Monday, August 8, 2011

Fwd: August 8, 2011

Dear Readers,
     This week was a pretty solid as far as teaching goes. It went by so fast I cant exactly remember what happened. And seeing as I just finished playing some intense basketball for 3 hours my body is fatigued, and therefore my brain haha.
      Tuesday was hard, we were prompted to stop by this less active guy in our ward. So we went to visit him and he was about ready to commit suicide, Elder Tingey and I were led by the spirit to teach him about the consequences and the plan of Salvation. He has had a rough life, been to jail, substance abuse and he is 39 and single. The problem is he is to scared and lazy to put forth any effort to change his life. So while we were talking with him I thought of my Patriarchal Blessing, where it says that i have been given the gift to cast out evil spirits. so after we left i was prompted to go back and give him a blessing. I gave him a blessing of peace and comfort and that Satan's influence would be cast out of his midst. it was a really powerful experience and afterward Tingey told me that he had the prompting i had and that he was told to wait and let me act. It really strengthened my testimony.The next morning we woke him up at 630 went on a walk, and had smoothies for breakfast. Then we studies with him before we went to our service at the ranch. We have been checking up on him and it seems that we have really started to change his life around, he is reading and praying and exercising instead of being depressed.
     So sorry for the long story, but it needed to be shared. On Thursday Elder Tingey made me be Senior comp for a day and i had to plan and take charge of the whole day. Including handling the phone and driving. it was a fun and pretty successful day. So after District Meeting We taught one of our investigators the plan of salvation and he was really interested in eternal families. it was great to be able to finally get past the restoration. and on Friday we taught another investigator the plan with a member present. that was an interesting experience and we learned that the daughter who is living with her has been through a really abusive marriage and was recently divorced. she feels it is her fault even though she made the right choice in protecting her children from the monster. it was really hard to see her break down like that. 
     So thus far we have been through a lot and its really making my faith in the gospel grow and be tried. I love you all and keep up the good work. Love, Elder Scott

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hey Elder,
   Whats up?  this is mason in case you were wonderin. Sorry its been so long since ive emailed you. what have you been up to in the mission field lately service wise. a couple weeks ago i had to give a talk on service and gave the example of your iwo jima experience.  its pretty cool
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you this week?  How are the families you are teaching?  Have you done a lot of moves again?
This last week was pretty uneventful here.  The boys go back to school tomorrow.  They have been playing a lot, movies, having kids over to do s'mores in the fire pit, etc.  They are just about done with their training at Windcrest.  Jackie has already given Weston a hard time! 
Dad is out of town again this week.  He left yesterday after church.  He gets back Thursday.  Phoebe and I leave to go to Utah on Thursday to go to Meghan's wedding.  We come back on Sunday.  I went to the temple Saturday with the Smith's and Meghan-she took out her own endowment.  She looks so happy!  She sends her love to you.
Derek is going to the temple on Tuesday.  He leaves Aug 30th.  Their family is so excited. 
Yesterday at church there were a lot of testimonies shared about missionary work and service.  It was a great meeting. 
Mason is doing his Eagle project this weekend and the next two Saturdays.  He raised almost $500, Home Depot wouldn't donate any money.  So he will be getting his drivers license soon.  Weston is a little miffed about that.  But he is trying to hear back on his.  So hopefully he will get his done in September.  They are getting better at driving the Honda.  It will be nice to have them drive themselves to places.
Son, I am so proud of you that you recognize the blessings of obedience.  I know the mission president is thankful for missionaries such as yourself.  Keep up the good work.  I pray for you daily and put your name on the temple roll every time I go.  I think of you always and am so grateful for you and your willingness to sacrifice you time to serve the people of California.  I love you!
p.s.  I sent your prescriptions out.  They will most likely come the end of the week or beginning of next.  I will let Sister Castro know to watch for them.  Keep the little envelope that comes with them, that is how you will send off the next ones. 


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