Monday, July 11, 2011

Fwd: July 10, 2011

Older sister? You mean Madeline? she is doing Great! still working on a date though we have been so busy we haven't had a whole lot of time to sit down and talk with her. I had a odd week too, too much to remember it all but the good thing is that i am staying here, and im not being transferred! so that's exciting, Elder Tingey and Elder Jones and I went with a member on a 3.5hr bike ride, mountain biking in these huge hills! it was really hard but i got too bomb down some technical stuff and was totally worth it. No injuries too. Still working on stuff, I will have more to tell you next week. I did get your package thanks for the food! Love Edler Scott

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
Hope this finds you doing well.  Did you get my care package that I sent? 
This last week was a good one.  I was off most of the week and spent it at Phoebe'e helping her get moved in.  We also spent time hanging at the pool.  It was nice to have some relaxing summer fun.  We have had some CRAZY thunderstorms every day though.  Of course Maggie freaks and spends it in the basement bathroom.  Dad turns on the fan and music to help block the sound.  Dan and Allison's dog Mazy jumped out of the top window onto the roof and then off the roof Wednesday during the storm.  She miraculously was ok, only scraped her leg.  That was a terrible call to make to Allison.  She wasn't home, so I had to call her on her cell and tell her.  She came home right away.  Poor dog.  Chloe gets nervous too now.  She doesn't freak like Maggie, but she stays near someone the whole time.
Dad and I celebrated our wedding anniversary Wednesday.  21 years.  We went to dinner to celebrate.  No out of town trip this year.  Too much going on.  Next year maybe.
We had several moves this week.  We had the HIll's move out to Texas, the Moktan's moved into a house and two new families move in.  ALL this weekend.  BUSY!
Saturday we spent cleaning up things around here.  Dad and the boys cleaned OUT the garage.  IT looks amazing!  I caught up on 8 months of filing and cleaned the basement.  All the high adventure gear got put away finally.  Feels good to have things cleaned up.  You know me.
We went to a baptism tonight.  Tashley Tucker was baptized.  She was Brandon Outlaw's girlfriend.  She also has several friends in the church.  It was so well attended that we had to move to the chapel for the talks.  She was so happy.  Reminded me of my baptism. Her family at first was not going to come and then changed their minds.  They came and it was a great experience for everyone.
Well, guess who came to visit us!?  Ryan and Torri.  They came over yesterday.  We showed them all your pictures.  We took a picture with them.  Dad will send it with his email.  They love hearing from you.  So do ward members.  They ask about you and are glad to hear from you.  I will send you some stationary of some sort and some stamps.  I will also send more pictures.  Do you know what pictures you would like?
Your brothers said to tell you hi.  They had their interview with Carlie this week at Windcrest.  Should hear this week.  They are doing an odd job this week for President Chesney's son's company.  They will each work one day, they will make $11/hour just moving ladders all day.  Must be a roofing company or something.  They have also been learning to drive the Honda more. 
Well, here I am again writing at 11 at night and I have to get up at 4:30am.  So I will say goodnight and I love you son.  Again, I am so proud of the young man you are.  I thank you for serving your Heavenly Father so happily.  The difference you can make in other's lives is such a privilege.  Honor the sacredness of that privilege.
Also, tell me about your investigators---you had two new ones that were 18.  How is the older sister doing?  Have you set a baptism date for her? 
Oh, I will call your mission president this week to discuss your doctor appt.  I did get your Clarinex prescription, so I will get it mailed and get it to you.  That way you can keep your allergies controlled. 
Well, my thought for the day is "Men/women are that they might have joy".  I have joy today.  It was a good day.  It was a good week. Life is good, really.  I can have no complaints.  I have joy.  For that I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father.
Spread the message of joy son.  Spread the joy.
I love you,

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