Monday, August 22, 2011

Fwd: August 22

Dear Everyone,
Today was a great week in the California Ventura Mission. I have been in charge of the area all week as senior companion, because Elder Tingey was on exchanges with the district. It was a lot of work but i managed to do it, Good thing to prepare me because Elder Tingey is being transferred to Bakersfield, round 2. So i have show a new guy the ropes. We have picked up a new investigator and taught her the restoration, we also did a lot of street contacting this week. Thank you for all your prayers and support.
Weston and Mason
 How are you guys? Now do you believe me when i said work is hard! haha anyway, the best way to succeed is to just do what your told no questions asked. And work hard! Show the Managers that you are willing to go the extra mile, and try not to socialize to much with the other employees. Always volunteer for things, Once they see your willingness to serve wholeheartedly, and see your competence they will trust you more. and be a LOT nicer. Tell all the folks at WindCrest i say hi. As far as school goes, if you have free time when you come home or in class, DO HOMEWORK. then you can stay caught up and have plenty of time for fun and friends when you need it. Sports, stick with it! Prioritze your time by what needs to happen first over what you want to happen now. Love you guys and keep being the great examples you are to those around you. PS - Dont Wreck my car! haha and stay off my snowboard. Longboard is fine though :)

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Happy Monday Elder Tyler!

We are happy Monday is here again so we get to hear how your week has been.  Thanks for sending those follow-up emails last week, we were kind of worried what was going on with your short response last week.

We hope this letter finds you happy and working hard.   This week has been fast and furious as most weeks go these days.  Mason finished his eagle project.  It turned out nice.  I've attached a picture here.

Weston is still working to reach the contact at the Centennial water district office to get his project going, with any luck, he'll have this stuff arranged and ready to go soon.

Meghan Smith (Christensen) had her wedding reception on Friday night at the Rothey's new place --- it was fun --lots of people.   They're happy ( if you could imagine ).

Weston and Mason are getting in the groove over at Windcrest -- they complain about it just as much as you did.  They seem to be working a lot, I hope they can figure out how to juggle all their activities before they get buried.  Perhaps a word of advice from their older brother?

We spoke at length with the Munseys this weekend, Derek is super excited to leave for his mission -- he has to take with him a 72-hour kit in case of hurricane emergencies since he'll be down near the Gulf of Mexico in his mission -- it was pretty interesting to talk to him about it.  We're happy for him.

Austin is getting excited too -- trying to figure out what is Argentina going to be like -- they went to the Argentina restaurant downtown Denver to have some of the authentic cuisine -- he seemed a little skittish about it, but he'll get over that.

In yesterday's church meetings, we heard from Sister Karen Tenney, Anne Chambers, and Bro. Ellsworth from the stake High Council -- they spoke on having faith and enduring to the end, they did a great job.  As I'm sure you are learning, as you exercise your faith, and do your part, the Lord will bridge the gap of your capability and work miracles through you.  Just don't doubt, be humble, and rely on that guidance of the Holy Ghost.

I hope you have some more time today during your email session to share with us your week's experiences.  We look forward to hearing your ( virtual ) happy voice. :)

Your prescriptions have been filled and delivered to the mission home, so you might inquire of Sister Castro what the status is, unless you've already got them in hand.

Mom sent you a care package -- I sent along several more music CDs, and some of those 10-minute trainer DVD videos -- if you want the actual P90X let me know - -but those workouts are actually like 90minutes long, that didn't seem like it was something you would be able to do.  I also have a cheap-o set of those resistance bands I was going to send along with the videos, but Mom shipped the package before I knew it -- so they didn't get included.  I have some new Garments for you, I'll get them in the mail to you shortly, but wanted to see what came of tranfers this week, before I did so.

We love you!  We're proud of you!  Keep up the good attitude and great work!



Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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