Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fwd: July 24, 2011

Dear Reader(s),
 This week was another great week in the mission field. we now have a total of 4 investigators here who we are consistently teaching, it is staring to get really hot! Its really tiring work out here. Tommorow we are supposed to be donating blood, so i am not super excited about that, Elder Tingey is determined that i conquer my fears of needles and blood. :( Anyway, doctors appt went well, and i have a perscription i need to turn in now. Been very busy. Had an interview with President Castro. Hes a really chill guy, i like him alot. We have moved a lot of people the last couple weeks, another one this morning from 10am to 3pm, just me and my comp and 4 other people. so i am pretty tired, especially when the missionaries and the guy moving are the only ones actually working... anyway love you all. Talk to yah next week.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
Happy Pioneer Day! 
This last week was my LAST week working full time!  SO HAPPY!! The boys are working on getting their Eagle.  Mason has not had any luck getting donations from Home Depot. So he is mowing lawns as a fundraiser to do his project.  Weston is making some headway on his idea for a project.  He has made many calls and left many messages.  So it is a slow process.
Dad is out of town this week.  He left for NY yesterday.  He said it is super hot there. 
Austin Hansen got his mission call.  He is going to Buenos Aires Argentina.  He leaves November 30th. 
Brother Hansen sprained his ankle pretty bad at the ward activity last night.  He was playing football.  He is in quite a bit of pain. 
So, how did your appointment go with the mission doctor?  Sister Castro seems very nice.  She moved pretty quickly. 
Weston and Mason have orientation at Windcrest tomorrow.  They have their brown shirts and black aprons.  Sister Emmett is so excited to have them work there.  She has been doing poorly, but is starting to improve.  Many of the sisters there are starting to decline in their health.  I worry so much about them.
Not much else new here.  Today's lesson in RS and Priesthood was on the talk by Elder Quentin Cook ---LDS Women are Incredible!  You should read it.   It is about how women are strong and courageous, even through trials. 
Well son, I don't have a lot to say tonight for some reason.  I think I am just super tired.
I love you and am proud of you.  I pray for you daily.  I know the Lord is mindful of you. Keep working hard, stay true and you will be blessed with happiness and teaching opportunities!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fwd: July 18, 2011

     This Week was a Great week in the mission, and a great way to start our transfer off. Tuesday we had appointments all day! We taught one of our investigators who is in his 30's and has a wife and a kid. He was super interested in the apostasy, while we taught him the restoration. I think he has some serious potential and later on in the week i took him a copy of some of my mission prep stuff on the apostasy to help explain it more. (told you mom haha) Then on Wednesday after service it was crazy. we drove almost 200 miles that day transporting a car and some bikes to Ventura Mission office. we were so tired by the end of the day. we drove back and forth from noon till about 5 which completely killed all of our plans to teach that day. On thursday we picked up another investigator who is a friend of one of the youth we see very often! On Friday we ate lunch with a "dead Elder" (mission lingo for released) and his parents, it was really neat to see him after 2 long years away from his family to be reunited. On Saturday we spent the day in a tripanionship with an elder who had gotten sick and been sent home from the Denver South Mission, but had not been released. he was trying to decide whether or not to stay out on a mini mission (because they wont send him back to CO) or to get released. We helped contribute to his decision to stay out and really strengthened my testimony. My comp was surprised because he did not think he would do it, i had faith and positive attitude nonetheless. Today We moved a young couple into their new apartment, and then went to a members house and are learning to tap dance, its super fun!
So overall this week we went from one investigator to FIVE, Hooray! Yes i am still working on the ranch weekly. and now i get more responsibility because i am not the new guy. :) still figuring out bike repairs i will keep you posted. Pictures of any thing (appropriate of course). i am sitting pretty right at 220 lbs, and i should be able to start head ing the other direction now that i have a steady routine. ( you were right dad ;D) I have heard from Lindsey Larson (you met her at BYUI when you picked me up), Ryan, Torri, Sister Guthrie sent me a card, and an Elder i knew in the MTC's sister is writing me ;). SO far... Anyway i love you all and i hope i can continue to make you proud, sorry i am so brief in writing.
Love and Sincerity, Elder Scott
PS. Dad, the Mission just recently got permission to use portable DVD players for certain material. So my comp and i would like to do P90X in the mornings, can you send that to me?

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
So this week flew right by!  I ended up working 51 hours, so I was pretty wiped out by Friday.  Then on Friday, my car wouldn't start!  One of the wires on the battery was loose.  Dad came to the rescue, but I had also called Roadside assistance just in case it needed to go to the dealer.  The tow truck would have NEVER made it in the parking garage at work. We got it jumped and it is fine.  But what a way to end the day of 11 hours at work and the long week! 

We had a lot of rain again this week.  Thursday was a torrential downpour.  Some streets were so flooded there wasn't even a sidewalk! The Honda would have probably never made it through some of the walls of water!  It was intimidating to drive in! 
We celebrated Tori's 16th birthday this week on Wednesday.  We all just went to dinner and hung out after. We took her to the movie with us this weekend!  She is so grown up!
The boys got the job at Windcrest.  They have orientation in two weeks.  They are excited to have a job!  Weston had a swim meet this weekend.  He took time off most of his events.  It was clear in Thornton.  A nice new facility though.  Mason didn't end up with much Rugby this last week, weather caused many cancellations!  Mason spoke in church today.  Bishop asked him to pick a topic out of the DTG book.  He chose Service.  He did a great job.  He used some excerpts from your letters---about working at the ranch and putting up the flag pole.  The bishop also ended up speaking on service.  Your brothers are certainly proud of their missionary brother.  Thank you for setting such a great example!
Dad said he sent the addresses to you.  I still plan on sending some stationary and stamps.  Just couldn't get it done this last week.  I work one more week of full time hours, then I go down to 2 days a week-mostly!  Then I will get stuff to you.
Dad and I are planning on going to Safford in a couple of weeks.  Heath and Cheri are going through the temple and getting sealed.  So we are going to go that. 
Well son, I LOVE hearing from you. You sound like you are really enjoying your mission and I am so happy to know that.  Cheryl Munsey was asking me about missing you and how it is when you have a missionary out.  I said it is wonderful.  You know that they are where they are supposed to be at that time in their life.  I know you are happy, so I am happy too!  BTW, Derek is going to Texas-spanish speaking.  He leaves Aug. 31st.
So my thought to leave you with is from Mason's talk.  He shared D&C 4:2  "Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."  I know you are serving with all your heart, might, mind and strength.  Being tired is a good thing on your mission!  Keep up the good work.
Here are some questions to answer--
1.  Who are you teaching now?
2.  Are you still working at the ranch weekly?
3.  How are the bike repairs going?  Do you need some money to help in the repairs?
4.  Did you still want pictures?  If so, of what?
5.  Is your weight gain slowing down?
6.  What is a typical day like for you?
7.  What do you do on your p day?
8.  Who have you heard from (letters)?
Well, I love you!  I am off to bed so I can deal with the week!  I don't think I ever want to go into management!  Have a great week! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fwd: Pictures from the mission field!

Here are a couple pictures of Elder Tingey and Elder Scott.  Elder Tingey came to our house barefoot because he had stepped in barbecue sauce at his dinner appointment.  haha.  We love having your boys come to our home!  They bring a great spirit.  Thank you for sharing them with us!  :)

Tracy Bowers

A couple pictures are a repeat for Elder Scotts family, but I just finally got the Tingey's email.  :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fwd: July 11

I am in a driving area, but eventually i will need a bike, but good news is i have one now! Elder Jones found it in the front of someones house with a sign "free broken back wheel" its like in perfect condition and has disc brakes and stuff, all it needs is a seat, which i am taking care of through another biker member. It is gonna cost me $30 to fix the wheel because he had to order a new piece of the hub, but hes gonna fix it for me and give it a tune up free! so that's exciting. I am not getting transferred, so i will still be here with Tingey!  Funny story, i have met a member who is best friends with Dee Dee and "Beef" (as they called him) Hansen. they should be emailing you! their name is the Bowers Family. Still no headway with all of our new investigators, :( but we have lots of appointments next week, and we have brought some less actives back! It is really hard to get in touch with people in the summer, especially with the beach so close. Not really any special food yet, we do eat dinner with this family from Sweden who cooks really good Swedish food. I will Write Ben send me his address! Yes i did get the CD player thanks a bunch! You were right it is hard, and i am tired all the time, but of course the members don't know that, i am good at hiding it, I am finally getting a tan! anyway love you alls, Elder Scott

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Good day Elder Scott --

Another week gone.  I wonder if you are finding that they are accelerating each week, like they do for me.  You will be back in Colorado before you know it --- so don't squander your short time! 

We've been wondering a couple of things, you haven't mentioned whether or not you are driving, or walking -- we assumed you were not biking since you didn't need your bike.  How is that going, are you allowed to drive the mission car? or what?  Were all those rules in the driving contract for real?

You mentioned last week about sending your bike -- do you need the bike for work? or was it for playing with your MTBing member friend?  I don't want to send it just to have for fun....

Did you ever get that CD player & speaker?  I hope so. 

How are you clothes & shoes & such holding up.  I presume you'll be heading into transfers soon, in fact, probably this week if I calculated correctly.  Let us know what comes of that change. 

How are your families?  What are their names?  Have you found any connections to Colorado or Arizona?   Is the baptism still on for the older sister?  How about those  young brothers you mentioned?

Are you finding good mexican food?  I'm jealous, I bet its really good!

Derek Munsey has his mission papers in, we should hear about his call either this week or the next -- he said his uncle went to Ventura.  He's excited to find out when he's leaving. Austin Hansen too has submitted his, I believe.  Exciting times, all of those Deacons I started with are serving missions!  Ben Meredith, however, doesn't seem to be motivated to do anything, perhaps you could write him a note and encourage him to get moving on his life!

This week was rather uneventful, no great stories to share of tires falling off or bicycles getting ran over.  We've been having some severe weather, thunderstorms every day and you know what that does to Maggie. 

We had a baptism in the ward last night, Tashley Tucker -- Brandon Outlaws girlfriend I guess -- it was kind of neat, lots of people came out to support, she's very excited.

Weston and Mason have been trying to drive the civic more --- they scare me, I'm not sure how I ever survived you learning..... but they're motivated now since they had an interview at Windcrest --

Ryan and Tori came over on Saturday -- I've attached a couple of pictures.  They said they have corresponded with you a few times.  I'm glad I told Ryan about Moab and said we'd put together a trip to go out there for a few days when you get home --- before you head off to school again.  He said that sounded fun! 

This week in Sacrament meeting we learned about agency.   Tyler Lawson spoke, and did a good job, sister Outlaw and Brother Engle, a new addition to our ward.   Agency is the central topic in the plan of salvation, and it is up to us to make the best of it.  We can decide to be happy, or we can decide to be miserable.

Helaman 14:
30 And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto ahimself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are bfree; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a cknowledge and he hath made you free.
 31 He hath given unto you that ye might aknow good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might bchoose life or death; and ye can do good and be crestored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you.

Well, Elder -- I hope this email finds you happy & tired, sunburned, dehydrated, with blisters on your feet -- because if it does, that means you're working hard -- and if you're working hard, you're happy.  We love you and can't wait to hear all about your week.

Til next week,

Fwd: July 10, 2011

Older sister? You mean Madeline? she is doing Great! still working on a date though we have been so busy we haven't had a whole lot of time to sit down and talk with her. I had a odd week too, too much to remember it all but the good thing is that i am staying here, and im not being transferred! so that's exciting, Elder Tingey and Elder Jones and I went with a member on a 3.5hr bike ride, mountain biking in these huge hills! it was really hard but i got too bomb down some technical stuff and was totally worth it. No injuries too. Still working on stuff, I will have more to tell you next week. I did get your package thanks for the food! Love Edler Scott

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
Hope this finds you doing well.  Did you get my care package that I sent? 
This last week was a good one.  I was off most of the week and spent it at Phoebe'e helping her get moved in.  We also spent time hanging at the pool.  It was nice to have some relaxing summer fun.  We have had some CRAZY thunderstorms every day though.  Of course Maggie freaks and spends it in the basement bathroom.  Dad turns on the fan and music to help block the sound.  Dan and Allison's dog Mazy jumped out of the top window onto the roof and then off the roof Wednesday during the storm.  She miraculously was ok, only scraped her leg.  That was a terrible call to make to Allison.  She wasn't home, so I had to call her on her cell and tell her.  She came home right away.  Poor dog.  Chloe gets nervous too now.  She doesn't freak like Maggie, but she stays near someone the whole time.
Dad and I celebrated our wedding anniversary Wednesday.  21 years.  We went to dinner to celebrate.  No out of town trip this year.  Too much going on.  Next year maybe.
We had several moves this week.  We had the HIll's move out to Texas, the Moktan's moved into a house and two new families move in.  ALL this weekend.  BUSY!
Saturday we spent cleaning up things around here.  Dad and the boys cleaned OUT the garage.  IT looks amazing!  I caught up on 8 months of filing and cleaned the basement.  All the high adventure gear got put away finally.  Feels good to have things cleaned up.  You know me.
We went to a baptism tonight.  Tashley Tucker was baptized.  She was Brandon Outlaw's girlfriend.  She also has several friends in the church.  It was so well attended that we had to move to the chapel for the talks.  She was so happy.  Reminded me of my baptism. Her family at first was not going to come and then changed their minds.  They came and it was a great experience for everyone.
Well, guess who came to visit us!?  Ryan and Torri.  They came over yesterday.  We showed them all your pictures.  We took a picture with them.  Dad will send it with his email.  They love hearing from you.  So do ward members.  They ask about you and are glad to hear from you.  I will send you some stationary of some sort and some stamps.  I will also send more pictures.  Do you know what pictures you would like?
Your brothers said to tell you hi.  They had their interview with Carlie this week at Windcrest.  Should hear this week.  They are doing an odd job this week for President Chesney's son's company.  They will each work one day, they will make $11/hour just moving ladders all day.  Must be a roofing company or something.  They have also been learning to drive the Honda more. 
Well, here I am again writing at 11 at night and I have to get up at 4:30am.  So I will say goodnight and I love you son.  Again, I am so proud of the young man you are.  I thank you for serving your Heavenly Father so happily.  The difference you can make in other's lives is such a privilege.  Honor the sacredness of that privilege.
Also, tell me about your investigators---you had two new ones that were 18.  How is the older sister doing?  Have you set a baptism date for her? 
Oh, I will call your mission president this week to discuss your doctor appt.  I did get your Clarinex prescription, so I will get it mailed and get it to you.  That way you can keep your allergies controlled. 
Well, my thought for the day is "Men/women are that they might have joy".  I have joy today.  It was a good day.  It was a good week. Life is good, really.  I can have no complaints.  I have joy.  For that I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father.
Spread the message of joy son.  Spread the joy.
I love you,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4 -- Happy Independence Day

Sweet! i think Moab would Be awesome! we went mountain biking with this guy in our area with about about 10 other missionaries in our zone. it was not super hard (for me atleast) because it was a lot like the trail behind vista. I suprised everyone because i knew how to do it and had a lot more endurance, it was fun. The Member we went with commented that i looked like i had done it for years which was cool. Go Greenie! haha No major injuries, i got a little bold and jumped on a rock, all that happened was that my feet came off the pedals and slammed my shins, no big deal. I think that if i am here next transfer i will want my bike because i had to use another missionarie's and it was pretty bad shape. and i figure i will eventually need one so if the offer is still standing to ship it to me that might be something i want, i will let you know next week. Not a whole lot else happened this week, other than we did A LOT of service. we did 4 moves this week and it felt like i was working at mesa systems again, YUCK! But because of my experience, i was very good at packing and unpacking and all the technical aspects involved. it feltm good being able to bring (ex-mover skills) to the table and being useful. one of the moves was especially difficult, we got there at 9, unloaded a huge uhaul into a garage. once we finished, we were called back after we had showered and cleaned up, without lunch, to come back and load it all back up, they didnt want the house because it was trashed and not in livable condition. (the joys of renting a house online) then we rushed off sweaty and gross, changed into our suits, and went to meet our new mission president. he was really cool, and he has young kids with him so it should be interesting to see what he does with the mission. Then after we ate dinner, we went back and unloaded this truck into a storage unit. and all throughout this time we only had about 3-5 people helping. we were exhausted. Madeline our investigator is still working with us on getting a date for her baptism now so i hope everything works out, we got 2 new investigators this week, one 18year old guy who is dating a member, and another 18year old who was just curious and showed up at church after he went to his lutheran church. and he loved it!! so that is exciting.
That concert was for the youth conference here. all the youth invited the special ed kids in the community and made families like in trek for a week. than at the end of the week they had a talent show and supported them in performing. it was a really beautiful experience, and  i think it really boosted their self esteem, the youth here are incredibly strong and faithful.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
We looked at some of the items you sent on the USB stick -- what are those videos of some concert?  Details?

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott --

Today is July 4 -- and you're probably not reading this because the library will be closed, but, I figured it will eventually reach  you. 

We have had an eventful week.  Weston, Mason and I completed the Moab/Canyonlands trip with only  minor injuries -- mason scraped up his elbow a bit, but overall we came out no worse for the wear.  Mason's bum is a bit sore too... We left Wednesday morning and were back home Saturday afternoon -- we rode close to 100miles on the rough White Rim Trail -- around canyonlands national park.  I attached some pictures.  There were 17 of us I think, 10 youth, 6 adults -- myself, Bro. Burnside, Bro. Lawson, Bro. Bright, Bro. Guthrie, Bro. Munsey, and Mr. Bill ( Bro. Bright's father-in-law).  I took my bike, and Mason had the blue Trek 4300, the red bike needed some work and I didn't get the derailleur fixed before it was time to leave.  We rented all the other bikes from a place in Moab --- they were nice $3000 bikes --- it was kind of funny because we tried our hardest to ruin one of the bikes ( unintentionally ), Mr. Bill even ran over one of the bikes with his truck at one point -- completely taco'ed the rear wheel and twisted up the seat pretty good -- we could not fix it.  We thought we were going to be buying the bike but because the rear shock on that bike was defective anyway, they actually gave us money BACK on the rentals!!! we couldn't believe it.  Mason has decided that is what we should do each year for our boy-scott outing, rent some bikes, get a hotel and spend a few days mashing in Moab -- what do you think?

You said last week you were going mountainbiking?  What?  How does that work?  Is that an approved missionary activity ;) ?  Tell us all about that. 

Today we are heading to the Rothey's new house to spend the day swimming in their pool & barbeque etc. --- its going to be hot today. 

We finally got the new roof on the house!!!! after 9 months of negotiating with American Family -- it looks great!  Our house looks new again!   ( now to update the kitchen and windows ) :)

I taught Elders quorum yesterday, Seth Guthrie and Chad Hamilton came to Elders this week for the first time -- I taught about resolving family conflicts harmoniously.  President Spencer W Kimball had some good things to say about that.

"Our own personal weaknesses may also cause contention with others (see James 4:1). When a person is not at peace with himself, it is very difficult to live in harmony with others. Among the weaknesses that can cause disharmony are lust, greed, impure desires, and conflicting loyalties. President Spencer W. Kimball mentioned one weakness in particular: "A couple may have poverty, illness, disappointment, failures, and even death in the family, but these will not rob them of their peace. The marriage can be successful so long as selfishness does not enter in. Troubles and problems will draw [partners] together into unbreakable unions if there is total unselfishness there"

I think some of these same principles apply when you consider your relationship with your missionary companion.  Be unselfish, and serve your companion and you will grow closer together and become an even more useful instrument of gospel preaching. 

Weston and Mason went on splits with Elder Rasmussen and Elder Smith last week --- Elder Smith has only been out a couple of weeks, he says he might have met you in the MTC-- he's from from Mesa, AZ.  They had a good time, they went tracting and contacting etc., they are going again this week.  Your brothers are quite excited about it.

Well, Son, gotta run -- hope you are doing well, working hard, and counting your blessings.  We are excited for your awesome opportunity.  Many ward members are inquiring about you and your mission, we're pointing them to the blog I setup to post your letters ( so make sure you are writing with good grammar and spelling, and add lots of INFO!!!! )

Love you,
