Monday, August 15, 2011

Fwd: August 15, 2011

Dear Everyone,
This week was not a super eventful week. We taught and saw some people but nothing significant, sorry, But we did have Zone Conference on Thursday. It was awesome and president Castro is going to be a great mission president. I broke my watch this week though. :( Its good to hear about the family. I got a letter from Brother Roper haven't responded yet though so tell him I am working on it. ha I don't really know what else to say.  
Mom, no i haven't got my meds. i have enough for a couple weeks i think. transfers are next week. Haha my clothes... well i have had lots of blowouts in the pants and luckily we have a master seamstress in our ward who fixes them for me, but i have all of them working. i have found that i hate cotton garments... its too hot. unfortunately laundry or exchanges ate a pair of my garments but. mesh is whats up but im am making it work. i have had 2 pens blow up in my pockets but have removed most of those stains. maybe send some socks, and if you want i probably could use some more ties and a stain stick. food hates me...

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning son!
Hope you are doing well!  This last week was good for us.  Weston and Mason went back to school Tuesday.  They started seminary again today.  They are still working at Windcrest--learning.  Weston said he dropped his first tray--on himself.  It had hot coffee on it!  Mason has almost completed his Eagle project.  I am going to get him scheduled to get his driver's license.  WOW!  Weston and I might try to go get his first signature today for his Eagle project.  So progress is being made.
Dad was out of town last week.  He returned on Thursday and I left on Thursday.  I went to Meghan's wedding.  Phoebe and I went and we stayed at the DeLeeuw's.  We had a blast.  It was great to see Laura again!  All is well with their family.  Jed finishes his mission in 7 months!  Crazy how time flies! 
Meghan looked beautiful.  They were married in the Bountiful temple.  They had a dinner in the Joseph Smith building.  Phoebe took some pictures, I will attach them next week.  We just got home yesterday, so I don't have them yet.  They also have a reception here this Saturday at the Rothey's new home.  So I should be able to get some pictures then.  I know that I still need to print some pictures for you and get them sent.  I will work on that this week or next.  Sorry.  Has the camera been working ok since you had to fix it?
Last night was another Pie night.  The ward council does these pie nights--dessert night really--in a member's home and invites all the recently move in's to it.  We have had some really great families move in to the ward.  
Derek Munsey spoke in sacrament Sunday.  I wasn't there, but Dad said he did a great job.  He leaves at the end of the month.  Kathy Meredith also told me that Ben has started his papers.  She said to tell you hi and to ask you to write Ben.  
Work has been the same.  However, the one person that was really creating some problems was finally fired.  SO, now I don't have to dread going to work as much.  What a relief!  Dad is super busy with work.  
So now on to some questions:
Did you get your medicine yet?
How much do you have left?
When are transfers again--next week?
How are your clothes doing?  Do you need anything?
I will also get a care package together.  I will send the exercise videos Dad made for you.  Is there anything in particular that you would like me to send?
I love hearing that you are growing into such a fine missionary.  I love hearing about all the growth in your testimony.  I am so proud of you and knew you would be great and that you would love it.  Keep up the work---even when it is hard and exhausting!  You will be blessed, as well as those you are serving!  I love you so, so much son!
Thought for the week-Mosiah 18:29  "they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants."  I think of you when I read this.  You and your companion are doing this daily.  You work on the ranch, you teach and testify with the spirit, you provide hours of service in helping families move, the list goes on.   


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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