Monday, July 11, 2011

Fwd: July 11

I am in a driving area, but eventually i will need a bike, but good news is i have one now! Elder Jones found it in the front of someones house with a sign "free broken back wheel" its like in perfect condition and has disc brakes and stuff, all it needs is a seat, which i am taking care of through another biker member. It is gonna cost me $30 to fix the wheel because he had to order a new piece of the hub, but hes gonna fix it for me and give it a tune up free! so that's exciting. I am not getting transferred, so i will still be here with Tingey!  Funny story, i have met a member who is best friends with Dee Dee and "Beef" (as they called him) Hansen. they should be emailing you! their name is the Bowers Family. Still no headway with all of our new investigators, :( but we have lots of appointments next week, and we have brought some less actives back! It is really hard to get in touch with people in the summer, especially with the beach so close. Not really any special food yet, we do eat dinner with this family from Sweden who cooks really good Swedish food. I will Write Ben send me his address! Yes i did get the CD player thanks a bunch! You were right it is hard, and i am tired all the time, but of course the members don't know that, i am good at hiding it, I am finally getting a tan! anyway love you alls, Elder Scott

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Good day Elder Scott --

Another week gone.  I wonder if you are finding that they are accelerating each week, like they do for me.  You will be back in Colorado before you know it --- so don't squander your short time! 

We've been wondering a couple of things, you haven't mentioned whether or not you are driving, or walking -- we assumed you were not biking since you didn't need your bike.  How is that going, are you allowed to drive the mission car? or what?  Were all those rules in the driving contract for real?

You mentioned last week about sending your bike -- do you need the bike for work? or was it for playing with your MTBing member friend?  I don't want to send it just to have for fun....

Did you ever get that CD player & speaker?  I hope so. 

How are you clothes & shoes & such holding up.  I presume you'll be heading into transfers soon, in fact, probably this week if I calculated correctly.  Let us know what comes of that change. 

How are your families?  What are their names?  Have you found any connections to Colorado or Arizona?   Is the baptism still on for the older sister?  How about those  young brothers you mentioned?

Are you finding good mexican food?  I'm jealous, I bet its really good!

Derek Munsey has his mission papers in, we should hear about his call either this week or the next -- he said his uncle went to Ventura.  He's excited to find out when he's leaving. Austin Hansen too has submitted his, I believe.  Exciting times, all of those Deacons I started with are serving missions!  Ben Meredith, however, doesn't seem to be motivated to do anything, perhaps you could write him a note and encourage him to get moving on his life!

This week was rather uneventful, no great stories to share of tires falling off or bicycles getting ran over.  We've been having some severe weather, thunderstorms every day and you know what that does to Maggie. 

We had a baptism in the ward last night, Tashley Tucker -- Brandon Outlaws girlfriend I guess -- it was kind of neat, lots of people came out to support, she's very excited.

Weston and Mason have been trying to drive the civic more --- they scare me, I'm not sure how I ever survived you learning..... but they're motivated now since they had an interview at Windcrest --

Ryan and Tori came over on Saturday -- I've attached a couple of pictures.  They said they have corresponded with you a few times.  I'm glad I told Ryan about Moab and said we'd put together a trip to go out there for a few days when you get home --- before you head off to school again.  He said that sounded fun! 

This week in Sacrament meeting we learned about agency.   Tyler Lawson spoke, and did a good job, sister Outlaw and Brother Engle, a new addition to our ward.   Agency is the central topic in the plan of salvation, and it is up to us to make the best of it.  We can decide to be happy, or we can decide to be miserable.

Helaman 14:
30 And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto ahimself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are bfree; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a cknowledge and he hath made you free.
 31 He hath given unto you that ye might aknow good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might bchoose life or death; and ye can do good and be crestored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you.

Well, Elder -- I hope this email finds you happy & tired, sunburned, dehydrated, with blisters on your feet -- because if it does, that means you're working hard -- and if you're working hard, you're happy.  We love you and can't wait to hear all about your week.

Til next week,

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