Monday, August 29, 2011

Fwd: August 28, 2011

Dear Everyone,
This week has been a lot...different. Now that Tingey isnt with me i have seen many of his traits manifest in me. its kinda wierd, and my new companion, Elder Williams is a polar opposite of him. He is from Saint George, UT and is the youngest of 8 kids. I have kind of been senior companion for now because this is his first time being district leader and he doesnt know the area. It has been stressful, and i guess i am kind of a control freak... But i am working on it. There is another elder that was in my MTC group that is training and apparently next transfer my companion thinks i can, so we will see what happens. On Friday we set an investigator with a baptismal date of October 1st, it was a really spiritual experience because she came to her own realization of the truth, and admitted she needed to let her pride go.  Today we went mountain biking again and i endo'd big time at the end, but i got huge air! I was probably going a little too fast, but i took  a jump, and when i landed there was sand and my front end sunk, it could have been a lot worse though, i attached a picture haha. Our suicidal guy is doing great he has started cleaning himself up and has been to church the last couple of weeks. I did get my care package and i found my sunglasses!!!
Anyway everything is going well and i am working hard to show my new companion the ropes.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are things going with your new companion?  Tell me all about him?  Are you a senior companion now?  Are you also a trainer?
How is it going with the new contact?  How is the guy that you gave a blessing to? 
Did you get your care package?  I will send your garments and eye glasses cleaner this week.  I wanted to wait and make sure you weren't the one being transferred.
So this week has been a crazy week for us.  Monday was Back to School night.  Mason has Mr. Prouty for Honors Chemistry, he also has Mrs. Orsini for English.  Tuesday Dad spent in Boulder, then played hockey that night.  He has been complaining of wrist pain since the middle of June.  He has nursed it along and thought it was healed.  Well, after hockey it hurt A LOT worse.  So he finally succumbed and went to the doctor Wednesday!  SO Wednesday was the DAY OF THE WEEK!  Weston had an appointment for his plantar warts---have to get those taken care of before swim begins again in September.  Then Dad had his appointment.  His wrist is not broken, but he has to have an MRI--they think he has torn a ligament.  Possible surgery!  Then Mason hurt his shoulder playing church softball.  Oh, how I hate softball now!  So when I took him to work on Monday, they sent him home.  Because he had so much pain lifting trays, they said he couldn't come back to work until he had a doctor's note.  SO we went to the doctor Wednesday afternoon.  Well, they think he did the same thing Dad did to his.  So another MRI and possible surgery!  Weston also has been having shoulder pain with swimming.  He now has one clavicle sticking out further--it is slightly dislocated---most likely from shoulder problems.  He also went the National Jewish a few weeks ago to have a thorough work up for his asthma!  So it has been a little crazy here!
Then, Thursday IBM called Dad and told him to go to NY.  Hurricane Irene was expected to cause damage to areas in which there are businesses that IBM supports.  SO Dad works in Disaster Recovery, so off he went.  He got there Friday afternoon.  He went to the store and got water bottles and PB&J stuff.  The storm has subsided now.  Just dealing with flooding.  He spent Saturday in the IBM building.  Then he spent today in the hotel.  They couldn't get back to the IBM building due to the flooding.  He just got a ticket to fly back home on Tuesday!  I need to talk to Trina to see how Chris is since he is in North Carolina.
So this week should be MRI's and decisions!  Mason is supposed to do his driver's test September 6th, hopefully no surgery so that he can get his license.  I REALLY need them to be driving!
So the Poulsen's spoke in church today.  You probably don't remember them.  He has been the bishop of the Sand Creek Ward-the young single adult ward.  Now it is Tom Redd.  Anyway, they spoke on what they learned from their time serving in the ward.  They talked a lot about seeking after the one.  They talked about those that came back to church after periods of inactivity.  They said that those individuals would come to church with their heads down, no light in their eyes.  The ward would open their arms to them and love and friendship them back into activity.  Those individuals would often comment on how they thought that living away from the church and the "rules" would be easier, but instead it made their lives harder.  They talked about the importance of seeking out those that need a friend.  The spirit was very strong in the meeting.  Then RS and Priesthood was about the conference talk on Atonement by C. Scott Grow.  It fit very well with what the Poulsen's talked about.  Healing and forgiving others and ourselves. 
It has been a busy week and a busy Sunday.  My day began with two meetings before church.  Church, HT's, VT's, Mason had a YAC meeting--oh yeah, he got called to YAC, then the boys had BYD.  Lots of phone calls and emails.  Walked the dogs, scriptures and prayer.  I am pooped and ready for bed.  Let another week begin!
Here is my scripture of the week--we read it tonight.Jacob 2:18-19  "But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good--to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and to administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." 
You are doing this.  You are seeking for the kingdom of God, to do those exact things.  You are not like other 19-20 year old boys--seeking for riches.  I am proud of you.  The Lord will bless you with riches to administer to those in the California Ventura mission.  Keep up the good work.  The boys LOVED hearing from you.  They went to bed already, so I will make sure they get an email or note off to you next week! 
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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