Monday, April 22, 2013

Fwd: April 22, 2013

Well another week has gone by, much too fast. We played basketball again on Monday which was a blast. I suck still haha. but its all good, i can jump much higher than i used to be able to do. Ill hit the gym when i get home and lose those extra pounds that are holding me back from jumping like a black man. haha. Tuesday, We met with Kim and reviewed the Restoration, and saw Lyndell and did the same. Hopefully
Lyndell starts coming tro church soon. Baptism for Kim is still scheduled for the 4th of May. Wednesday we started the day off helping Sister Nancett with a bunch of Yard work, Shes having a hard time
right now in her marriage so we have been helping her take care of some stuff. Thursday i went on an Exchange with Elder Gates in the Ysa wards. A nice break from the bike and the heat. (its getting really
hot, i think it was in the low 90s last week.)  We had a lot of fun ad worked really well together. We have both grown a lot since our last exchange and can both see it. so that was kinda cool. Friday morning
we helped a Liz (YSA recent convert) who was struggling with her testimony of the gospel. Then we weekly planned, and went tracting again. Contacted a couple refferals this week. Not too bad. Not very
solid though oh well, but we have more tyo contact next week. All is going good. I am working my way through Mark in the New Testament. Ending the mission strong.

I was actually relieved to hear about the change of plans for the trip. California is all good with me. But i do want to come back THIS summer, Hopefully in July. If possible.

- Elder Tyler Scott

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