Monday, August 1, 2011

Best Letter Ever!!!

After a fantastic weekend in Safford with the fam, we returned to a letter from Tyler's companion Elder Tingey -- I have transposed it here:

Bro & Sis Scott,

Hello my name is elder Thomas Tingey.  I have had the privilege of working with your son for the last 9 weeks.  The first day I met Elder Scott he wanted to play a bunch of testosterone games involving pain.  I buckled down for what I thought was going to be a long transfer.  I quickly grew to love Elder Scott.  He is a man of many notable traits.  One thing he is, is genuine.  When he says he cares, I believe it.  When he says he wants to knock the smug smile off my face, I also believe him ;)  What you see is what you get.  He is fun loving & enjoyable to be around.  Over the last 9 weeks I've seen him change considerably.  I've seen him grow patience, learn humility, develop faith, & become more Christ Like.  Nothing I did nor said changed him.  As he has learned the gospel & applied the Atonement a mighty change in heart was wrought.  He also has become self aware.  I watched him as pride melted into confidence.  He has become very comfortable with who he is.  His self esteem has grown & in 9 short weeks he has grown from boy to man.

I must say his cheery optimism took some getting used to.  The last thing I want to comment on is him as a missionary.  One thing that has made this companionship easy is Elder Scott's obedience. Though he doesn't understand or agree with some of the rules, he follows them.  Whenever he wants to do something he doesn't know is against the rules, all I have to do is inform him of the rule & he drops the idea without any fight.

Overall it has been a real pleasure to serve with your son.  He is a great guy & a great missionary.  He is going to go far & many souls will be saved because of his efforts.  I look forward to serving with him for at least 3 more weeks & hope I can finish my mission with him as my companion.
Elder Tingey

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