Monday, November 28, 2011

Fwd: November 28th, 2011

The mission office will be moving to a new location on Monday, December 12, 2011. The following is the new address and phone number:

California Ventura Mission
3301 West Gonzales Road
Oxnard, CA 93036

Phone: 805-485-1034
Dear Readers,
Meanwhile in the california ventura mission, Captain Elder Scott was hunting heathens and saving souls. Usual Super hero stuff. Anyway its been a good week. We are teaching alot more recently, and we've got our own little mojo going on. Its pretty cool. Our little ward is starting to become more active. Thanksgiving was pretty sweet. We ate dinner 3 times! We even have some leftover pie. I sent off for some refills under doctor chamberlains instruction so hopefully that works. All 3 of our investigators are getting close to being dunked, no dates yet though so i will keep you posted. No package yet.There was a drive by shooting in our neighborhood on thanksgiving, 2 people killed 5 shots fired. Its pretty sketchy. But i think we will be OK, its not the first gunshot we have heard near us...You probably wont believe it but i sang Count Your Blessings in a Quartet yesterday. I sang the tenor part, it was pretty good and people said i sounded good. so that was cool being able to do that. Sister Vernon asked me to do it since the guy who was supposed to sing was out of town (luckily we had a few chances to practice before then. I guess that's what i get for knowing how to read music... Someone stole the spanish elders hubcap last night haha its plastic! This town is crazy! Anyway thats all for now.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott,
Happy P-day!  How was your week?  How was Thanksgiving? 
We stayed home for Thanksgiving.  We had it with the Puga's, the Rothey's were out of town.  It was very low key and nice.  I had a lot of conversations about the church with Grandma Puga and Karen's sister in law.  They had a lot of questions.  We also shared what you are doing, what a mission is, etc.  Then we just hung around all weekend.  Weston hasn't been feeling well, so we didn't do much.  I did get the Christmas tree up. 
Austin Hansen spoke Sunday.  He leaves this week.  He is nervous but excited.  He has been waiting a long time! It has been a busy time for the Hansen family.
So about your medicine--I am going to call Dr. Chamberlin today and try to figure things out.  I am not sure why you didn't get the Welbutrin prescription.  The Clarinex you can refill by calling the number on the bottle and follow the directions.  It can be refilled.  It will automatically get charged to us, so no worries. 
Did you get the package yet?  Funny that the acne stuff you are using is what I bought.  So now you don't need to buy more.  It wasn't much of a package, but it had your favorite cookies. 
So how are the investigators doing? You mentioned a possible baptismal date.  That would be great.  So you are teaching 3 now?  Any thing else new?
So glad to hear the bed bugs are gone!  Don't worry about Valley Fever, we had that in Tucson too.  I actually had it as a teenager.  You should be fine.  Is your cold gone?
Well, I don't have a whole lot to say.  And you don't write a lot to respond to, so....
Here is my spiritual thought/message.  Yesterday we went over two talks from conference.  I will share from Elder L. Tom Perry--Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.  He shares how to share the gospel without fear---being a missionary.  He gives three ways for EVERYONE to do this.  
1.  Be bold in our declaration of Jesus Christ--we want others to know we believe.
2.  Be righteous examples to others.  As you are engaged in doing good, being honorable and upright men and women, the Light of Christ will be reflected in your lives.
3.  Speak up about the church.  We have many opportunities to share our beliefs with others.  Engage in two way conversations, ask about their beliefs also.
I thought those were great!  Keep up the good work! Stay obedient and work hard!
Oh, we had dinner at Windcrest with Aurline last week.  She is so great!  It was good to see what you and the boys do/did!
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fwd: November 20,2011 Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Dear Reader(s),
This week has been a pretty good first week of the transfer. We have 3 progressing investigators, and hopefully 2 of them will be baptized before the end of the year. I dont know if someone named cheryl contacted you, but she lives with Maxene who we are teaching. So dont get wierded out. Thanksgiving is going to be lame without all of my family, but we have dinner with one of the families in the ward. Im doing fine on most things as far as clothes and stuf goes. i havent got a perscription for the welbutrin or clarinex yet. the doc was supposed to send it but i think he failed. so i dont know what to do. Im gonna run out soon and havent got any of the packages you have sent yet. So... Yah.... It says i can send for refills though so i am really confused.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you this week?  How is your teaching going?  Are your investigators progressing? Do you have anyone new you are working with?
How is the ward doing?  Are you having Thanksgiving with a ward family?  What are your plans?  We are not having our traditonal Thanksgiving with the Rothey's, they are going out of town for a soccer tournament for Tori.  We were going to to go to Arizona, but Weston is not feeling well, so we are staying home.  The Puga's have invited us to share dinner together. 
So this week was a little crazy.  Weston hasn't been feeling too well so I have been taking care of him.  Dad was out of town.  He is back now for about two weeks.  He has been growing this crazy mustache for Movember.  It is a charity event to raise money and awareness for Men's health.  He has actually raised some money.   However, the mustache is a bit to get used too.  He looks like he should be riding up on a Harley!  He has only been home about 6 days this month, so I have seen it grow daily!  He will get to shave it on Dec. 1.
I sent you a package, it should get there by Wednesday.  Not a lot in it, but just some things you will like.  I actually had bought the Clearisil Ultra also, so I sent it.  Now you won't need to buy more.
So you made through another transfer.  That is good you are enjoying your companion and that you are together for another 6 weeks. 
I am confused about your medications.  Which one did you get refilled?  The Vyvanse?  You should be needing the Wellbutrin also.  Did you not get that filled also?
Keep the envelope, if you didn't send for the Wellbutrin, you can send the prescription in that one.  The credit card is on file, you don't need to pay for it at all.
(Elder) Darin Gealta came to church last Sunday with his wife.  He came over to the house after---for cookies of course.  He asked about you.  He couldn't believe that you have been out 6 months already.  He is the same guy.  He said it was fun seeing you up at BYUI.  Ben Hoff is getting married on December 20th in Hawaii.  Everyone else is doing well--we have 12 missionaries from our ward.  3 in California!  You, Brandon and Cameron Babcock.  Cameron is in our ward now.  His mom moved into the Apartments.  Austin speaks next Sunday and leaves for the MTC on the 30th. 
Dad got a new calling today.  He is now the cubmaster!  There are about 12 cub scouts.  Hopefully he will be in town for pack meetings.  Pine wood derby's! 
How are your clothes doing?  Do you need new white shirts yet?  I sent some more socks.  How about ties?  Are your shoes holding up?  Do you need anything? 
Well, son, take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I am so grateful for you and for your service!  I am grateful for missionaries that change lives--they changed my life! 
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fwd: November 14th, 2011

Dear Readers,
THis week we ave been gearing up for transfers, i am staying with elder thomson in south bakersfield.  We almost set a baptismal date for one of our ivestigators but he chickened out, so we will try again next week. This was Robert, he had been taught in the past, but his wife wouldnt let him get baptized. Maxene is one of them, she is thi 70 year old lady who has a lot of health problems but has a huge testimony in the power of healing and the plan of salvation. And our other investigator, Michael is autistic, but he seems to be progressing just fine. 
There is a senior couple here that is assigned to focus on less actives so we dont do much of that, they are way cool, on their 3rd mission, and WAY OLD. Service is always random things that i am sure we dont have liability to do but oh well we are helping people. Tracting, eh... Not so much.
I sent in for the Vyvanse but i havent gotten the perscriptions to refill the others yet, they havent showed up in the mail yet. Sick, like a mini cold but its not really affecting my ability to work, i have a pretty good immune system. Im just worried about Valley Fever. Yikes! We bombed the bedroom with an insecticide greanade.
I dont need any acne stuff i am using clearasil ultra, for christmas though i want a Casio G-shock and some good reflective perscription sunglasses.(maybe oakleys ;D) like elder tingeys or something. mine just are lame and not staying dark, for now i am ok though. im using some cheap dollar store ones.
Anyway, love you all, and its good to hear about home. but remember STAY OFF MY SNOWBOARD! HAHA
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good Morning!
How are you doing this week?  You mentioned you have two people that you are teaching. Tell us more.  What are their names, how they are doing, etc.
What else are you doing besides teaching these two people? Do you work with inactive ward members?  Do you do service projects?  Do you do a lot of tracting?
So you got your medications refilled?  Next year should be a little bit easier.  Our insurance is changing, so medications will go through CVS Pharmacy.  So you should be able to get them from the store directly.
So you have been sick?  What kind of sick?  Bed bugs?? How awful!!  Did you fumigate or did the mission hire someone to do that?  Have your been biten by the bed bugs? 
I am glad you got to see Elder Tingey.  He was fun when he visited.
Well, we are going to Arizona for Thanksgiving this year.  The Rothey's will be gone also.  Grandma really wants us to come.  Nonnie and Papa will be in Mesa visiting Shellie also.  So we will get to see all the family while we are there.  We are driving, so we will leave next Tuesday and return on Sunday.  It will be short. 
Well, not much is different here.  Dad got back in town Wednesday.  We went down town and saw the Lion King play with the boys.  It was really good.  The costumes were amazing.  We had our annual temple day on Thursday.  I am just about ready to seal all the names we have been doing of my family!  Monday night I went to Breckenridge overnight with Phoebe and Kim for my birthday--it was really fun!  Dad left for NY again Sunday, he gets back Saturday.  Weston is looking again for another Eagle project.  Man he has really had a rough time getting a project!  He has also been having headaches all week.  He has really been struggling.  Mason is getting back into Rugby--preseason running, etc.
So I am planning on getting a package sent to you.  I will get it out this week, so that you get it before Thanksgiving.  I will send some written out recipes in it.  Do you want printed out pictures?  I am sending some acne stuff too.  Is there anything else you want or need?  Do you want new sunglasses?  I think your prescription is still on file at the place we got them.
Today my thought is from the conference talk "Missionaries Are a Treasure of the Church" by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita.  He stated "Your attitudes and the love that you show toward others are very significant messages.  Even though I didn't immediately grasp all the doctrines that the missionaries taught me, I felt of their great love, and their many acts of kindness taught me important lessons.  Your message is a message of love, a message of hope, and a message of faith.  Your attitude and your actions invite the Spirit, and the Spirit enables us to understand the things that are important.  What I want to convey to you is that through your love, you are imparting the love of God.  You are a treasur of this Church, I am so very thankful to all of you for your sacrifice and dedication."  I know this to be true.  When I joined the church, I didn't know or understand everything.  But the Spirit confirmed to me that it was right.  I felt the love, I saw the devotion.  I felt hope and faith for a future filled with love from my Heavenly Father.  Just love those you teach.  Show your love and kindness with a cheerful attitude.  It will be felt by those you serve and teach.
I love you son!  Keep up the good work! 


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fwd: November 6, 2011

Dear Readers,
This has been a more successful week, We have 2 official progressing investigators now, an autistic kid and an old lady with a lot of health problems. I have been getting a little sick as well, Its cold, and humid, so its wierd. we taught 8 lessons this week and our performance as missionaries is increasing. We have bed bugs... LAME! So we bombed our room with pesticide for a day. hopefully it worked. Thomas Tingey took us to lunch on thursday! he is doing well and is fitting back into the world well. He got denied at BYU Provo, so he is going to Idaho! Woot! haha. Hopefully he continues to visit you. I dont have much to say, Halloween is lame as a missionary, i miss the scaring part. :/ Anyway Happy Early Birthday Mom! Yes i remembered, its tommorow! hope you enjoy that hand blender. We arent red zoned, thats a different part of bakersfield but its definately not safe to be out at night, to much gangs and violence. Its pretty sketchy but it keeps you on your toes. Which is fun.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello Elder Scott,
How are you doing this week?  I enjoyed your letter last week.  I am glad you liked the camera.  It wasn't necessarily a hint, but more pictures would be great.  Plus you will want them.
Well, Dad did his Haunted House on Halloween.  He worked all day on it and finished right at dark.  It was pretty good!  We also moved the fire pit out to the front and had the grill out too.  The weather was great.  So we did hamburgers and hot dogs.  We also did homemade root beer.  We had probably 150 people come.  There were 21 ward families that came.  It turned out nice.  The Hansen's brought Ashley, she gets to have field trips from the hospital now.  She will be released Nov. 18th.  She will then go to therapy every day for some time.  She is walking with special crutches and her eye now opens.  It is getting better all the time. 
The rest of the week flew by.  Dad went to NY again on Friday.  He gets back on Wednesday afternoon.  We are going to go see Lion King-the broadway musical on Wednesday night.  I remember taking you to see that movie.  It was the first movie we took you to.  I was pregnant with the boys and I cried when Mufasa died.
So, my question about what do you do at night was in regards to your statement of being in a red zone and not being allowed out after dark.  So is that true?  What does a red zone actually mean?
Hang in there with the cancellation of appointments.  Missionary work is HARD, but you can do it. It is also the most rewarding work you will do!  Remember in the Book of Mormon how many of the leaders and prophets were discouraged by people's lack of interest in living or hearing about the gospel.  However, serving those you are trying to teach will often soften their hearts.  Just keep finding ways to serve and to love the people.  Turn the work over to the Lord and let Him guide you in what you should do each day.  Stay close to your companion and study together daily.  The answers will come, the work will flourish and you will grow in your testimony and patience.  We all get discouraged, but to overcome discouragement turn to the Lord-always. 
So I am finishing this email at work right now, before a patient comes out.  I was on call today and got called in.  Later, Kim and Phoebe are taking me to Breckenridge overnight for my birthday.  It should be fun!!!  It is also going to snow lightly, so it will be pretty. 
So here is my scripture this week.  I was reading in 2 Nephi 28 last night.  It is a simple verse.  Verse 24--"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion."  It made me think of how often I am uncomfortable in what my calling requires.  If we are at ease, we are not progressing.  You will often not be at ease in your two years of service to the Lord, but that is OK.  That means you are progressing, which is exactly what we are to be doing in our time here.  Progressing and preparing to return home.  Continue on my son!
P.S.  The medical director called to discuss getting your prescriptions refilled.  He said you were a GREAT missionary.  Good job!!!
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott