation.
They went to there cousins baptism on saturday and that is where Cynthia decided she really wanted to be baptized! WooHoo! Lyndell is doing better, still working through answering her questions, she said that this is the first time she feels like shes learning something, (shes a teacher by profession, and has been through 4 sets of missionaries already and all the lessons...) so that made us fweel pretty good. But we know it has nothing to do with us. 100% the spirit that has increased her faith and desire to learn. 
 Everything else is just going great, I love Elder Volk, hes fun to be around very calm and patient, i am sad i will be losing him... but alas all good things must come to an end i suppose.
As for your question about Ottos. We get bored on Pday, and play a card game called Magic. I bought a few cards there, thats all.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fwd: This week

Dear Family.
Well another week has flown by. This week was rather uneventful.
We started off the first couple days doing service for brother shulz to help him with his weeds and other random stuff. It helps the mornings go by faster because there is no one around to talk to around that time. We also helped Lyndell our investigator clean up her garage, it was pretty disorganized and dirty. But it looks good now! A couple days later we went back and read the Book of Mormon with her again and she really got into it and participated. It was awesome, she asked good questions and we had a good discussion about prophets and the priesthood. We also committed her to ASK heavenly father if Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Which for her is very hard because she is a very self reliant person and never asks for help. (I was able to relate and testified of humility and how hard it is, but how worth it it is. So that was cool, Elder Volk and i teach well together and its pretty funny when one of us says the exact thing the other was thinking, which happens rather often. 
My bike broke a spoke and needed some work this week, so that stunk. And it was raining the last half of the week, which sucked but i am learning to be patient.
Most of the week we spent trying to contact potential investigator and formers, setting up appointments for this week. Were hoping everything works out. 
I am starting to see changes in the attitude of the ward, they are really trying to step it up and do more fellow shipping and missionary work, I am SO glad! haha And apparently they liked my missionary bucket thing and are going to start doing that too. So things are really looking up. 
Gave a talk yesterday about Finding Peace through the Gospel. I still hate talks haha. But it went good. They stacked (4 hyms 4 talks....) sacrament though so when we were supposed to talk for 10 mins each as the concluding speakers, We went over. I apparently talked for like 15mins and my comp basically had a 2 minute testimony. I still am not very good at it. 
So there is your update. Just working and staying busy 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fwd: Forgot

Dear Family,
Well this was not the fastest week, Elder Volk is my new companion. He is a pretty rad dude from Waldorf Maryland. Hes a geek like me so we get along real well. Most of this week was spent settling in and meeting the ward. We got a couple of opportunities to teach this week which was AWESOME!  We taught a part member family, The Irish's, about  charity and we read the BoM with Lyndell. Many people showed up to church this week that never come so that was really cool! Things are looking up. Just enjoying the Blessings of serving i guess. Its pretty darn cold here too.  Thats about all i got. Finished the War chapters again this week, reading in Helaman and the old testament. (and studying PMG of course). Also getting the ward more involved seems to finally be working so were stoked!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fwd: This Week

Dear Family,
Well it is transfers, Unfortunately Elder Crapo will be leaving me and finishing his last transfer in Ventura. Right next to president, yikes.  haha I am really going to miss him, But hopefully  i can spend some time with him, after the mission. I am staying here in Bakersfield and getting Elder Voulk. I don't know him, so we will see how that is. He sounds pretty cool. 
    This week was spent kinda wrapping things up and trying to stir up some more missionary opportunities, unfortunately i don't have a whole lot more to say about that, But i am looking forward to helping this ward really push missionary work and make it  a priority. 
    I just really hope we find someone solid to teach this transfer, before all my energy is drained. But if not i am content with where i am at, I know i am working hard and that is really all that matters. And besides, I can honestly say that i feel like i am preparing to be a better missionary when i am home. Ive learned a lot, and i feel like i can help many of those at home.
Thats about it. Love yah. ttyl

- Elder Tyler Scott