Monday, March 18, 2013

Fwd: March 18, 2013

Dear Family,
  This week has flown by super fast. Unfortunately a lot of things have fallen through but we have been finding a lot of potential investigators and getting to know the ward better. Julius and Cynthia are doing great still. Cynthia still hasn't made it out to church and has had some serious trials this week, but she has expressed her greater desire to focus on church. And she has such a super strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. The baptism is going to have to be pushed to the 13th of April, our entire ward leadership is going to be gone next weekend.... SO that sucks but we are looking forward to working things out. and who knows maybe the lord is preparing them so both can be baptized on the same day.  We had Zone Conference this week, my last one! Woah, there was a huge emphasis on stewardship and the blessings of being faithful, so that was kinda neat because it is something i have always felt strongly about. The lord definitely know the thoughts of our hearts. We got a new annoucement: WE CAN EMAIL WHOEVER WE WANT NOW! It is a church-wide policy change. POST MY EMAIL ON FACEBOOK PLEASE AND GIVE TO OTHERS!  [ scott.tyler@myldsmail.netI have been studying in 3 Nephi about when Christ comes to the Americas, and it really impresses me how tender he is. I don't remember where the scripture is but it says will ye not come unto me, that i may heal you? it really stuck out to me, im not sure why. But  I know he is always there with outstretched arms and i am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice. We also had exchanges on Friday that went well, We ran into this basher though, he wouldn't let us leave even when i tried to walk away, so i basically agreed that i was going to outer darkness, (haha kinda funny) I just gave up. It makes me sad when people do that and feel like because they have some knowledge of our beliefs, that they can tell us were wrong. He even told me that I need to go and read the bible and gain a REAL testimony of it, and it was sad because i have done so. Not ALL of it (i got stuck at isaiah,) but the majority of the old and new testament. I feel bad for those people and pray that they see Christ for who he really is. But anyway we still had a lot of fun that day. Saturday we spent the bulk of the day doing service which i loved. Helped tear out a jungle of super weeds. haha. Sunday we got the opportunity to teach  a girlfriend of a member in our ward (Briana) who has been coming for many weeks, She is awesome and has a lot of faith. She even went to seminary this Morning!  Elder Lifungula and I are doing great, he is an awesome missionary and he is helping me get into better shape so i am stoked. For once in my life i look forward to working out!
So thats the wrap. 

- Elder Tyler Scott

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