Monday, August 29, 2011

Fwd: August 28, 2011

Dear Everyone,
This week has been a lot...different. Now that Tingey isnt with me i have seen many of his traits manifest in me. its kinda wierd, and my new companion, Elder Williams is a polar opposite of him. He is from Saint George, UT and is the youngest of 8 kids. I have kind of been senior companion for now because this is his first time being district leader and he doesnt know the area. It has been stressful, and i guess i am kind of a control freak... But i am working on it. There is another elder that was in my MTC group that is training and apparently next transfer my companion thinks i can, so we will see what happens. On Friday we set an investigator with a baptismal date of October 1st, it was a really spiritual experience because she came to her own realization of the truth, and admitted she needed to let her pride go.  Today we went mountain biking again and i endo'd big time at the end, but i got huge air! I was probably going a little too fast, but i took  a jump, and when i landed there was sand and my front end sunk, it could have been a lot worse though, i attached a picture haha. Our suicidal guy is doing great he has started cleaning himself up and has been to church the last couple of weeks. I did get my care package and i found my sunglasses!!!
Anyway everything is going well and i am working hard to show my new companion the ropes.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are things going with your new companion?  Tell me all about him?  Are you a senior companion now?  Are you also a trainer?
How is it going with the new contact?  How is the guy that you gave a blessing to? 
Did you get your care package?  I will send your garments and eye glasses cleaner this week.  I wanted to wait and make sure you weren't the one being transferred.
So this week has been a crazy week for us.  Monday was Back to School night.  Mason has Mr. Prouty for Honors Chemistry, he also has Mrs. Orsini for English.  Tuesday Dad spent in Boulder, then played hockey that night.  He has been complaining of wrist pain since the middle of June.  He has nursed it along and thought it was healed.  Well, after hockey it hurt A LOT worse.  So he finally succumbed and went to the doctor Wednesday!  SO Wednesday was the DAY OF THE WEEK!  Weston had an appointment for his plantar warts---have to get those taken care of before swim begins again in September.  Then Dad had his appointment.  His wrist is not broken, but he has to have an MRI--they think he has torn a ligament.  Possible surgery!  Then Mason hurt his shoulder playing church softball.  Oh, how I hate softball now!  So when I took him to work on Monday, they sent him home.  Because he had so much pain lifting trays, they said he couldn't come back to work until he had a doctor's note.  SO we went to the doctor Wednesday afternoon.  Well, they think he did the same thing Dad did to his.  So another MRI and possible surgery!  Weston also has been having shoulder pain with swimming.  He now has one clavicle sticking out further--it is slightly dislocated---most likely from shoulder problems.  He also went the National Jewish a few weeks ago to have a thorough work up for his asthma!  So it has been a little crazy here!
Then, Thursday IBM called Dad and told him to go to NY.  Hurricane Irene was expected to cause damage to areas in which there are businesses that IBM supports.  SO Dad works in Disaster Recovery, so off he went.  He got there Friday afternoon.  He went to the store and got water bottles and PB&J stuff.  The storm has subsided now.  Just dealing with flooding.  He spent Saturday in the IBM building.  Then he spent today in the hotel.  They couldn't get back to the IBM building due to the flooding.  He just got a ticket to fly back home on Tuesday!  I need to talk to Trina to see how Chris is since he is in North Carolina.
So this week should be MRI's and decisions!  Mason is supposed to do his driver's test September 6th, hopefully no surgery so that he can get his license.  I REALLY need them to be driving!
So the Poulsen's spoke in church today.  You probably don't remember them.  He has been the bishop of the Sand Creek Ward-the young single adult ward.  Now it is Tom Redd.  Anyway, they spoke on what they learned from their time serving in the ward.  They talked a lot about seeking after the one.  They talked about those that came back to church after periods of inactivity.  They said that those individuals would come to church with their heads down, no light in their eyes.  The ward would open their arms to them and love and friendship them back into activity.  Those individuals would often comment on how they thought that living away from the church and the "rules" would be easier, but instead it made their lives harder.  They talked about the importance of seeking out those that need a friend.  The spirit was very strong in the meeting.  Then RS and Priesthood was about the conference talk on Atonement by C. Scott Grow.  It fit very well with what the Poulsen's talked about.  Healing and forgiving others and ourselves. 
It has been a busy week and a busy Sunday.  My day began with two meetings before church.  Church, HT's, VT's, Mason had a YAC meeting--oh yeah, he got called to YAC, then the boys had BYD.  Lots of phone calls and emails.  Walked the dogs, scriptures and prayer.  I am pooped and ready for bed.  Let another week begin!
Here is my scripture of the week--we read it tonight.Jacob 2:18-19  "But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good--to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and to administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." 
You are doing this.  You are seeking for the kingdom of God, to do those exact things.  You are not like other 19-20 year old boys--seeking for riches.  I am proud of you.  The Lord will bless you with riches to administer to those in the California Ventura mission.  Keep up the good work.  The boys LOVED hearing from you.  They went to bed already, so I will make sure they get an email or note off to you next week! 
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fwd: August 22

Dear Everyone,
Today was a great week in the California Ventura Mission. I have been in charge of the area all week as senior companion, because Elder Tingey was on exchanges with the district. It was a lot of work but i managed to do it, Good thing to prepare me because Elder Tingey is being transferred to Bakersfield, round 2. So i have show a new guy the ropes. We have picked up a new investigator and taught her the restoration, we also did a lot of street contacting this week. Thank you for all your prayers and support.
Weston and Mason
 How are you guys? Now do you believe me when i said work is hard! haha anyway, the best way to succeed is to just do what your told no questions asked. And work hard! Show the Managers that you are willing to go the extra mile, and try not to socialize to much with the other employees. Always volunteer for things, Once they see your willingness to serve wholeheartedly, and see your competence they will trust you more. and be a LOT nicer. Tell all the folks at WindCrest i say hi. As far as school goes, if you have free time when you come home or in class, DO HOMEWORK. then you can stay caught up and have plenty of time for fun and friends when you need it. Sports, stick with it! Prioritze your time by what needs to happen first over what you want to happen now. Love you guys and keep being the great examples you are to those around you. PS - Dont Wreck my car! haha and stay off my snowboard. Longboard is fine though :)

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Happy Monday Elder Tyler!

We are happy Monday is here again so we get to hear how your week has been.  Thanks for sending those follow-up emails last week, we were kind of worried what was going on with your short response last week.

We hope this letter finds you happy and working hard.   This week has been fast and furious as most weeks go these days.  Mason finished his eagle project.  It turned out nice.  I've attached a picture here.

Weston is still working to reach the contact at the Centennial water district office to get his project going, with any luck, he'll have this stuff arranged and ready to go soon.

Meghan Smith (Christensen) had her wedding reception on Friday night at the Rothey's new place --- it was fun --lots of people.   They're happy ( if you could imagine ).

Weston and Mason are getting in the groove over at Windcrest -- they complain about it just as much as you did.  They seem to be working a lot, I hope they can figure out how to juggle all their activities before they get buried.  Perhaps a word of advice from their older brother?

We spoke at length with the Munseys this weekend, Derek is super excited to leave for his mission -- he has to take with him a 72-hour kit in case of hurricane emergencies since he'll be down near the Gulf of Mexico in his mission -- it was pretty interesting to talk to him about it.  We're happy for him.

Austin is getting excited too -- trying to figure out what is Argentina going to be like -- they went to the Argentina restaurant downtown Denver to have some of the authentic cuisine -- he seemed a little skittish about it, but he'll get over that.

In yesterday's church meetings, we heard from Sister Karen Tenney, Anne Chambers, and Bro. Ellsworth from the stake High Council -- they spoke on having faith and enduring to the end, they did a great job.  As I'm sure you are learning, as you exercise your faith, and do your part, the Lord will bridge the gap of your capability and work miracles through you.  Just don't doubt, be humble, and rely on that guidance of the Holy Ghost.

I hope you have some more time today during your email session to share with us your week's experiences.  We look forward to hearing your ( virtual ) happy voice. :)

Your prescriptions have been filled and delivered to the mission home, so you might inquire of Sister Castro what the status is, unless you've already got them in hand.

Mom sent you a care package -- I sent along several more music CDs, and some of those 10-minute trainer DVD videos -- if you want the actual P90X let me know - -but those workouts are actually like 90minutes long, that didn't seem like it was something you would be able to do.  I also have a cheap-o set of those resistance bands I was going to send along with the videos, but Mom shipped the package before I knew it -- so they didn't get included.  I have some new Garments for you, I'll get them in the mail to you shortly, but wanted to see what came of tranfers this week, before I did so.

We love you!  We're proud of you!  Keep up the good attitude and great work!



Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fwd: August 15, 2011

Dear Everyone,
This week was not a super eventful week. We taught and saw some people but nothing significant, sorry, But we did have Zone Conference on Thursday. It was awesome and president Castro is going to be a great mission president. I broke my watch this week though. :( Its good to hear about the family. I got a letter from Brother Roper haven't responded yet though so tell him I am working on it. ha I don't really know what else to say.  
Mom, no i haven't got my meds. i have enough for a couple weeks i think. transfers are next week. Haha my clothes... well i have had lots of blowouts in the pants and luckily we have a master seamstress in our ward who fixes them for me, but i have all of them working. i have found that i hate cotton garments... its too hot. unfortunately laundry or exchanges ate a pair of my garments but. mesh is whats up but im am making it work. i have had 2 pens blow up in my pockets but have removed most of those stains. maybe send some socks, and if you want i probably could use some more ties and a stain stick. food hates me...

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning son!
Hope you are doing well!  This last week was good for us.  Weston and Mason went back to school Tuesday.  They started seminary again today.  They are still working at Windcrest--learning.  Weston said he dropped his first tray--on himself.  It had hot coffee on it!  Mason has almost completed his Eagle project.  I am going to get him scheduled to get his driver's license.  WOW!  Weston and I might try to go get his first signature today for his Eagle project.  So progress is being made.
Dad was out of town last week.  He returned on Thursday and I left on Thursday.  I went to Meghan's wedding.  Phoebe and I went and we stayed at the DeLeeuw's.  We had a blast.  It was great to see Laura again!  All is well with their family.  Jed finishes his mission in 7 months!  Crazy how time flies! 
Meghan looked beautiful.  They were married in the Bountiful temple.  They had a dinner in the Joseph Smith building.  Phoebe took some pictures, I will attach them next week.  We just got home yesterday, so I don't have them yet.  They also have a reception here this Saturday at the Rothey's new home.  So I should be able to get some pictures then.  I know that I still need to print some pictures for you and get them sent.  I will work on that this week or next.  Sorry.  Has the camera been working ok since you had to fix it?
Last night was another Pie night.  The ward council does these pie nights--dessert night really--in a member's home and invites all the recently move in's to it.  We have had some really great families move in to the ward.  
Derek Munsey spoke in sacrament Sunday.  I wasn't there, but Dad said he did a great job.  He leaves at the end of the month.  Kathy Meredith also told me that Ben has started his papers.  She said to tell you hi and to ask you to write Ben.  
Work has been the same.  However, the one person that was really creating some problems was finally fired.  SO, now I don't have to dread going to work as much.  What a relief!  Dad is super busy with work.  
So now on to some questions:
Did you get your medicine yet?
How much do you have left?
When are transfers again--next week?
How are your clothes doing?  Do you need anything?
I will also get a care package together.  I will send the exercise videos Dad made for you.  Is there anything in particular that you would like me to send?
I love hearing that you are growing into such a fine missionary.  I love hearing about all the growth in your testimony.  I am so proud of you and knew you would be great and that you would love it.  Keep up the work---even when it is hard and exhausting!  You will be blessed, as well as those you are serving!  I love you so, so much son!
Thought for the week-Mosiah 18:29  "they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants."  I think of you when I read this.  You and your companion are doing this daily.  You work on the ranch, you teach and testify with the spirit, you provide hours of service in helping families move, the list goes on.   


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fwd: August 8, 2011

Dear Readers,
     This week was a pretty solid as far as teaching goes. It went by so fast I cant exactly remember what happened. And seeing as I just finished playing some intense basketball for 3 hours my body is fatigued, and therefore my brain haha.
      Tuesday was hard, we were prompted to stop by this less active guy in our ward. So we went to visit him and he was about ready to commit suicide, Elder Tingey and I were led by the spirit to teach him about the consequences and the plan of Salvation. He has had a rough life, been to jail, substance abuse and he is 39 and single. The problem is he is to scared and lazy to put forth any effort to change his life. So while we were talking with him I thought of my Patriarchal Blessing, where it says that i have been given the gift to cast out evil spirits. so after we left i was prompted to go back and give him a blessing. I gave him a blessing of peace and comfort and that Satan's influence would be cast out of his midst. it was a really powerful experience and afterward Tingey told me that he had the prompting i had and that he was told to wait and let me act. It really strengthened my testimony.The next morning we woke him up at 630 went on a walk, and had smoothies for breakfast. Then we studies with him before we went to our service at the ranch. We have been checking up on him and it seems that we have really started to change his life around, he is reading and praying and exercising instead of being depressed.
     So sorry for the long story, but it needed to be shared. On Thursday Elder Tingey made me be Senior comp for a day and i had to plan and take charge of the whole day. Including handling the phone and driving. it was a fun and pretty successful day. So after District Meeting We taught one of our investigators the plan of salvation and he was really interested in eternal families. it was great to be able to finally get past the restoration. and on Friday we taught another investigator the plan with a member present. that was an interesting experience and we learned that the daughter who is living with her has been through a really abusive marriage and was recently divorced. she feels it is her fault even though she made the right choice in protecting her children from the monster. it was really hard to see her break down like that. 
     So thus far we have been through a lot and its really making my faith in the gospel grow and be tried. I love you all and keep up the good work. Love, Elder Scott

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hey Elder,
   Whats up?  this is mason in case you were wonderin. Sorry its been so long since ive emailed you. what have you been up to in the mission field lately service wise. a couple weeks ago i had to give a talk on service and gave the example of your iwo jima experience.  its pretty cool
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you this week?  How are the families you are teaching?  Have you done a lot of moves again?
This last week was pretty uneventful here.  The boys go back to school tomorrow.  They have been playing a lot, movies, having kids over to do s'mores in the fire pit, etc.  They are just about done with their training at Windcrest.  Jackie has already given Weston a hard time! 
Dad is out of town again this week.  He left yesterday after church.  He gets back Thursday.  Phoebe and I leave to go to Utah on Thursday to go to Meghan's wedding.  We come back on Sunday.  I went to the temple Saturday with the Smith's and Meghan-she took out her own endowment.  She looks so happy!  She sends her love to you.
Derek is going to the temple on Tuesday.  He leaves Aug 30th.  Their family is so excited. 
Yesterday at church there were a lot of testimonies shared about missionary work and service.  It was a great meeting. 
Mason is doing his Eagle project this weekend and the next two Saturdays.  He raised almost $500, Home Depot wouldn't donate any money.  So he will be getting his drivers license soon.  Weston is a little miffed about that.  But he is trying to hear back on his.  So hopefully he will get his done in September.  They are getting better at driving the Honda.  It will be nice to have them drive themselves to places.
Son, I am so proud of you that you recognize the blessings of obedience.  I know the mission president is thankful for missionaries such as yourself.  Keep up the good work.  I pray for you daily and put your name on the temple roll every time I go.  I think of you always and am so grateful for you and your willingness to sacrifice you time to serve the people of California.  I love you!
p.s.  I sent your prescriptions out.  They will most likely come the end of the week or beginning of next.  I will let Sister Castro know to watch for them.  Keep the little envelope that comes with them, that is how you will send off the next ones. 


Monday, August 1, 2011

Fwd: August 1

WOWEE overload Email haha, Thank you all for the support and I will take the advice to heart.
This Week has been the craziest week of my entire mission. Monday we started off with Moving (again) this family which took us the better part of the day. Then on Tuesday we finally got a chance to catch up on some stuff like laundry. I have got my bike situation all finished for a grand total of $30, pretty much brand new bike =D. Then on Wednesday we finished service at the ranch around noon and were called in to help one of our closest families move out of their apartment. it turned out to take all the rest of the day and we had to reschedule a lot of appointments. Once again i had to use my moving experience to take the reigns of the operation. I ended up packing about all of the storage unit (tetris like) and disassembling tons of furniture for transport. Then in the morning on Thursday at 630 we went back to finish because they had to be out of their apartment by 9am. Elder Tingey and I were moving until 3pm ish, and were spent, and we weren't done because our appointments were still needed to be accomplished. somehow we were able to make time to go to another families house on Wednesday to see their daughter open her mission call. She is leaving for the Kirtland Ohio Mission and returns May 2013. (like me) And she will also be returning to BYUI. I am going to come back and go sailing in Oxnard with their family when i finish the Mission.
Anyway back to Thursday... we had appointments with a couple of our investigators. Then on Friday we had District meeting because it had to be rescheduled and a weeks worth of appointments in one day, weekly planning had to be rescheduled as well and we did not finish it until Sunday. Also this entire week Elder Tingey and i have been dealing with an Tripanionsip of missionaries that came about because an Elder in our District was ET'd to a different mission along with his previous companion. (they weren't doing work and went on dates and to Hooters or something) So complications arose and the remaining Elder and 2 others from Moorpark (who cannot Drive because one had an accident and the other doesn't have a license) were stuck in tripanionship covering 4 wards! bad planning, and i feel bad for President Castro having to deal with this. Also, on Saturday we ended up doing some service (hanging drapes) which we thought would take 30 minutes tops, took us 3hours...  So yah, its been nuts, and we have spent more time in P-Day clothes than in Proselyting clothes, but our investigators are still progressing and we are getting close to a few baptisms. =)

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Bret Scott" <>
Date: Aug 1, 2011 6:32 AM
Subject: August 1
To: "Tracie Scott" <>

Greetings Elder Scott --
Mom and I are here in the Tucson airport heading back home. We have been in Safford this weekend spending time with Heath & Cheri --- everyone wrote you a note yesterday, I've included them here.
Hey Tyler - Aunt Shellie here - it's pretty crazy in here right now, everyone is sitting around Nonnie's dining room table playing some raucous card game. Everyone came down to Safford because Heath and Cheri got sealed in the temple. Afterward Heath blessed his new little son Hunter. Total DOLL, that kid is - everyone is totally fighting over who gets to hold him. It's so awesome to see their little family! Okay signing off, someone else's turn now
Hey Elder! Jake Scott here. man can you believe that you are really there? for the first like year of my mish, I had "ah ha" moments were I would realize "woah! I'm a missionary! I'm actually here!" haha its crazy man. i have been here in the land of eternal p days for almost 2 months now. it's pretty crazy. it has awful when i first got home. but its getting better. starting school in a couple of weeks. im excited about this new portion of my life. its weird that this is where i am in life though. like, the next big thing I'm going to do is get married. weird. Anyway, take care bro. i love you. my grandpa gave me this advice: study hard, pray hard, and work hard and you will be successful. love you bro.
Tyler! - How are you doing in California? California missions are the best in the church. I served in the Oakland mission (also covering San Francisco) from 1993-95, but I went Cambodian speaking so it was a little different. It is an amazing thing to live your life so that you can qualify for the Lord's trust. Strict obedience to the commandments (mission rules), coupled with a sincere desire to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the basis for the Lord to work miracles through you. Job, family, a new house and church callings keep us pretty busy, but we are having a lot of fun. We'll keep you in our prayers and (now that we have your e-mail address) send some e-mails your way. Love, Uncle Nick
Hey Elder Scott!It's your favorite cousin Cassie! Hows it going? Ventura, right? That's soo awesome! My good friend is serving ther e also! He went in February to Ventura but Spanish speaking. I don't know if you know him but his name is Elder Kendall Rapier! If you see him, you should definitely tell him hello for me! He's awesome! Well, I'm glad you're there! It's where you should be, and I appreciate your example! Love ya cousin! Keep up the good work of the Lord!
Hi elder, we've had quite a weekend with all 5 children here.In the temple yesterday Heath's family was sealed, A good experience for all. It's been nice having everyone here.I'm doing alright, I got my pacemaker adjusted this week and have been doing ok ever since. We love you and pray for you and your success daily.Love Papa
Hey Tyler I mean elder Scott it's your favorite cousin from Arizona. I heard you had a good time in the MTC and I hope you're having an awesome time in the field any way I just wanted to tell you I miss you and I love you Ty I'll talk to you later. Aaron Scott
Hello Tyler, We miss you and hope you are well. We all are just sitting around visiting with each other and telling stories and having fun. We are proud of you and are glad you are where you are, keep up the good work, your mom and dad tell us good things about you. We enjoyed a busy weekend.We went to the temple Friday and Saturday with Heath and Cheri. They got sealed on Saturday morning. We love you and miss you but we are glad you are doing the Lords work.Keep up the good work and we will talk to you later. Love Nonnie.
Hey there Tyler,How in the world are you?Fantastic I am sure!!How else might you be when you are out doing what you are doing…serving the Lord!It has been fun having your mom and dad here this weekend, We realized I haven't seen them since we were all up in Idaho for Chance's wedding, let's see, that has been a year and a half ago. WOW, too long.Well, it sure has been fun having our missionary home from serving his two years in Oregon.What a wonderful experience it was for him as it will be and I am sure already is for you! You will learn things there on your mission that you won't learn anywhere else.So proud of you for choosing to so what you are doing.Keep working hard and relying on the Lord to direct you.We love you, Aunt Karen
Hey Elder Scott, Aunt Boo Boo here, we are having a great time this weekend as you heard Heath and Cheri went to the temple on their 1 year anniversary to be sealed and have Hunter sealed to them.(Hunter is their new babyborn June 4 – totally adorable I must say, but I'm not prejudice!!)It has be a fabulous uplifting family filled weekend!This mama is super proud to be the mother of such a great son.His wife is super wonderful and their two babies are the best ever.They call me Memaw and Kevin is Pops!Love it!!Your dad totally makes fun of my name and my little granny classes!Loving life.Shane is working and doing ok, trying to figure out what he's going to do with his life. Lindsey will be a Junior this year, can't believe she will be done with school in two years!!I'm so old.Anyway, I'm proud of you for making good choices in your life that let you serve a mission!Love ya, Aunt BrendaJ
Hey Tyler, we are here at Nonnie's house with the whole gang, we came to Arizona for Heath and Cheri's sealing in the Temple and for the blessing of Heath and Cheri's second little boy. We had lots of fun and a lot of people were there. Hope your doing well and you are finding lots of success bringing new people to into Gospel. It seems like yesterday but it was about 28 years ago that I was in your shoes and boy did time fly. Enjoyed seeing your Mom and Dad, its seems like I haven't seen them in forever. Take care of yourself, spend a lot of time on your knees and you will find much greater success and before you know it you will be home chasing Girls and going to School. Take Care, Kevin.
I don't care what anyone else says you already know this is your favorite uncle Brian.This is pretty crazy around here.But not as bad as if you and your brothers were here. How is the work in your end of the mission field.I hope your getting along with your comps, life is hard enough when you get along with your roommate, I iknow that if you are obedient to all the mission rules you will be blessed andproductive in the Lords work. Follow the rules and be happy.The Church is true the book is blue and Moroni is on the ball. Endure to the end.Be good.Love you Brian E. Scott.
How is everything this week? Still teaching the four families you mentioned last week? How are they doing? How are you feeling? Any concerns?
We have to board the plane right now so this is short today, can't wait to hear all about your week. Love Mom & Dad.

Best Letter Ever!!!

After a fantastic weekend in Safford with the fam, we returned to a letter from Tyler's companion Elder Tingey -- I have transposed it here:

Bro & Sis Scott,

Hello my name is elder Thomas Tingey.  I have had the privilege of working with your son for the last 9 weeks.  The first day I met Elder Scott he wanted to play a bunch of testosterone games involving pain.  I buckled down for what I thought was going to be a long transfer.  I quickly grew to love Elder Scott.  He is a man of many notable traits.  One thing he is, is genuine.  When he says he cares, I believe it.  When he says he wants to knock the smug smile off my face, I also believe him ;)  What you see is what you get.  He is fun loving & enjoyable to be around.  Over the last 9 weeks I've seen him change considerably.  I've seen him grow patience, learn humility, develop faith, & become more Christ Like.  Nothing I did nor said changed him.  As he has learned the gospel & applied the Atonement a mighty change in heart was wrought.  He also has become self aware.  I watched him as pride melted into confidence.  He has become very comfortable with who he is.  His self esteem has grown & in 9 short weeks he has grown from boy to man.

I must say his cheery optimism took some getting used to.  The last thing I want to comment on is him as a missionary.  One thing that has made this companionship easy is Elder Scott's obedience. Though he doesn't understand or agree with some of the rules, he follows them.  Whenever he wants to do something he doesn't know is against the rules, all I have to do is inform him of the rule & he drops the idea without any fight.

Overall it has been a real pleasure to serve with your son.  He is a great guy & a great missionary.  He is going to go far & many souls will be saved because of his efforts.  I look forward to serving with him for at least 3 more weeks & hope I can finish my mission with him as my companion.
Elder Tingey