Monday, October 10, 2011

Fwd: October 10, 2011

That is a pretty funny story.
Dear Readers,
This week has been crazy. Here in bakersfield we have now moved into one of the most dangerous parts of the city, muggings shootings, the works... It is pretty ghetto, aparently it is one of two areas in the mission that are in red * which means its dangerous to walk around at night... And all in this first week, Our car broke and has been in for repairs since Wednesday, We been on bikes, it rained cats and dogs, our apartment started leaking, Our bikes have been having tons of problems and i have been having to fix em. At least i am good at jerry rigging and fixing stuff. Oh and our phone doesnt work. So if i get shot, you can have my stuff ;D jk, i think we will be ok. My New companinons name is Elder Nathan Thomson, he is from alberta canada. He is way cool and i have served around him before. (Woah, i have left greenie status... wierd...) He is as tall as me, and likes basketball too. Our new address is

1000 Pacheco Rd Apt. 107
Bakersfield, CA 93009

But still write to the mission address to avoid confusion.
Anyway, im still having fun and am loving my new area so no worries, i dont know enough to tell you much about it though so, sorry.
Did Thomas Tingey bring you my package?

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Another week gone.....

So my trip to NY last week was quite eventful -- on Monday when I was traveling to NY -- there was an incident at the IBM site in Sterling Forest, NY -- there is a long back-woods road that is the access to the IBM facility -- the power, communications, and other lines run into the facility on telephone poles running along this road.  Apparently a dump truck or garbage truck drove down the road with its dump trailer tilted up -- and it caught those lines that were crossing the road -- he pulled down 4 telephone poles before he realized what had happened.

This severed all the telecommunications lines into the IBM facility and closed the road both ways into the site -- so we couldn't even get to the site after traveling across the country to get there.

That was interesting -- later on in the week, as I was leaving the site, I came around the bend in my trusty rental car ( SUV ) and lo and behold 2 deer standing in the road -- thump -- I sent Bambi into the next world.  It crushed the front of the grill on the rental pretty good but I thought it was otherwise OK.

The next morning I called the rental place to let them  know about the accident and fill out the required incident paperwork -- but the car was driving fine other than the bent-up grill.  So I didn't worry too much about it. 

Then, on Friday as I left to head back to the airport to come home, the stupid car overheated and I had to stop.  They called a tow truck and I had to have the car towed back to NYC -- well by the time the stupid truck got there, and the car loaded on to his truck, it was prime rush-hour traffic so I missed my flight.  I had to quickly book another flight but there were no other flights out of LaGuardia that evening ( that had any seats left on them ) -- so then I had to get over to JFK --- one of the employees of the rental car place drove me like a madman to JFK so I could get on that one -- and there I was met with HUGE security lines and barely made it on this new flight on time -- it was a nightmare.

So, moral of the story -- don't hit a deer.

Ashley is progressing litle by little -- the Hansens were able to bring her home yesterday for 5-6 hours -- it sounds like they'll be able to do that every week, but she won't be leaving the hospital until Nov 18 now -- she's very discouraged.  Everything seems to be healing OK, but she's having to do rehab to get those fine motor skills back.  Her left eye is still problematic, it doesn't track well with the other eye -- and she can't move it "out" to much - -she can move it up, down, and in pretty well.  Her eyelid is still quite droopy so she's very self-conscious about it.  The doctors think she'll recover completely, but it's going to be a while.

Your brother Wes is down in the dumps -- he has been dealt a poor hand lately what with the driving, and now the toe --- so he's not liking his life right now -- they're going back to the doctor today to get another opinion as it is hurting again pretty badly today.  Arrggh.

Well, let us know what your new address is, your new companion's details etc.

We love you -- Talk to you soon.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott!
How did your transfer go?  How are you settling into Bakersfield?  How is your new companion?
I have heard the weather is A LOT hotter there!  People have said be glad it is October and not the summer!
Well this week was eventful here.  Dad was in NY, so you know that usually means something will happen.
So, Weston had plantar warts again.  We had  the same treatment done in August that he has had in the past.  He even had it just last August.  BUT, we didn't go out to Nino Valenti.  We went to one of his partners here in Littleton.  Anyway, he has been healing from that.  He has many in one area, so a lot of injection and cutting around the little toe and fourth toe.  So Monday he started having worse pain.  He came home at lunch and I looked at it.  His fourth toe was very swollen and red.  I called the doctor and we went in.  They put him on antibiotics and pain medication.  He was in SOOOOO much pain. He was also not walking to well on it.  SO, he missed work and school.  He wasn't getting better, so Tuesday night he got a blessing.  Even Ben Tenney thought his foot looked discolored.  It was now moving into his foot.  Wednesday morning, his toe began to look black on the bottom.  SO, again we went into the doctor.  He said "let me numb it and drain the puss".  So we agreed.  Well, he didn't let the medicine kick in and fully numb Wes, so Wes felt the cutting and squeezing.  He was already in terrible pain.  The doctor basically cut a chunk out of his toe.  A little mini surgery, right there in the office!  So, Wes has been on crutches.  No working, no swimming, no drive test, no school.  He is really discouraged!  We are hoping it is healed enough by next week so he can play on Fall Break.  Oh, and his birthday is this week!  So, he is a bit bummed.
That was basically my week.  In addition to having a ton of things for church.  MANY phone calls and emails and texts this last week!  It was crazy.  Brother Armstrong broke his wrist riding his bike.  Steve Hatch broke his foot in basketball.  And many other things going on.  Bishop mentioned that we were the walking wounded ward!
Well, this weekend we will actually be arriving in CA.  We are going to NewPort Beach for fall break vacation.  Kind of weird.  When we went two years ago, we drove through Bakersfield!
I am looking forward to being away. 
The temple re opened.  It had been closed since August.  They got rid of the cafeteria.  We now have a little waiting area where the cafeteria was.  That will be nice for families when the weather is cold.
I went on Friday with Sister Grant.  She was baptized last year.  She took out her own Endowment on Friday.  Then I stayed and did initiatory on 5 names of mine.  Saturday morning we had a RS session at 7am.  I took my five names and handed them out.  It was exciting to get them done.  They had just had the baptisms done in July by the youth before the temple closed.  I now have some sealings to do.
It snowed lightly on Saturday.  It is finally getting chilly here.  It has been in the 80's.  Then BAM!  Saturday snowy and in the 40's.  Crazy Colorado!
Well, I am anxioius to hear from you to see how things have gone this week. 
Here is my scripture of the week:
Mosiah 2:22  And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land:  and he never doth vary from that which he had said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you.
That scripture makes me think of mission rules.  If you follow the mission rules, you will be blessed and prosper.  Be obedient son.  You will be watched over, protected and you will prosper in the work.
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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