Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: The Week

Well. Another week has flown by. I cannot even believe it... This week we spent the bulk of our time trying to work with the ward. Monday night we cut our pday short, (big sacrifice...)  to get to know the Bywater family in our ward. (semi Active) Have you ever heard of the company Bolthouse Farms? Well anyway they make all fruit juices and he gave us a ton of it! IT was awesome, tender mercy in my eyes. I love juice! haha Tuesday We had or district meeting and nothing super special. Set up appointments and tracked and went through the ward list. Wednesday we went over the Baptismal interview questions with Julius and Cynthia and taught about following the prophet. They both have a good testimony, especially of the Book of Mormon. Julius is freaking smart for an 8 year old, a little shy but he seems to retain everything we say, even when i think hes not listening! We have also come up with a new attack plan to work with everyone and to revitalize our effort with those we are teaching. In my experience it has helped me not get burned out of areas. We have a new ward Missionary, Brother Murchison who is an absolute stud. He is like a freakin walking library. He knows so much stuff. It was kinda funny though because we had him for dinner on Friday and when we offered our service (like always) he mentioned he needed help fixing his couched and asked if  we were mechanically inclined, because he apparently wasn't. So Saturday morning we got to help him out with that. 
SO yah, pretty good week. Trying to stay focused calm happy and hard working. 

Got a hold of Thomson, No go, he ended up at a different university. Weber state.

I think the best thing to do for mason is to have him pray about it. I don't think i can convince him either way. Maybe if they come with me back to California he will see the blessings of a mission, but i am not a man of strong words i have found. 
- Elder Tyler Scott

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