Monday, November 7, 2011

Fwd: November 6, 2011

Dear Readers,
This has been a more successful week, We have 2 official progressing investigators now, an autistic kid and an old lady with a lot of health problems. I have been getting a little sick as well, Its cold, and humid, so its wierd. we taught 8 lessons this week and our performance as missionaries is increasing. We have bed bugs... LAME! So we bombed our room with pesticide for a day. hopefully it worked. Thomas Tingey took us to lunch on thursday! he is doing well and is fitting back into the world well. He got denied at BYU Provo, so he is going to Idaho! Woot! haha. Hopefully he continues to visit you. I dont have much to say, Halloween is lame as a missionary, i miss the scaring part. :/ Anyway Happy Early Birthday Mom! Yes i remembered, its tommorow! hope you enjoy that hand blender. We arent red zoned, thats a different part of bakersfield but its definately not safe to be out at night, to much gangs and violence. Its pretty sketchy but it keeps you on your toes. Which is fun.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you doing this week?  I enjoyed your letter last week.  I am glad you liked the camera.  It wasn't necessarily a hint, but more pictures would be great.  Plus you will want them.
Well, Dad did his Haunted House on Halloween.  He worked all day on it and finished right at dark.  It was pretty good!  We also moved the fire pit out to the front and had the grill out too.  The weather was great.  So we did hamburgers and hot dogs.  We also did homemade root beer.  We had probably 150 people come.  There were 21 ward families that came.  It turned out nice.  The Hansen's brought Ashley, she gets to have field trips from the hospital now.  She will be released Nov. 18th.  She will then go to therapy every day for some time.  She is walking with special crutches and her eye now opens.  It is getting better all the time. 
The rest of the week flew by.  Dad went to NY again on Friday.  He gets back on Wednesday afternoon.  We are going to go see Lion King-the broadway musical on Wednesday night.  I remember taking you to see that movie.  It was the first movie we took you to.  I was pregnant with the boys and I cried when Mufasa died.
So, my question about what do you do at night was in regards to your statement of being in a red zone and not being allowed out after dark.  So is that true?  What does a red zone actually mean?
Hang in there with the cancellation of appointments.  Missionary work is HARD, but you can do it. It is also the most rewarding work you will do!  Remember in the Book of Mormon how many of the leaders and prophets were discouraged by people's lack of interest in living or hearing about the gospel.  However, serving those you are trying to teach will often soften their hearts.  Just keep finding ways to serve and to love the people.  Turn the work over to the Lord and let Him guide you in what you should do each day.  Stay close to your companion and study together daily.  The answers will come, the work will flourish and you will grow in your testimony and patience.  We all get discouraged, but to overcome discouragement turn to the Lord-always. 
So I am finishing this email at work right now, before a patient comes out.  I was on call today and got called in.  Later, Kim and Phoebe are taking me to Breckenridge overnight for my birthday.  It should be fun!!!  It is also going to snow lightly, so it will be pretty. 
So here is my scripture this week.  I was reading in 2 Nephi 28 last night.  It is a simple verse.  Verse 24--"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion."  It made me think of how often I am uncomfortable in what my calling requires.  If we are at ease, we are not progressing.  You will often not be at ease in your two years of service to the Lord, but that is OK.  That means you are progressing, which is exactly what we are to be doing in our time here.  Progressing and preparing to return home.  Continue on my son!
P.S.  The medical director called to discuss getting your prescriptions refilled.  He said you were a GREAT missionary.  Good job!!!
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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