Monday, November 28, 2011

Fwd: November 28th, 2011

The mission office will be moving to a new location on Monday, December 12, 2011. The following is the new address and phone number:

California Ventura Mission
3301 West Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA 93036

Phone: 805-485-1034
Dear Readers,
Meanwhile in the california ventura mission, Captain Elder Scott was hunting heathens and saving souls. Usual Super hero stuff. Anyway its been a good week. We are teaching alot more recently, and we've got our own little mojo going on. Its pretty cool. Our little ward is starting to become more active. Thanksgiving was pretty sweet. We ate dinner 3 times! We even have some leftover pie. I sent off for some refills under doctor chamberlains instruction so hopefully that works. All 3 of our investigators are getting close to being dunked, no dates yet though so i will keep you posted. No package yet.There was a drive by shooting in our neighborhood on thanksgiving, 2 people killed 5 shots fired. Its pretty sketchy. But i think we will be OK, its not the first gunshot we have heard near us...You probably wont believe it but i sang Count Your Blessings in a Quartet yesterday. I sang the tenor part, it was pretty good and people said i sounded good. so that was cool being able to do that. Sister Vernon asked me to do it since the guy who was supposed to sing was out of town (luckily we had a few chances to practice before then. I guess that's what i get for knowing how to read music... Someone stole the spanish elders hubcap last night haha its plastic! This town is crazy! Anyway thats all for now.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott,
Happy P-day!  How was your week?  How was Thanksgiving? 
We stayed home for Thanksgiving.  We had it with the Puga's, the Rothey's were out of town.  It was very low key and nice.  I had a lot of conversations about the church with Grandma Puga and Karen's sister in law.  They had a lot of questions.  We also shared what you are doing, what a mission is, etc.  Then we just hung around all weekend.  Weston hasn't been feeling well, so we didn't do much.  I did get the Christmas tree up. 
Austin Hansen spoke Sunday.  He leaves this week.  He is nervous but excited.  He has been waiting a long time! It has been a busy time for the Hansen family.
So about your medicine--I am going to call Dr. Chamberlin today and try to figure things out.  I am not sure why you didn't get the Welbutrin prescription.  The Clarinex you can refill by calling the number on the bottle and follow the directions.  It can be refilled.  It will automatically get charged to us, so no worries. 
Did you get the package yet?  Funny that the acne stuff you are using is what I bought.  So now you don't need to buy more.  It wasn't much of a package, but it had your favorite cookies. 
So how are the investigators doing? You mentioned a possible baptismal date.  That would be great.  So you are teaching 3 now?  Any thing else new?
So glad to hear the bed bugs are gone!  Don't worry about Valley Fever, we had that in Tucson too.  I actually had it as a teenager.  You should be fine.  Is your cold gone?
Well, I don't have a whole lot to say.  And you don't write a lot to respond to, so....
Here is my spiritual thought/message.  Yesterday we went over two talks from conference.  I will share from Elder L. Tom Perry--Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.  He shares how to share the gospel without fear---being a missionary.  He gives three ways for EVERYONE to do this.  
1.  Be bold in our declaration of Jesus Christ--we want others to know we believe.
2.  Be righteous examples to others.  As you are engaged in doing good, being honorable and upright men and women, the Light of Christ will be reflected in your lives.
3.  Speak up about the church.  We have many opportunities to share our beliefs with others.  Engage in two way conversations, ask about their beliefs also.
I thought those were great!  Keep up the good work! Stay obedient and work hard!
Oh, we had dinner at Windcrest with Aurline last week.  She is so great!  It was good to see what you and the boys do/did!
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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