Monday, April 8, 2013

Fwd: April 8, 2013

   So this was a pretty good week. They are going by so fast... On Tuesday we went over to see our investigator Lyndell, (with the intent on dropping her) and ended up doing service for her for a couple hours. Her TV entertainment center was all jacked up and a mess of cords so Elder Lifungula and i organized/reconnected/setup all of her stuff again and made it all work way better than it was. (the guys she paid to do it before were idiots... it was really bad.) While we were doing that she softened and openly asked us questions, one of them was about the apostasy. So we answered briefly and set up to come back on Friday. On Friday when we went back we had an awesome lesson with her about the apostasy and restoration in depth and bore testimony of it. She committed to reading more of the Book of Mormon and to watch conference. (i even set her TV up for it to automatically tune to it when it came on.) She loved it and we will see her tonight. Wednesday we went and saw some less active members. Invited them to watch conference and stuff. Thursday we did some tracting.
As for Cynthia and Julius. Yes the baptism is still scheduled. However we are getting a little worried because we haven't been able to contact her, and we have tried everyday multiple times this week. Left her a voice-mail  No luck. I am praying everything works out.
Kim also has a baptismal date for May 4th now. And we went over last night with our Ward Mission Leader and had the opportunity to teach about the Plan of Salvation and bear testimony powerfully. It was awesome. One of the best lessons i have had in awhile. She watched conference and is stoked about her Baptism.
Conference was way good. I'm not sure what my favorite was, but i did like Hollands talk a lot. As well as President Monsons talk when he set the field on fire. He cracks me up!
Im In Ether now, almost done. 

As for housing, I don't really have a preference. I would like to have something with a kitchen and a Living space (not just a bedroom). And not be super crammed with tons of people. But i don't know much about it. I'm relying on you. Good job to Weston and Mason on their tournaments and stuff, cant wait to see them play. Sweet, Snow in April, I will get to Snowboard soon after coming home! Yay!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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