Monday, April 30, 2012

Fwd: April 29, 2012

Dear Family,
Well, its transfers again and i am losing one of my best friends, Elder Jeff Hardy. :(
I am also super sad because i am getting a missionary that i am not on good terms with. So this is going to be a rough transfer... Hopefully i can make it work.. Our Ward has a lot of trust in us right now and  hope i can keep that going now that Hardy is leaving. Its sad, because we did all this work and tracting our butts off and he gets transferred. I am so sad because i feel that president is punishing me, because i am pretty sure he knows we dont get along... ugh...
Anyway, thats the scoop, transfers are hectic and we have a lot we need to get done, talk to you next week.


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fwd: April 23, 2012

Good morning Elder Scott!
Hope this week was awesome in the mission field.  We are all doing better. Dad is feeling better with his back. Mason is in physical therapy and moving along with his recovery.  Weston still has neck and shoulder pain. So he is next for.physical therapy.
Weston completed his eagle project!!!! A BIG wohoo!  Finally!  So now to.plan a court of honor.
Chad Hamilton just got his mission call.  He is going to London England.  He leaves in August.  Wow!  He and Trenton won't see each other for four years. 
Can't believe you are coming up on a year! I am excited to talk to you on Mother's day.  Maybe I can get more details from you in an actual conversation. 
Well, not much else going on.  Hope you are working hard.  Your mission is a lot like life. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it.  Take care son.
I love you,

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fwd: Re: April 16, 2012

Dear Family.
Its been another good week here in Simi Valley. And guess what?..... I'VE LOST 8 POUNDS on this diet! I'm now 229 and feeling fine! Wow, i cant believe Zach is coming home already. Sheesh. Pretty soon that will be me. Yikes. Looking forward to hearing from you all on Mothers Day! We are still looking for people to teach and are trying to show our ward that they can trust us. So fart so good, the members keep tell the ward to give us people to teach because, We are supposedly the ones they can count on. Makes you feel good. Hopefully they act on it. We will just have to keep trucking away and working.
I love being Elder Hardy's companion. We have learned a lot from each other and i hope he sticks around for another six weeks. Hes really get me in shape with all the service and how fast he bikes! Miss you all, Talk to you later!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fwd: Happy Easter

Hello Family!
   This week has been great. We have working hard, and doing a lot of service. Still looking for people to fill our teaching pool. We had a baptism this week of a Lady named Pam. Her son converted when he was 18 around 16 years ago. Then he went on a mission.  Pam was super against the church for taking her son, and even formed a group called Moms against Mormons. Now her son Drew lives in London, and for the last 16years has been bugging her every time he visited saying " I'm bringing my whites." Offering to baptize her. And now he entered the same font he was baptized in and baptized his mom. AWESOME! It was so great to see her do that, because 2 weeks ago she was still having word of wisdom issues. But with some encouragement from us she was able t prepare to get baptized when her son came to town to visit. How cool is that for an Easter! My companion and i got too help confirm her yesterday too! Oh and i found out that their inlaws are some of my favorite members from T.O., The Sain's. Such a great surprise to see them again. :)
   Also i am on a diet avoiding Carbs and sugar and it seems to be working. All thanks to a member in the ward who wants to help my companion get six months to sexy before he goes home to get married! Things are good and i am getting my biking legs back. Woot!
I got your package and the card THANKS SO MUCH!
I didn't activate the card from grandma because i didn't know what it was. Good to know now.
   Say Hi to the ward for me and Bishop. Tell them thanks for the Valentine's Card and Easter stuff. It feels good to know that i have support while i am out here. Even thought the work isn't super harsh, its monotonous, and spiritually taxing sometimes. Love you all, and stay happy and Healthy!

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey Family, im comin home! April Fools! This week has been pretty fun.Elder Hardy and i are really working hard to turn this area around. We done a lot of tracting to show that we arent wasting any of the lords time. Even though we both hate how ineffective it is we are trying to have a positive attitude. I loved Uchtdorfs "stop it" talk this weekend. Its kinda given me new perpective. Conference was great! And obviously we are doing better as a whole because there was no smackdown in priesthood sesssion Woot! Still Doing a lot of biking and service. My body is tired but my mind is enthralled. Im glad ive got a companion that supports me and wants to help others so much. We helping eachother and growing stronger as Servants of the lord. We each have our own strengths and its cool to see our differences mesh. We went to thre Ronald Regan library museum on Monday. That was a riot. AND WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON THE 7TH! ON SATURDAY WOOHOOO!  I might actually get to see this one go through! So there you go! 


Love, Elder Tyler Scott