Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fwd: July 24, 2011

Dear Reader(s),
 This week was another great week in the mission field. we now have a total of 4 investigators here who we are consistently teaching, it is staring to get really hot! Its really tiring work out here. Tommorow we are supposed to be donating blood, so i am not super excited about that, Elder Tingey is determined that i conquer my fears of needles and blood. :( Anyway, doctors appt went well, and i have a perscription i need to turn in now. Been very busy. Had an interview with President Castro. Hes a really chill guy, i like him alot. We have moved a lot of people the last couple weeks, another one this morning from 10am to 3pm, just me and my comp and 4 other people. so i am pretty tired, especially when the missionaries and the guy moving are the only ones actually working... anyway love you all. Talk to yah next week.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
Happy Pioneer Day! 
This last week was my LAST week working full time!  SO HAPPY!! The boys are working on getting their Eagle.  Mason has not had any luck getting donations from Home Depot. So he is mowing lawns as a fundraiser to do his project.  Weston is making some headway on his idea for a project.  He has made many calls and left many messages.  So it is a slow process.
Dad is out of town this week.  He left for NY yesterday.  He said it is super hot there. 
Austin Hansen got his mission call.  He is going to Buenos Aires Argentina.  He leaves November 30th. 
Brother Hansen sprained his ankle pretty bad at the ward activity last night.  He was playing football.  He is in quite a bit of pain. 
So, how did your appointment go with the mission doctor?  Sister Castro seems very nice.  She moved pretty quickly. 
Weston and Mason have orientation at Windcrest tomorrow.  They have their brown shirts and black aprons.  Sister Emmett is so excited to have them work there.  She has been doing poorly, but is starting to improve.  Many of the sisters there are starting to decline in their health.  I worry so much about them.
Not much else new here.  Today's lesson in RS and Priesthood was on the talk by Elder Quentin Cook ---LDS Women are Incredible!  You should read it.   It is about how women are strong and courageous, even through trials. 
Well son, I don't have a lot to say tonight for some reason.  I think I am just super tired.
I love you and am proud of you.  I pray for you daily.  I know the Lord is mindful of you. Keep working hard, stay true and you will be blessed with happiness and teaching opportunities!

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