Monday, November 21, 2011

Fwd: November 20,2011 Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Dear Reader(s),
This week has been a pretty good first week of the transfer. We have 3 progressing investigators, and hopefully 2 of them will be baptized before the end of the year. I dont know if someone named cheryl contacted you, but she lives with Maxene who we are teaching. So dont get wierded out. Thanksgiving is going to be lame without all of my family, but we have dinner with one of the families in the ward. Im doing fine on most things as far as clothes and stuf goes. i havent got a perscription for the welbutrin or clarinex yet. the doc was supposed to send it but i think he failed. so i dont know what to do. Im gonna run out soon and havent got any of the packages you have sent yet. So... Yah.... It says i can send for refills though so i am really confused.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you this week?  How is your teaching going?  Are your investigators progressing? Do you have anyone new you are working with?
How is the ward doing?  Are you having Thanksgiving with a ward family?  What are your plans?  We are not having our traditonal Thanksgiving with the Rothey's, they are going out of town for a soccer tournament for Tori.  We were going to to go to Arizona, but Weston is not feeling well, so we are staying home.  The Puga's have invited us to share dinner together. 
So this week was a little crazy.  Weston hasn't been feeling too well so I have been taking care of him.  Dad was out of town.  He is back now for about two weeks.  He has been growing this crazy mustache for Movember.  It is a charity event to raise money and awareness for Men's health.  He has actually raised some money.   However, the mustache is a bit to get used too.  He looks like he should be riding up on a Harley!  He has only been home about 6 days this month, so I have seen it grow daily!  He will get to shave it on Dec. 1.
I sent you a package, it should get there by Wednesday.  Not a lot in it, but just some things you will like.  I actually had bought the Clearisil Ultra also, so I sent it.  Now you won't need to buy more.
So you made through another transfer.  That is good you are enjoying your companion and that you are together for another 6 weeks. 
I am confused about your medications.  Which one did you get refilled?  The Vyvanse?  You should be needing the Wellbutrin also.  Did you not get that filled also?
Keep the envelope, if you didn't send for the Wellbutrin, you can send the prescription in that one.  The credit card is on file, you don't need to pay for it at all.
(Elder) Darin Gealta came to church last Sunday with his wife.  He came over to the house after---for cookies of course.  He asked about you.  He couldn't believe that you have been out 6 months already.  He is the same guy.  He said it was fun seeing you up at BYUI.  Ben Hoff is getting married on December 20th in Hawaii.  Everyone else is doing well--we have 12 missionaries from our ward.  3 in California!  You, Brandon and Cameron Babcock.  Cameron is in our ward now.  His mom moved into the Apartments.  Austin speaks next Sunday and leaves for the MTC on the 30th. 
Dad got a new calling today.  He is now the cubmaster!  There are about 12 cub scouts.  Hopefully he will be in town for pack meetings.  Pine wood derby's! 
How are your clothes doing?  Do you need new white shirts yet?  I sent some more socks.  How about ties?  Are your shoes holding up?  Do you need anything? 
Well, son, take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I am so grateful for you and for your service!  I am grateful for missionaries that change lives--they changed my life! 
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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