Monday, November 14, 2011

Fwd: November 14th, 2011

Dear Readers,
THis week we ave been gearing up for transfers, i am staying with elder thomson in south bakersfield.  We almost set a baptismal date for one of our ivestigators but he chickened out, so we will try again next week. This was Robert, he had been taught in the past, but his wife wouldnt let him get baptized. Maxene is one of them, she is thi 70 year old lady who has a lot of health problems but has a huge testimony in the power of healing and the plan of salvation. And our other investigator, Michael is autistic, but he seems to be progressing just fine. 
There is a senior couple here that is assigned to focus on less actives so we dont do much of that, they are way cool, on their 3rd mission, and WAY OLD. Service is always random things that i am sure we dont have liability to do but oh well we are helping people. Tracting, eh... Not so much.
I sent in for the Vyvanse but i havent gotten the perscriptions to refill the others yet, they havent showed up in the mail yet. Sick, like a mini cold but its not really affecting my ability to work, i have a pretty good immune system. Im just worried about Valley Fever. Yikes! We bombed the bedroom with an insecticide greanade.
I dont need any acne stuff i am using clearasil ultra, for christmas though i want a Casio G-shock and some good reflective perscription sunglasses.(maybe oakleys ;D) like elder tingeys or something. mine just are lame and not staying dark, for now i am ok though. im using some cheap dollar store ones.
Anyway, love you all, and its good to hear about home. but remember STAY OFF MY SNOWBOARD! HAHA
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good Morning!
How are you doing this week?  You mentioned you have two people that you are teaching. Tell us more.  What are their names, how they are doing, etc.
What else are you doing besides teaching these two people? Do you work with inactive ward members?  Do you do service projects?  Do you do a lot of tracting?
So you got your medications refilled?  Next year should be a little bit easier.  Our insurance is changing, so medications will go through CVS Pharmacy.  So you should be able to get them from the store directly.
So you have been sick?  What kind of sick?  Bed bugs?? How awful!!  Did you fumigate or did the mission hire someone to do that?  Have your been biten by the bed bugs? 
I am glad you got to see Elder Tingey.  He was fun when he visited.
Well, we are going to Arizona for Thanksgiving this year.  The Rothey's will be gone also.  Grandma really wants us to come.  Nonnie and Papa will be in Mesa visiting Shellie also.  So we will get to see all the family while we are there.  We are driving, so we will leave next Tuesday and return on Sunday.  It will be short. 
Well, not much is different here.  Dad got back in town Wednesday.  We went down town and saw the Lion King play with the boys.  It was really good.  The costumes were amazing.  We had our annual temple day on Thursday.  I am just about ready to seal all the names we have been doing of my family!  Monday night I went to Breckenridge overnight with Phoebe and Kim for my birthday--it was really fun!  Dad left for NY again Sunday, he gets back Saturday.  Weston is looking again for another Eagle project.  Man he has really had a rough time getting a project!  He has also been having headaches all week.  He has really been struggling.  Mason is getting back into Rugby--preseason running, etc.
So I am planning on getting a package sent to you.  I will get it out this week, so that you get it before Thanksgiving.  I will send some written out recipes in it.  Do you want printed out pictures?  I am sending some acne stuff too.  Is there anything else you want or need?  Do you want new sunglasses?  I think your prescription is still on file at the place we got them.
Today my thought is from the conference talk "Missionaries Are a Treasure of the Church" by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita.  He stated "Your attitudes and the love that you show toward others are very significant messages.  Even though I didn't immediately grasp all the doctrines that the missionaries taught me, I felt of their great love, and their many acts of kindness taught me important lessons.  Your message is a message of love, a message of hope, and a message of faith.  Your attitude and your actions invite the Spirit, and the Spirit enables us to understand the things that are important.  What I want to convey to you is that through your love, you are imparting the love of God.  You are a treasur of this Church, I am so very thankful to all of you for your sacrifice and dedication."  I know this to be true.  When I joined the church, I didn't know or understand everything.  But the Spirit confirmed to me that it was right.  I felt the love, I saw the devotion.  I felt hope and faith for a future filled with love from my Heavenly Father.  Just love those you teach.  Show your love and kindness with a cheerful attitude.  It will be felt by those you serve and teach.
I love you son!  Keep up the good work! 


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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