Monday, October 17, 2011

Fwd: Monday October 17

I wouldn't recommend sending anything here, People get jumped here alot. and we live in one of the most dangerous parts in our area, so the chances of me getting it are slim. Pretty sure our neighbors are drug dealers, there is always odd things happening there and it always smells like pot... so send to the mission home please...
Tingey came by! Sweet! i am glad you all got to meet him, he is probably one of the coolest people i have ever met! i am glad he got the gifts to you all.
This week  has been frustrating, our whole teaching pool has blown off all of our appointments, and we are struggling to find people to teach. But it seems like my being here is making a difference, more people are showing up to church, and Thomson tells me that because i am comfortable and talkative around people, (unlike his last comp) people are really warming up to me. So thats good news, hopefully we can get some success in our work.
You Ditched CHuRcH!!! Vile sinners! haha just kidding.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Hola Elder Scott --

We've had a fun week.  First off we hope you  are well and are settling into your new area with Elder Thomson.  How long has he been in this area?  Did you inherit a lot of families in your teaching pool?  We sent you a package, to the mission home -- it will probably be a while before you see it, since it was shipped UPS.  It is half as expensive to ship things UPS than with the postal service.  You said to send things to the mission home, but why?  You gave us your address @Bakersfield, why can we just send things there? 

We finally met the famous Thomas Tingey -- he called Friday and came over later in the evening.  We talked and talked and he shared all the stories with the great Elder Scott.  He is awesome.  He was planning to attend the temple on Saturday  morning so we asked him just to stay at our house overnight ( in your bed ) so he didn't have to get a hotel.  We had fun.  Later he went with me to play volleyball at the stake center with our co-ed ward team -- that was fun too.  Thanks for the birthday presents! haha -- he told us all about them and the investigator that gave them to you etc.  Pretty funny.  He said mom's cookies were "like Crack" because they were so addicting.  He was great.  He shared a lot of the spiritual experiences that you and he had --- it was so awesome to hear how much you have grown in the few months you have been out.  We're so proud of you.

Mason and Weston are now 17yrs old -- we had dinner with the Rothey's on Friday --- cake & ice cream later ( with Thomas Tingey ) --- Mason got some snowboarding pants that match his flaming jacket, Weston got a new snowboard pants/jacket combo -- since they had both outgrown their stuff. 

We left for Newport Beach on Saturday morning, so we're currently just a couple of hours from you -- we're having fun relaxing and soaking in the sun.  We've been playing in the surf, Brother Rothey got flushed pretty good on Saturday --- mom things he suffered a concussion.  The waves were really rough.  So we ditched church yesterday, spent the day on bicycles and what not around here @Newport Beach --

Thomas said that the work in Bakersfield is considerably different than in T.O.  He said that while he was there ( twice ) he was "good" with the local gangs, and said that they "had the missionaries' backs" -- I hope you are able to find some good folks to teach and get a chance to teach a lot.

No recent news on Ashley's recovery.  She's got a lot of rehabilitation / physical therapy each day.  She has several different types of therapy each day. The Doctors seem to think that she will make a full recovery, but it is taking longer than what they all hoped.  She'll be @Craig hospital for another month, then she'll get to come home to finish her recovery ( hopefully ).

Well, gotta run, Mom says to make this note from her too --- we don't have a good internet connection in this place, so I'm using the wi-fi hotspot on the mobile phone.... Remember we love you and pray for your success and safety daily.   Your brothers say hi.

Love Dad,

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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