Monday, January 14, 2013

Fwd: Forgot

Dear Family,
Well this was not the fastest week, Elder Volk is my new companion. He is a pretty rad dude from Waldorf Maryland. Hes a geek like me so we get along real well. Most of this week was spent settling in and meeting the ward. We got a couple of opportunities to teach this week which was AWESOME!  We taught a part member family, The Irish's, about  charity and we read the BoM with Lyndell. Many people showed up to church this week that never come so that was really cool! Things are looking up. Just enjoying the Blessings of serving i guess. Its pretty darn cold here too.  Thats about all i got. Finished the War chapters again this week, reading in Helaman and the old testament. (and studying PMG of course). Also getting the ward more involved seems to finally be working so were stoked!

- Elder Tyler Scott

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