Monday, July 18, 2011

Fwd: July 18, 2011

     This Week was a Great week in the mission, and a great way to start our transfer off. Tuesday we had appointments all day! We taught one of our investigators who is in his 30's and has a wife and a kid. He was super interested in the apostasy, while we taught him the restoration. I think he has some serious potential and later on in the week i took him a copy of some of my mission prep stuff on the apostasy to help explain it more. (told you mom haha) Then on Wednesday after service it was crazy. we drove almost 200 miles that day transporting a car and some bikes to Ventura Mission office. we were so tired by the end of the day. we drove back and forth from noon till about 5 which completely killed all of our plans to teach that day. On thursday we picked up another investigator who is a friend of one of the youth we see very often! On Friday we ate lunch with a "dead Elder" (mission lingo for released) and his parents, it was really neat to see him after 2 long years away from his family to be reunited. On Saturday we spent the day in a tripanionship with an elder who had gotten sick and been sent home from the Denver South Mission, but had not been released. he was trying to decide whether or not to stay out on a mini mission (because they wont send him back to CO) or to get released. We helped contribute to his decision to stay out and really strengthened my testimony. My comp was surprised because he did not think he would do it, i had faith and positive attitude nonetheless. Today We moved a young couple into their new apartment, and then went to a members house and are learning to tap dance, its super fun!
So overall this week we went from one investigator to FIVE, Hooray! Yes i am still working on the ranch weekly. and now i get more responsibility because i am not the new guy. :) still figuring out bike repairs i will keep you posted. Pictures of any thing (appropriate of course). i am sitting pretty right at 220 lbs, and i should be able to start head ing the other direction now that i have a steady routine. ( you were right dad ;D) I have heard from Lindsey Larson (you met her at BYUI when you picked me up), Ryan, Torri, Sister Guthrie sent me a card, and an Elder i knew in the MTC's sister is writing me ;). SO far... Anyway i love you all and i hope i can continue to make you proud, sorry i am so brief in writing.
Love and Sincerity, Elder Scott
PS. Dad, the Mission just recently got permission to use portable DVD players for certain material. So my comp and i would like to do P90X in the mornings, can you send that to me?

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
So this week flew right by!  I ended up working 51 hours, so I was pretty wiped out by Friday.  Then on Friday, my car wouldn't start!  One of the wires on the battery was loose.  Dad came to the rescue, but I had also called Roadside assistance just in case it needed to go to the dealer.  The tow truck would have NEVER made it in the parking garage at work. We got it jumped and it is fine.  But what a way to end the day of 11 hours at work and the long week! 

We had a lot of rain again this week.  Thursday was a torrential downpour.  Some streets were so flooded there wasn't even a sidewalk! The Honda would have probably never made it through some of the walls of water!  It was intimidating to drive in! 
We celebrated Tori's 16th birthday this week on Wednesday.  We all just went to dinner and hung out after. We took her to the movie with us this weekend!  She is so grown up!
The boys got the job at Windcrest.  They have orientation in two weeks.  They are excited to have a job!  Weston had a swim meet this weekend.  He took time off most of his events.  It was clear in Thornton.  A nice new facility though.  Mason didn't end up with much Rugby this last week, weather caused many cancellations!  Mason spoke in church today.  Bishop asked him to pick a topic out of the DTG book.  He chose Service.  He did a great job.  He used some excerpts from your letters---about working at the ranch and putting up the flag pole.  The bishop also ended up speaking on service.  Your brothers are certainly proud of their missionary brother.  Thank you for setting such a great example!
Dad said he sent the addresses to you.  I still plan on sending some stationary and stamps.  Just couldn't get it done this last week.  I work one more week of full time hours, then I go down to 2 days a week-mostly!  Then I will get stuff to you.
Dad and I are planning on going to Safford in a couple of weeks.  Heath and Cheri are going through the temple and getting sealed.  So we are going to go that. 
Well son, I LOVE hearing from you. You sound like you are really enjoying your mission and I am so happy to know that.  Cheryl Munsey was asking me about missing you and how it is when you have a missionary out.  I said it is wonderful.  You know that they are where they are supposed to be at that time in their life.  I know you are happy, so I am happy too!  BTW, Derek is going to Texas-spanish speaking.  He leaves Aug. 31st.
So my thought to leave you with is from Mason's talk.  He shared D&C 4:2  "Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."  I know you are serving with all your heart, might, mind and strength.  Being tired is a good thing on your mission!  Keep up the good work.
Here are some questions to answer--
1.  Who are you teaching now?
2.  Are you still working at the ranch weekly?
3.  How are the bike repairs going?  Do you need some money to help in the repairs?
4.  Did you still want pictures?  If so, of what?
5.  Is your weight gain slowing down?
6.  What is a typical day like for you?
7.  What do you do on your p day?
8.  Who have you heard from (letters)?
Well, I love you!  I am off to bed so I can deal with the week!  I don't think I ever want to go into management!  Have a great week! 

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