Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fwd: This week

Dear Family.
Well another week has flown by. This week was rather uneventful.
We started off the first couple days doing service for brother shulz to help him with his weeds and other random stuff. It helps the mornings go by faster because there is no one around to talk to around that time. We also helped Lyndell our investigator clean up her garage, it was pretty disorganized and dirty. But it looks good now! A couple days later we went back and read the Book of Mormon with her again and she really got into it and participated. It was awesome, she asked good questions and we had a good discussion about prophets and the priesthood. We also committed her to ASK heavenly father if Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Which for her is very hard because she is a very self reliant person and never asks for help. (I was able to relate and testified of humility and how hard it is, but how worth it it is. So that was cool, Elder Volk and i teach well together and its pretty funny when one of us says the exact thing the other was thinking, which happens rather often. 
My bike broke a spoke and needed some work this week, so that stunk. And it was raining the last half of the week, which sucked but i am learning to be patient.
Most of the week we spent trying to contact potential investigator and formers, setting up appointments for this week. Were hoping everything works out. 
I am starting to see changes in the attitude of the ward, they are really trying to step it up and do more fellow shipping and missionary work, I am SO glad! haha And apparently they liked my missionary bucket thing and are going to start doing that too. So things are really looking up. 
Gave a talk yesterday about Finding Peace through the Gospel. I still hate talks haha. But it went good. They stacked (4 hyms 4 talks....) sacrament though so when we were supposed to talk for 10 mins each as the concluding speakers, We went over. I apparently talked for like 15mins and my comp basically had a 2 minute testimony. I still am not very good at it. 
So there is your update. Just working and staying busy 

- Elder Tyler Scott

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