Monday, October 29, 2012

Fwd: Happy birthday!!! 2012

From: Tyler Scott <>
Date: October 29, 2012, 1:42:29 PM MDT
To: Tracie Scott <>
Subject: Re: Happy birthday!!! 2012

Dear family,
Another week gone by, and i feel really old. Coming up on the final quarter of my mission, and i am going to be 21 tommorow. Jeez. 
Things are going well. We went to the temple on thursday which was fun. Rode down in a 2011 Camaro SS convertible. Uncomfortable but worth it! haha. Still looking for people to teach. Got my ballot turned in, pretty much randomly voted. Elder Crapo doesnt know the Deleeuws. Kinda close, but not really, on the other edge of the zone. Jeez that is ridiculous about the influx of missionaries.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and encouragement. Since when did weston get an Iphone? hes notorious for breaking phones i thought? haha. 
Btw mom i hear your losing weight, keep up the good work, in the words of a favorite british man, "Yah, baby, yah!.." Love yah!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Re: October 22,2012

Dear Family,
 Well its good to be back in the old stomping ground. I am in the Silver Creek Ward this time around, on the other side of the zone. My companion is Elder Crapo, from Sandy, Utah. He is the youngest of 5 and goes home in 4 months. Crazy. Hes a pretty cool guy, and we are the same height. He reminds me a lot of Elder Thomson. I think it will be a really good transfer. I did not know him beforehand, well i kinda did he served in the area i just came from just before i got there.
Head is spinning in the new area just getting my bearings. Still on bike and all is well. My address is 8303 Laborough Apt. B. Bakersfield, CA 93311
We taught a few less actives this week and contacted a potential investigator and have an appointment with her this week. Just getting to know the members. Its funny Because i already have connections. Having served in the zone, also This was Elder Tingey's last area, and Elder Nielsen served here as well. We had stake conference yesterday with Elder Packers Son. He talked about football. And Youth and the gospel and stuff, it was good. Got to see some people from my old ward.
All is good in the hood.

Got my meds ordered today.
YOU SENT IT TO SIMI! Dangit, an Elder Scott replaced me there! Gah! now i got to get that figured out!
I do want cookies! Idk i think i am all good. It would be cool if the frame could play video files as well as pictures. :)

Sounds like your vacation was good. Hope to see some pictures. Ttyl love yah

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fwd: Sushi with you boys!


Thank you for raising such wonderful young men. We love spending time
with them. The Dungan Family

Elder Scott's Sushi Adventure

Fwd: Re: October 15, 2012

Dear Family,
So, Both Elder Hyatt and I are being transferred away. I am going back to south Bakersfield with Elder Crapo, he is a pretty cool guy and I think we are going to get along well. Still on a bike, so i get to keep my girlish figure ;P So thats cool. Not really a change of scenery i guess. We had a good week, taught some good people on the street and Declare the Gospel, with zeal. Thanks for the letter, I regretted sending that last weeek. I kinda expected you to send an attitude check, but its cool i was just having a bad morning. I really am obedient, i just complain about it sometimes i guess, and you caught me on a bad stressful day while i was venting. So Sorry about that, i wiil try to do better.
White washing the area i think is a good idea. It will allow a restart of endurance to an area that had nothing going on when i got here, and litterally nothing, at all, was in the area book. So i think that overall we havwe really helped set this place up to ignite. But anyway i imagine that is how ammon felt in Alma 26:12. So i am grateful to have been able to labor in this part of his vineyard, And to haver been able to learn so much from Elder Hyatt and the Members in this area. I have been touched and look forward to coming back to visit after i am done.
Sounds like you all had a good vacation! Good luck with the tournament Weston. Yes, the Dungans are a great family and i love them dearly, and Sushi is good. But WAY overpriced. Ha! you went to a haunted house! No Way! Way to go Mom! I love adrenaline rushes, i miss that.
So i will talk to you all later I guess! Peace out boy scout!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fwd: Re: October 1, 2012

Dear Family
just another normal week, we taught 2 member present lessons to our newly found investigators who randomly showed up last week. They are both special needs and stuff so its pretty slow process. But were doing our best. Andrew, the one who i guess used to be a member came to both wards yesterday. He had a Seizure in the second sacrament meeting and that was quite scary. I didn't know what to do so i just got down and protected his head in the hallway, wasn't super violent. Hes okay now. But anyway, Elder Hyatt had no idea how to handle it. It reminded me of that time i think in 6th grade when that girl fell on me and was having a seizure. SO yah, that was on my plate. Along with just being super busy in general. Woohoo. I guess stress is the best way to measure growth.
We had a good week though and were doing better and stuff. So yah. Been trying to study better and follow the mission schedule better so that's whats going on. Yes i am healing. things are going just fine, Transfers are coming up here soon and i am feeling super old. To put it into perspective. I have been in Simi for 5 transfers. I have 5 left... Woah. 
So yah, love you all talk to you later.
I got the license thing.
A bear in the Ranch? must have been pretty hungry to come that far. Sheesh. But i am sure Weston and Mason could have taken him.
Mail from the family is fine, Just from everyone else i get no mail. so yah
I got my pants fixed were all good. A lot has happened in the area, but i have been handling it fine i think. Life gives you lemons, make applejuice.
Speaking of voting, how do i get an absentee ballet?
Missionaries out per ward seems to be a silly form of competing if you ask me. How bout you compete in:
 How many people we can refer to the missionaries? - seems a bit more productive..  ;D
Bystrom family. Yes we see them alot, Not just for the cookies. They are one of our favorites, But most of the families in the wards are my favorites. Cause i have been here a long time. :)

- Elder Tyler Scott