Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4 -- Happy Independence Day

Sweet! i think Moab would Be awesome! we went mountain biking with this guy in our area with about about 10 other missionaries in our zone. it was not super hard (for me atleast) because it was a lot like the trail behind vista. I suprised everyone because i knew how to do it and had a lot more endurance, it was fun. The Member we went with commented that i looked like i had done it for years which was cool. Go Greenie! haha No major injuries, i got a little bold and jumped on a rock, all that happened was that my feet came off the pedals and slammed my shins, no big deal. I think that if i am here next transfer i will want my bike because i had to use another missionarie's and it was pretty bad shape. and i figure i will eventually need one so if the offer is still standing to ship it to me that might be something i want, i will let you know next week. Not a whole lot else happened this week, other than we did A LOT of service. we did 4 moves this week and it felt like i was working at mesa systems again, YUCK! But because of my experience, i was very good at packing and unpacking and all the technical aspects involved. it feltm good being able to bring (ex-mover skills) to the table and being useful. one of the moves was especially difficult, we got there at 9, unloaded a huge uhaul into a garage. once we finished, we were called back after we had showered and cleaned up, without lunch, to come back and load it all back up, they didnt want the house because it was trashed and not in livable condition. (the joys of renting a house online) then we rushed off sweaty and gross, changed into our suits, and went to meet our new mission president. he was really cool, and he has young kids with him so it should be interesting to see what he does with the mission. Then after we ate dinner, we went back and unloaded this truck into a storage unit. and all throughout this time we only had about 3-5 people helping. we were exhausted. Madeline our investigator is still working with us on getting a date for her baptism now so i hope everything works out, we got 2 new investigators this week, one 18year old guy who is dating a member, and another 18year old who was just curious and showed up at church after he went to his lutheran church. and he loved it!! so that is exciting.
That concert was for the youth conference here. all the youth invited the special ed kids in the community and made families like in trek for a week. than at the end of the week they had a talent show and supported them in performing. it was a really beautiful experience, and  i think it really boosted their self esteem, the youth here are incredibly strong and faithful.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Bret Scott <bnscott2@gmail.com> wrote:
We looked at some of the items you sent on the USB stick -- what are those videos of some concert?  Details?

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Bret Scott <bnscott2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott --

Today is July 4 -- and you're probably not reading this because the library will be closed, but, I figured it will eventually reach  you. 

We have had an eventful week.  Weston, Mason and I completed the Moab/Canyonlands trip with only  minor injuries -- mason scraped up his elbow a bit, but overall we came out no worse for the wear.  Mason's bum is a bit sore too... We left Wednesday morning and were back home Saturday afternoon -- we rode close to 100miles on the rough White Rim Trail -- around canyonlands national park.  I attached some pictures.  There were 17 of us I think, 10 youth, 6 adults -- myself, Bro. Burnside, Bro. Lawson, Bro. Bright, Bro. Guthrie, Bro. Munsey, and Mr. Bill ( Bro. Bright's father-in-law).  I took my bike, and Mason had the blue Trek 4300, the red bike needed some work and I didn't get the derailleur fixed before it was time to leave.  We rented all the other bikes from a place in Moab --- they were nice $3000 bikes --- it was kind of funny because we tried our hardest to ruin one of the bikes ( unintentionally ), Mr. Bill even ran over one of the bikes with his truck at one point -- completely taco'ed the rear wheel and twisted up the seat pretty good -- we could not fix it.  We thought we were going to be buying the bike but because the rear shock on that bike was defective anyway, they actually gave us money BACK on the rentals!!! we couldn't believe it.  Mason has decided that is what we should do each year for our boy-scott outing, rent some bikes, get a hotel and spend a few days mashing in Moab -- what do you think?

You said last week you were going mountainbiking?  What?  How does that work?  Is that an approved missionary activity ;) ?  Tell us all about that. 

Today we are heading to the Rothey's new house to spend the day swimming in their pool & barbeque etc. --- its going to be hot today. 

We finally got the new roof on the house!!!! after 9 months of negotiating with American Family -- it looks great!  Our house looks new again!   ( now to update the kitchen and windows ) :)

I taught Elders quorum yesterday, Seth Guthrie and Chad Hamilton came to Elders this week for the first time -- I taught about resolving family conflicts harmoniously.  President Spencer W Kimball had some good things to say about that.

"Our own personal weaknesses may also cause contention with others (see James 4:1). When a person is not at peace with himself, it is very difficult to live in harmony with others. Among the weaknesses that can cause disharmony are lust, greed, impure desires, and conflicting loyalties. President Spencer W. Kimball mentioned one weakness in particular: "A couple may have poverty, illness, disappointment, failures, and even death in the family, but these will not rob them of their peace. The marriage can be successful so long as selfishness does not enter in. Troubles and problems will draw [partners] together into unbreakable unions if there is total unselfishness there"

I think some of these same principles apply when you consider your relationship with your missionary companion.  Be unselfish, and serve your companion and you will grow closer together and become an even more useful instrument of gospel preaching. 

Weston and Mason went on splits with Elder Rasmussen and Elder Smith last week --- Elder Smith has only been out a couple of weeks, he says he might have met you in the MTC-- he's from from Mesa, AZ.  They had a good time, they went tracting and contacting etc., they are going again this week.  Your brothers are quite excited about it.

Well, Son, gotta run -- hope you are doing well, working hard, and counting your blessings.  We are excited for your awesome opportunity.  Many ward members are inquiring about you and your mission, we're pointing them to the blog I setup to post your letters ( so make sure you are writing with good grammar and spelling, and add lots of INFO!!!! )

Love you,


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