Monday, April 1, 2013

Fwd: April 1, 2013

Dear Family,
This week was a really good week. We talked to a lot of people and miracles are happening. Investigators coming out of the woodwork. We met with julius and Cynthia this week, Read 3 Nephi 11 to keep them jazzed about the Book of Mormon, and it went well. (we also saw them last sunday and shared an easter Mormon Message) We gave them the Testaments to watch for next time. Julius is doing fine still set for the 13th of april. But we just cant seem to get cynthia to come to church! But they are reading the book of Mormon diligently, shes already in Mosiah. So we are super happy for them. Even her nephew Daniella is interested and has been sitting in on the lessons from the begginning. You could send a letter if you want. Just send it to me and i will give it to them, Pray about first though. Kim Hankins told us this week that she wants to be baptized now before we go home, and i was like, "so in five weeks?" and she sincerely wants to. So she has a baptismal date for the 27th. That was a miracle, weve been working hard trying to find new people, and peoples hearts are turning. We were informed by Sis Johnson that her husband is a nonmember and that he wants to be baptized, while we were in church yesterday. And another nonmember Brother Little came to church and apparently wants to start coming more often. Crazy! We did a lot of service this week as well which was really nice. I love doing service. We moved and did yard work.  And have more set up for this week i am stoked! Were about to drop Lyndell for awhile though, shes a little frustrating. We also had a ward Easter party, that was fun. I am so grateful for our Saviors ministry and sacrifice. As i have learned more about it i continue to feel a greater love and appreciation for the wonderful gift he has given me. Like it says in John 3:16-17
Im reading in Mormon now. Almost finished with the BoM again.
Pants size, don't worry about it. I will figure it out when i get home. I have some shorts and pants and stuff. I can manage. Hmm brisket sounds good... 2 Nephi 25-29 is about the creation and Atonement right? Good set of chapters!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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